Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

i hope they release it

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i dont want a TO on current maps/modes cuz this lol

its dumb either you get sniped miles away by helis or one team caps and rushes their spawn or like the game i had an even CQC no spawn camping

this only works for the lower BRs (CQC matches)

aaaand like clockwork next match cap n spawn camp

It’s not a non-answer at all. I stated clearly that even if I had a GRB match with no CAS it would not influence my mind into wanting a TO mode. I also stated that if I wanted TO gameplay I would return to WoT. My answer was simple and concise.

Simple, rare experience may be enough to change your mind, but that does not apply to me.


So WoT is a better game than Warthunder? Only the CAS in Warthunder makes WT better than WoT is that what you are saying cos that’s what I’m reading.

GRB working with no CAS has nothing to do with you or me. It works without CAS regardless of the experiences, views or personalities of the players. I suspect it may work in a slightly different way but that is the whole point of going for it and it being of benefit to the player base and Gaijin

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It can be working that’s not the point,…
Yet it would still needs LOT of works (balance/map restrictions[again]/…)

But the point of:

Gaijin don’t want to give TO gamemodes still stand, and have various reasons.

Let alone the fact that Community is not agreeing on adding TO would be a good thing (and i’m certainly against it)

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Interpretation, and miss-interpretation,… sometimes it only requires a Biaised PoV on subject,…

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What evidence do you have to support that claim? I have said that the very fact that RB works without CAS is proof in itself that GRB functions when all players are in a ground vehicle what evidence can you present to suggest otherwise?

You blank the planes out ,simple, job done ,nothing else.
So you explain to me what else needs to be done. I’m listening.

So if Gaijin introduce a separate TO GRB mode to the game list and keeepthe current GRB as it is today what are you going to do? Leave? Go play WoT again? What?

Snipping points neutralized on every maps?
Casemates Tanks (Jadgtiger, Tortoise,… ) many of those would need a BR up?
Same with many Russian Tanks, and some German ones?

Some others in US or Sweden,… even France have some (rare few),…

But you can’t possibly say that we can copypaste current gamemode and just cut Air vehicules abilities,… it only proves your missknowledge of the game.

And as the way you started to answer,… you certainly are not ready to even try to understand what i’ve just said, therefore i’ll stop on this,… (i don’t have time to loose on a brickwall,…)

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So let me get this straight.

At the precise point that nobody spawns a plane in GRB (Even at the start of the game when there are no SP for CAS) all the things you mention above suddenly need adjusting? They suddenly work while planes are up then suddenly stop working again when planes are no longer in the air? Right? Thats what you are suggesting happens in the GRB game?

When nobody is in the air in the current game the BR of the Jadgtiger needs to go up ? lol WTF???

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I hate both games personally, yet I hold complete contempt for WoT so if you ask me - No WoT is not better. But then again it’s a subjective opinion. As for what makes WT better? For me it’s better damage models, no hp bars, no purposefully invisible and disappearing tanks, no directly Pay2Win ammo types and yes, the combined arms aspect.

Also, you lose the plot here as we are both players of this game and as such TO does have something to do with us. It is entirely relevant as the inclusion would require Gaijin spending time and resources on implementing it aswell as balancing work. It would require the committment of time, resources and manpower to a mode that may at most appeal to 5-8% of the total playerbase. It’s inclusion would be an absolute waste.

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We have no CAS GRB already lol ,are you simple bro? When there are no planes up in GRB or nobody wants to play CAS in GRB what changes ?

We could all agree on a no fly Thursday and non of us will spawn a plane in GRB ,what will happen? Gaijins HQ will explode brighter than a thousand suns lol

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Oh well thats a great start

You dont tell us why

That is what makes WT better for so many but they also want all that you list mixed with no CAS to make a game that kills WoT ,that is a point I made a thousand times.
Kill WoT as an entity once and for all.

Thats their problem and its what they do. They invest the money, and they take the profits. Not my issue or yours.

again not for you or me to worry about.
There is a demand for TO and its up to Gaijin to decide of its going to be in their interest.

Your aim in here is to tell us all why it would be a bad idea for us fans who want it and for CAS fans who are tired of CAS being nerfed to appease those who don’t even fly in many cases.

i just wish warthunder would release its full potential for GRB

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First off, telling you why is unnecessary ontop of excessive discussion of Gaijin’s competitors being potentially considered a guideline violation by the mods. I’m not interested in rolling those dice.

Second off, there’s no necessity or requirement for Gaijin to try so hard to " kill the competition " by creating carbon copy modes based off the competition. They can do just as well by maintaining their unique (For what it’s worth.) gameplay. This " point " of yours is a non-argument.

As for third, it’s precisely the reason why TO mode does not exist; There is no financial benefit to investing in it nor would there be any ROI post development and implementation. Contrary to what you and others say; The " demand " for it is insignificant and unworthy of any further attention from Gaijin, let alone any investment.

Yeah still no reason why you as a player should be against it just as the op says just lots of unrelated babble really as far as I can see. I don’t see what you lose by so many others getting what they want.

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Yet they reworked all the maps because a few people moaned.

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Larger maps? real objectives?

Full potential of GRB is CA :)

Full potential, mean that every single potential weapons usable in this mode should be available :
Let’s create a map 30x30km with a 12km Sea band on the side, and Add Navy in it.

That’s Full potential - yet a side of the map would be full of AA Gun fire, but Tanks would be unlikely seen near them,… (so outgunned :) )

Full potential can mean everything - and do not think that ships will not perform some Shore Bombardment as well :D


I already covered this. It’d be wasting assets and manpower on something that has an insignificant demand for. Assets that can be better spent elsewhere on the game.

A move that everyone hates except for the CoD-brained. A move that Gaijin continues to catch heat for.