Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

Or some members could hold back from being disingenuous with their replys

A big issue was made and then rational replies were looked past just to do some “shaming”.

It is a repeated tactic bloating every thread.

And TO advocates do not want to try Custom, so that idea is already out.

Also it is three to four sides:

Those who want/need TO
Those who don’t mind
Those who don’t mind but are not convinced
Those actually AGAINST TO.

There are not just two camps as some seem to push as the conversation is more varied and complex.

Edit: and sorry, I do get your post, my reply was a little too serious.


You mean the same whine threads made by the same people? Yeah, the spam is nonsense and they need to stop.


Just because Gaijin have closed new topics and hidden it doesn’t mean that everyone could see new topics from new people being created day after day.

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Now that the first of my posts on the subject of freedom of expression have been deleted, I have decided to switch to passive mode … the whole thing seems to me to be more of a kind of occupational therapy so that the players don’t get any other ideas.


Personally I don’t let it stop me. I fight the flagging to specifically make my detractors get mods involved, creating more work for them on purpose.

But I’m a particulary spiteful bastard to me enemies so, yeah.

in game ive largely seen the issue being with the maps since i got back in oct then its helis and cas tied with spawn campers

8.0br chat is usually nothing but ******** lol

so i finally joined the forums two weeks ago to try to throw in my two cents

That’s a genuine player issue, which needs to be sorted as it leads to this movement where people are beligerant rather than looking for solutions and actual guidance.

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its understandable APDS gave me ptsd nearly

at that BR yall got the guns but none of the armor basically its huge pain

but knowing gaijin thats where the paying money to alleviate by design steps in

8.0br hard? buy this 9.0 premium or spend GE to boost your tank research

I found it easier to spend my money somewhere else ;-). Reading here on the other side can be entertaining.

but yea it becomes a mud sling in the forums

if map design cas and spawn campers are the problem my solution was big maps and new game mode for it

plus that would knock out a bit of the grievances for players and annoying BR changes etc and the workload for gaijin themselves

I think at the end of the day the CAS debate boils down to people (rightfully) not wanting to grind another several hundred thousand research to get SPAA, I’ve noticed in my lineups where I have SPAA when I get killed by CAS I’m a lot less frustrated than in lineups I dont have any in. But like I said it’s not the player’s fault they don’t want to grind SPAA, it’s too inconvenient for them when they want the MBTs with the big guns that are actually fun not to mention the fact 90% of SPAA gameplay is sitting on your phone waiting for something to happen. And then when a plane finally does show up it dies in a dogfight or another friendly SPAA gets it lol.

To fix this, Gaijin should make SPAA a bit more accessible, maybe by treating them like drones where after you get a certain amount of SP you can spawn in a worse-for-the-BR-but-still-functional SPAA or something. I’m basically spitballing here, but my point is something CAN be done.

Finally unlocked all of Rank 4 tanks. Also can’t play without a SPAA in my line up, especially the Wirbelwind, love this SPAA for what it can do. I feel incomplete without a SPAA in my line up. I can go without planes though, no issues with not having a fighter or CAS.

When I die to Cas, I spawn in a plane and shoot them down. Then proceed to smoke his friendly tanks that were to lazy to grind aa or a plane. Then laugh

It’s really the players fault. I just spent the last time two weeks griding the British aa line I skipped.

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CAS being anti-fun is not player’s fault. It’s also not realistic to expect the playerbase to grind both the ground and air trees just to play GRB.


nah I have to say this is a cope take, it is unrealistic to expect players to grind AIR for fighters like some people suggest to do but SPAA are both easy to grind for tank players and also…it’s really dumb to not grind SPAA then bitch about CAS

what is TO

Yesterday my Chieftain Mk10 suffers, I racked up some deaths and iirc it was around 15 deaths, 11 times I was killed by CAS and 4 times I was killed by enemy tank lol because I camp hull down, kill some guys then they come back with a jet. I should have learn how to dodge the bombs bro


to be fair, CAS is literally the answer (sometimes the only answer) to a tank doing what you describe (holding a “power position” defensively) That is not to say it’s not still very frustrating and also, it is usually not used that way.

It pissed me off to be honest, I just close the game and play something else after everybody decided to bring a sniper rifle and kill me from outside the boxing ring. I mean I was playing the vehicle strength and trying to preserve it as long as I could, because dying is bad, the reason the air filled with CAS is too many teammates who die and feed the enemies enough points to spawn CAS with the best loadout. Sometimes I don’t even know what’s the point of playing sniper and get punished for it bro.