Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

Nice one!!! This should be standard in the game for every SPAA. Thank you so much.

In RB You have a chance to kill anyone in any spot. The difference is that he can fight back, while when You are in a tank, if air user doesn’t come at You from a proper angle, You are unable to do anything.

You can’t fix the problem that is caused by units characteristics.


Do the AI planes just go straight or do they manouvre in any way?

I know, I was pointing to the “positive messages” being brought forward, while some decried how bad conversations are here (the same person).

They were not my comments nor did I support them.

My cheeky link was showing what they wanted in context of their theory, but it was one of them.

Stats are there but context and all details are lacking so nothing to make such huge assumptions.

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I believe they understand this point, along with many other points, which turn to drawn out conversations (derailment).

This is in part why these topics take up such room. The “post” breakdown is rather handy.

Performance in GFRB is down to what exists in GFRB. Take out an element or group of units and interactions will vary due to said omissions. Unless those elements hardly effect performance and being the backbone of some arguments then “which is it?”.


i wonder if it would be possible to had a TO mode like night battles. you would have a check if you wanted to and once in a while (like night battles) you would get a TO battle.

i think the frustration ppl have would be decreased, even if only for a little bit. it would also serve as a way of gaijin testing how a TO mode would work, or maybe not work at all.


My experience tells me that as soon as one problem is gone, the next problem becomes urgent. Something will always bother people.
I am not saying that CAS is not a problem, just that people need to realise that there are other problems lurking in a TO-mode.

exactly. and maybe making those very few battles, much like night battles that you only get very few of, could highlight those issues…

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Yes, I agree with you. Problems are also opportunities to do things differently.
It would just be important to me not to tackle problems that are actually part of the game principle.
Because the “problems” are sometimes simply a challenge that you have to overcome with the given tools. For example, fighting heavy armour with high penetration.

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Straight with slight turns. When playerts dive for a bomb run, they go straight as well in a dive. So it helps to practice and kill them before they reach their target.

If you ever remember the more recent EC style maps they added to ARB the AI escort planes (for the bombers) seemed to do more than circle etc. Mighf have been an illusion however, after spending 5 mins to hopefully meet another player at lower BRs

Been a while since I played Air RB or Air Arcade so cant remember how Ai performs lol I do recall shooting them and not moving to dodge me though.

The Strela only takes on jets that fly high, watch the missile from Strela nose dive to the ground getting trolled by pilots who fly low and knows what they are doing lol

There would need to be BR changes for many vehicles in the game aswell as entire map design changes to compensate for the removal of CAS.

For immediate example; Heavy tanks, " breakthrough " TDs, ATGM carriers that are nearly untouchable when entrenched and many a Russian vehicle (Because of their Bias code buffs) would need to see significant BR changes to compensate for the removal of CAS that is generally the paper to their rock.

Just proving that the changes ‘required’ are related to You not being able to play well.



im just tired of the mud slinging what has WT turned into? ingame everyone is p1ssed and not having fun

everything is crammed into these small maps

you still say that yet there are games where nobody spawns CAS in the game and does the whole thing crash and fall apart?

Is it impossible for two tanks to have a great game of cat and mouse ,dueling with each other without somebody in a plane interfering? What happens with no CAS in GRB? The servers fail? The world ends what exactly?

Seriously ,have a think about it . Study the game of GRB when there are no planes in the sky, that is no CAS GRB happening right there.


If You read his argumentation, it all resolves around him not being able to do anything with tank so he needs air for it.


ngl i never thought CAS players would be so high ground in this game

it was ALWAYS a crutch back in the day


Oh so CAS exists because of the Russian Bias Code buffs…damn ULQ why didn’t we think of that one?

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