Still doesn’t change the fact that plane can attack You from an angle that You can’t fire at no matter what You do while when fighting a tank he has to allow You to fire back at him if he wants to attack You.
a Jagdtiger has far better chances against a plane than a T26E5, T32, T34, T26E1, M109, M26, Jumbo75/75, M36, M4A3 76, M18, T25, or M4/T26 has against a Jagdtiger, just naming a few.
Because there really isn’t that large of an issue with it.
Sorry but no.
For all this vechicles, jagdtiger is an easy kill.
oh sorry mb, I thought you were actually being serious.
I’m serious.
I have played all this vechicles, faced jagdtiger and had no problem with it.
you already ruined the bait, stop pushing it you’re only making it worse.
Ah, so again no real discussion, nothing new.
uhh, yeah. That’s the term used when you make a outrageous claim for the sole purpose of getting reactions.
Its actually you who tricked yourself with this comparison. Its the same for all. All those have the same chance (or little chance against plane) the same as JagdTiger has against those tanks, little chance.
Think little more and you will figure it out.
If only these TO Demanders lent their zeal to asking for more SPAA vehicles and cheaper CAP options. Much better topics to tackle with a legitimately probable chance of implementation.
Another 50 posts of this ‘fruitful’ discussion and we’ll get a new mode: ALPHA MALE SMACKDOWN
Silkmonger’s topic debuted in January 2018.
Just imagine if more/better SPAA, Figters First or simply better familiarity with existing countermeasures got their attention in the years. Alas…that’s not how it’s gone.
The clinker:
THIS is a topic about how “CAS Players” (aka most WT players since tanks sign up for a Combined mode, they chose to come here) are against/not supportive of Suggestions.
Who are these CAS players stopping/against Suggestions?
Which “side” makes ZERO Suggestions anyway?
What happens when others push for Suggestions?
Why do players wanting a TO (a side part of THIS discussion, but basically offtopic as we have a Discussion for a TO) intentionally refuse to use the Tank Only topic?
Not using the correct Topic for TO makes one thing clear. THEY are NOT serious about TO and just want to troll the forum and other players. Hence why all TO moderates buggered off years ago during the old forum.
So, why are Tank Only Advocates so against Suggestions?
@Morvran already explained why some TO talk has just turned many “against” this subject. But why are TO advocates against Suggestions??
Should change title to " Why are US/RU CAS players against changes"
Average life of my German plane on top tier from spawning to getting hit by missile is 18 seconds .
Same answer; they are not.
They are probably tired of being fingered as bad people for playing combined arms in a combined arms game.
Yeah, that is the “push back”. But not one Suggestion has been made for anyone to be against.
And ironically again the only people against Suggestions have been those tied to the TO debate…
Reality is a bitch!
Tank Only is not solution
Solution is increased spawn cost for planes and helis ,especially helis that can be spawned at start of the match and planes that can be spawned after one cap and assist or repair .
Is it really that hard to see that me spawning plane that only has cannons with total 90 ammo and player spawning plane that carries bombs/missiles/cannons shouldn’t be anywhere near in spawncost .
Hard limits to number of planes spawned at same time
It is for those only wanting Tank combat.
THIS topic is about “why are people against TO Suggestions” (from what I recall) since there is already a topic about “altering CAS in GFRB”.
The topic for discussing TO of course is the ignored Poll thread.
This topic makes zero sense as its premise is fantasy.
The topic about “what can change” is the Balance CAS thread.
But people are unable to use the right ones for some reason.
But of course as I pointed out CAS users are not against the TO Suggestion. It is just TO has never made a compiled Suggestion, and some TO Supporters have stated they are against changes to GFRB.
Pure Trumpion logic.
Though another topic: limits then stop those trying to counter CAS and might make issue worse.