Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

I don’t like it, because it is very bouncy and has little post-pen damage. It is helpful for picking off crew though and has great ballistics.

If used correctly it gets the job done.

I once again remind You about the server replay/video ;)

I know, I am currently grinding the battlepass though and after that, I will grind top tier Air equipment, which I am not looking forward to…top tier Air RB is incredibly dull…

Imaginary problem. Nobody would mind to wait a bit longer but have peaceful gameplay with no bomb sniping planes

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It isnt an imaginary problem, especially when GRB isnt the most popular mode anyways. It would make
both queues significantly longer then they are now.

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It wouldn’t, certainly not enough to fill up matches in sub 1 minute at all brs. Either way, Gajin’s primary demographic is combined arms anyways. All of their advertising is combined arms.

it is



You are wrong.


Your coping will not change the facts

The only one missing out on facts here is you right now.

We have 3 primary label game-type modes - Aircraft, Ground and Naval - with 3 differential modes each - Arcade, Realistic, Sim - making 9 total modes.

Then there’s 2 more for air arcade assault and ground arcade assault. That puts us at 11 total modes.

When you add in squadron-specific, that’s another 2-3 Iirc. Then there’s the event modes that exist. That adds another 2-3.

We already have about, 15-17 consistent game modes in WT at a time. Those modes aren’t always chock full of players either, and the mode types that see the most attention on a concurrent basis is arcade.

No matter how hard you try, your math logic just isn’t adding up, nor can it. It’s you who is coping, here. Just like every other TO demander.

Cute flag.

Nice essay bro

Sadly i ain’t gonna read all that coping.

It IS an IMMAGINARY PROBLEM that only CAS ABUSERS could think it’s valid

You are literally in this topic name


Typical TO demander. Can’t make a cohesive argument nor do you have any reading comprehension.

You can cope, complain, demand all you want. You’re not getting a TO mode, ever. Don’t like it? Hit the road, jack.

Oh, he’s typing a long one. He’s throwing a tantrum.

Typical cas abuser snowflake that can’t handle any criticism and can’t even fathom the thought that anyone would like to play without him

So salty that there would be combined arms and TO mode. So entitled. Don’t like people have different opinions than you? Hit the road jack

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TLDR you’re throwing a tantrum. As expected of your ilk.

womp womp

you are literally a reason why people want TO mode

I hear the Whambulance coming to collect you since you want to whine so much.

says the guy who is shitting himself in this topic, seething under my posts, this can’t be real

Look at his stats and You get from the frustration is coming, don’t bother as he won’t ever give You any sensible discussion.

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Seething? Kid I’m fighting sleep over here in this exchange with you.

You and every other TO Demander bore me to death. None of you have ever been able to offer even a slightly cohesive argument for your request. Everytime it’s challenged your ilk just throw tantrums, cope and insults. You’re all just petulant children.

No reason, i don’t bother with stats checking. I know everything i need from reading his posts. He just mad AF that people don’t like him