Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

Honestly, that’d be pretty cool. Very hard to implement but, pretty cool.

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i know right? :D
(well the exemple is mostly here to make them think of what they currently are writing/liking to)

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Yeah, most of the 5 top posters are pro-TO and are about 50% of thread by themselves, but it’s other people who bloat and derail the topic!

It just amazes me how frequently you guys shun personal responsibility…this thread gets bloated by idle chatter bragging about how flawless TO is or whatever, not anything else.

There’s never time for a serious discussion of mechanics or logistics, but there’s always time to boast about how big the demand for TO must be and how Gaijin’d love it. When you keep hyping up the appeal/size of something but there are no signs of it…interest eventually wanes.

That’s humorously predictable, though that’s probably why Gaijin’s interest apparently collapsed years ago…we haven’t heard from them on this officially for eons.

As it is, even we had TO, the same people would be complaining about getting killed by __ because “that’s someone else’s fault!” too.

I try to be as patient as I can be with them, as I know many are very young. As it stands, the main reason some TO advocates are upset with me is that I was right.

Years ago, in 2018, I forecasted that TO was nowhere close to fruition and that investing time in other endeavors (a la SPAA/fighter learning and TO rallies in CB to work on the concept) would be more likely to bear fruit.

While I have been open to a viable TO, I was a bit too frank with them and many TO advocates have never forgiven me for my foresight. C’est la vie…


Like we’ve said before - They should’ve actually played the event mode Gaijin had offered back then. Might’ve actually gotten something out of it by now. But nah, they decided to shoot themselves in both kneecaps.


At the time, that proposal from Gaijin was thought to be quite generous and unprovoked…yet @Silkmonger (IIRC) was adamant to reject it.

At the time, TO advocates insisted ‘holding out’ for a better deal was a better move…and we’ve never heard from Gaijin again on it.


Yup. TO crowd shot themselves in both kneecaps.

Had a chance and they blew it in spectacular fashion.

That is the best part.

There is no logical reason for that.

Or maybe we should just be happy about the same gameplay for another 10 years and be happy with new events to get event stuff! No changes in gameplay needed!

But remember there where TO test done by gaijin (weren’t, just one event that could be considered as such and it was a huge success as people played it a lot) and there is no demand for TO (not to mention almost eveyday new topics being created on forum and multiple polls showing that people would actually like to see it). A lot of changes would need to be done (not to mention that there are games when no one is using planes (doesn’t it prove that there are people not wanting to use air) where eveything works).

The best thing to do is just use reserve tank and do C&F, it gives You the most freedom when it comes what You can choose.


if the demand is so small why the constant request for no CAS GRB on this very forum ? Just take a moment to answer that one.

thats exactly what i had in mind

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And all of this could be done after TO implementation as without it, Gaijin is trying to make all parties happy which only makes things worse for everyone.

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The more posts I read on the subject of CAS, the more I tell myself that Gaijin will never do anything for that, for one reason: money.

There are two types of reactions to CAS: those who only use land vehicles and complain, and those who use CAS. And Gaijin much prefers the second category of people, because they are likely to be better customers.
Those who only do land vehicles only risk buying land vehicles, while those who do CAS can buy additional planes, therefore possibly more money coming in.

But to have potential customers, you need more players. And the number of players interested in tanks is not a majority in the world of video games. So Gaijin takes it where it can most easily: from the competitors. So World of Tank first.

But WoT players are attracted to tanks, so Gaijin highlights tank gameplay in their ads, and as their gameplay is very different from WoT (the " " “realistic” " " aspect) , it attracts tank fans. Who want to take advantage of their tanks, not necessarily planes, and even less boats, especially given the state of naval battles at the moment…

So there is a contradiction: a player base that is only interested in tanks because that’s what they want, and gaijin who wants to have more money and therefore pushes players to go on planes to do CAS, to have as many large customers as possible.

im for a TO only if the maps and mode dont change anyone that plays 8.0br+ knows its crucial to stay focus at eye level since its see first shoot first kill first

at lower BRs especially back in the day you could with churchill jumbo most t-34s just have a fun slug match so current maps and modes are fine


just all out war on a map like this more players no spawn points bring in planes tanks heli and ships and just push to a stronghold

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i still don’t see any relation in between,… you make no sense,…

Without a place for pure tankers to play, nothing will ever change and we will only have nerf/buffs that no one is going to enjoy.

But stay resilient and You will be able to enjoy the same gameplay for another 10 years.

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everything can change within CA,… no need to have TO in this matter,…

Nothing is going to get changed as gaijin will just try to appeal to both sides.

This is why nothing changes regarding gameplay (besides smaller maps that only gives tankers more tank vs tank fight before air arrives)

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… whatever, we disagree on that part and that’s all there is to say.

Still waiting for the BR reply! Was that all just a troll then?

I think we all should organize a fun custom battle, featuring anti-TO vs TO-Advocates, anti-TO side can use ground vehicles and CAS, the TO-Advocates side can only use ground vehicles only, I think this will be hella fun and we can settle our scores there bros.