Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

“21 killstreak callin in a ac130” lol

COD without the inf etc

That’s in part why I ran away 👍

Except he was replying to me replying to someone else and yet you chose his own take on it, ignoring the context.

It is not unimaginable to expect vehicles performances to vary when removing a section of the options (air). Of course we do not know what or why since it currently does not exist, in context of data gathered across all games resulting in their “balancing” (which has its flaws in my opinion).


I’m reffering to so called ‘russian bias’ and the need of air to deal with it.

Or maybe You also belive that it exists and we need air to deal with it?

Never encountered such a match. This experience of yours is irrelevant to me.

False equivalency.

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I don’t really dive into people’s stats etc I just observe the game as I see it and I have lived on GRB for nearly 3 years, which is sad not a boast.

The whole notion of a GRB TO came to me (No I didn’t invent the idea) after a game in an open top German Half track where I held a cap and took 6 enemies and expected CAS to take me out any time soon. It didn’t and I had a superb game in a way CAS had never allowed to play before and do well in a vehicle which is open and not the best.

So I looked at the replay and nobody spawned a plane, not one. Rare I think .My question was why cant we do that more often? It also made me realize that the GRB does not collapse if there are no planes in it. The mechanics are fine.

OK that was my view from my position and others may have viewed the game differently but certainly TO GRB does not require any special coding as we have the game already, that is my point.

As regards skill, my attitude is that WT is like MMA ,you bring your way of playing and mix it up and if you win you win ,so actually if you like CAS use CAS if you like SPs use those, if you are a natural brawler or camper then OK, its all cool and not really the issue relating to TO GRB for me as such.

If I played TO GRB I would have to change my game and my tactics and that could be fun and it could also stop us all getting bored of standard GRB.

Some have said TO GRB could be slower and more tactical others used the word boring ,only one way to find out.

If you do not want to read what I have read to keep it low brow then that is on you.

No, I do not agree with his example, nor am I on the same page on “Russian Bias”. I am sure @GNDM_Panzer does not mind that we are not in agreement but we were talking about possibility of BRs eventually varying because:

Also existence of a mode in direct competition might very well alter current GFRB and again effect performance requiring changes there. Hypothetical until such a mode exists.

And my own thoughts on examples is:

Just incase you missed it above.

And I understand match to match/personal experience varies but regarding “air-less” matches the performance is across all matches, as with the way Gaijin currently seem to “balance” BRs.

And this can beg the question:

Of course this is not directed at those not caring about the performance but who would just like the different dynamic option. For that the only solution obviously would require someone to convince Gaijin to give such people modes they like, in these many cases (to include other modes players have suggested, like eras or proper defend/attack, or fighters only, or AB versions of each). Of course it is a solution wanted but not required, since people come to the game as it currently is.

Of note they are now, finally, talking of separate BRs between ARB and GFRB; though I presume heavily nodding to higher tier vehicles, but we shall see.

However you did not seem to acknowledge:

Edit: I just checked and you were very much a part of that thread of conversation, so I am not sure how you missed the conversation.


Naturally, no. My stances and opinions are more hardcore than most others here in the forum, but I am still open to discussions on specific things given the individual and discussion is worth the time.

As I’ve said before, yes CAS needs adjustment and I’m open to those discussions, but I don’t care to entertain arguments that say it needs to be removed.

Hell, I’d love for Russia to have either; all the Bias code buffs they have removed or see the nation removed entirely from the game but I know very well that such a demand is utterly outrageous so rather than spam the forums with topics demanding the nation’s removal I instead partake in discussions which advocate for bringing Russia into a balanced line.

But as you know, the TO crowd and productivity simply don’t go in the same sentence.

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People keep saying silly provactive things like:

This is not limited to “sides”. But if you think acting like this will convince Gaijin to release a new mode then I am in disagreement. So far it’s been asked for since 2018 and one could say that method has not worked, yes?

New modes in WT = awesome.

But we can guess Gaijin have either no faith they could pull it off (any new mode) or are reluctant to risk “rocking the boat” of their money maker. Of course if they truly wanted the money they should have made mobile apps only, like Candy Crush.


It was irrevelent to me until I encountered it and I never thought about GRB existing without CAS until that point.
I’m sure many others have not considered it either but it exists and it works.

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the US?germany?sweden need there spaa upgraded

Even if I had such a match personally my opinion would not change.

If I wanted tank only combat I’d return to World of Tanks, which I will not because I despise that game.


I’d like to interject that it is not entirely the case and branding all the TO crowd is as non-sensical as branding all “CAS users”. It is hard to keep it more grounded but it is possible by not rising to the comments used to intentionally provoke, though you still have to deal with pointless back and forths due to the pedantry and pontification of some replies.

We can guess from the Post Summary on almost every similar thread where this comes from, which is not really needed and just widens the gulf betweej players.

We still have not got back to the point being replied to. Everything has been done to not acknowledge that. I wonder why conversations take unnecessary detours?

Edit: though I highlighted the bit I was not in agreement with, for sake of the forum’s sanity, I am on board with the rest, but not the bias stuff.


All the nations bar Russia and China need better SPAA.

There’s also players trying to promote the idea of " Fighters First " which I’m not against but believe the idea needs some more polish so for now, I withhold final judgement.

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I dont get all the complaints on CAS, i find unbalanced ground forces alot bigger issues. There is alot of games, where my whole team just dies in 1-2min(they quite after 1-2death) cause its so bad. CAS is only way to balance unbalanced ground there. Or at least try to get a kill and get killed by AA or AA-missiles. Sure i have games where i get bombed the hell out. I have strong AA on both nations and ok planes too. I get image that ppl who complain about CAS have no planes themself or/and are lazy to get AA? Heck, mby some ppl have your lineup full of your op-bought-premium-tanks. Then, when u cant abuse and bully all ppl around cause cause some plane kills you? I think planes belong there alongside with tanks.

Or is it when ppl complain about CAS its about top tier only? Sure there is some planes at midtier which are relative fast,small and carry sick payloads and might blow up whole team in half. Sometimes i hate to get bombed, but i dont find that gamebreaking. What i find game breaking is amount of cheaters game have still.


This here is why it doesn’t make sense to gaijin to have another ground mode for tanks. Since it already happens where its rare for planes not to be spawned in. There are games where I’ve been and planes were not used and my team or enemy just dominated 100% real quick. Games where CAS isn’t used already exist so I kinda understand Gaijin’s point of view and wont argue against their point of view for this one.


I understand your point in full.

However, we’ve simply come to fairly different conclusions after monitoring and engaging with the TO crowd these last number of years. It simply is what it is as to put a finer point to it; I am not as charitable nor as merciful as others when it comes to matters regarding opinions and judgement of people.

I grant you, Warrior and others credit for your vast patience with their arguments. Always have.

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do you play at ULQ? if not some do and that can seem like cheating

just redo map sizes and game modes and the cas spawn campers and other little things will clear up for high BRs lower BRs i think are fine as is