Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions


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The relevance here is to the contention that this thread is a conversation or espouses many views…it’s mostly the same 5 people over and over again. It’s basically just a public PM archive.

Overall, it’s just as I said: rambling as the wheels continue to spin, as has been the case for years. Gaijin has basically abandoned TO talks.

2019 was probably the make or break year for that though…hindsight suggests that.


Its kinda already a headache for me and I only just entered into the CAS/TO subject since 2 months ago or near that lol

Can just imagine the devs reading this and its been going on for years. Pretty sure they are numb by this subject already.

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Hell it’s so funny to see you posting in this lkike you had nothing to do with anything ‘personal’…

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its hard to give an opinion when theres ppl posting what you do for the last 2 hours.

we understood that “683 posts of the 1272 total are from the top 5 posters here. 683/1272 = ~53%”

now we can had that to the banner in reddit so that everyone can actually see that “683 posts of the 1272 total are from the top 5 posters here. 683/1272 = ~53%”

in fact maybe a moderator can pin your posts so there is no doubt that “683 posts of the 1272 total are from the top 5 posters here. 683/1272 = ~53%”

That’s not what we’ve been posting though, so don’t be so dramatic.


my reply wasnt to you was it?

Doesn’t need to be, that’s the wonders of this communication.

oh if youre defending the person stating “683 posts of the 1272 total are from the top 5 posters here. 683/1272 = ~53%” thats exactly all hes been saying for the last 2 hours.

No, I’m saying you’re talking nonsense because that isn’t what the topic has been about…

Don’t be so dramatic to drag it into that because your point wasn’t noticed or being talked about.

I for one liked your post, and that was because of one thing, that you DID look at other options, and mainly that it IS about adding more varied SPAA…


its not just about my point, its everyones. everyones opinion get burried under these posts that have no interest to the topic.

my post wasnt even that elaborate and since i didnt read the entire thread because “683 posts of the 1272 total are from the top 5 posters here. 683/1272 = ~53%” i feel theres actually important opinons that get lost

That’s the problem with opinions in the first place. Everyone has one.


lmao, I made a handful of posts…so don’t blame me for this thread’s bloat.

All I did was state a simple fact (the thread here is very stagnant).

That’d be a complaint to refer to the dominant posters of this thread…including the #1 poster who is 17% of the thread all by himself.


dude this game is butchered to death checking stats is meaningless and i have idk 17-20 tanks with a 2.0 kdr adding maybe another 12+ with a 1.25 positive kdr (back when the game was less cramped with assets)

my stats started going down as more heatfs and other post ww2 tanks and munitions were added

like ffs dicker max is 3.3 br now back in the day it was 5.0 or 5.3 fighting tiger h1s in AB

like really?

Wow really? I wonder why?
Could it be that it’s because they don’t enjoy when you drop a GBU on their MBT and they can’t do anything about it? Nah, easier to pretend that they are mad for no reason.

I enjoy CAS in GRB but it easily turns battles into sealclubbing session if the team is slow to react or doesn’t have the right line-up. The anti-CAS anger is 100% justified, especially since the huge SAM nerf and all the bugs where VT1, Mistral and Stinger fly right through target aircraft without detonating.


Since these guys seems to have no interest in playing the TO mode, why do they even care about the balance of a game mode that they are not going to play, furthermore they also acting like they care about the workload of Gaijin staff.

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If a CA mode and a TO mode shared the same BR ratings for all vehicles. Then it could very much affect both gamemodes.

That is the point trying to be made. It would likely need to have a seperate set of BR ratings for everything. Intiailly. theyd be identical, but down the road, would likely begin to differ.


I think for the “realism” everyone talks about, we should have SAMs they should be player controlled and they should be good. Like they would be in reality. That way while you guys play ARB we can just hurl missiles from patriots or s400s at you guys while you worry about fighting or even getting to the battle field.

I would be okay with this, it would give them a reason to implement SEAD into ARB, which would be pretty neat. It might also encourage players to spread out instead of head straight into a furball in the center of the map, because there would be that many more missiles flying at them around there. Also having a whole new tech tree for stationary SAM sites would be really funny.

In reality though I imagine it’d be horribly boring for the SAM players, unless they could teleport around the map or something, and even then.

Do that and watch the matchmaker struggle as people will not want to sit and do nothing. Emplaced air defense systems make sense, but only for airfield defense which would be much more appropriate for Air RB at higher tiers. Having them be player controlled would be so boring that people would not ever want to play them. They can’t move, have limited search/firing arcs, and I’m sure their capabilities are beyond what the game can provide. Such radar systems are designed to be much more powerful, have more features, and are much more complicated than the much more simple search/track systems in game. Implementation beyond what airfield SPAA do currently would be quite the endevor, and that is beyond the fact that these system’s real capabilities are classified.

With that being said, I would love some interesting targets to use Mavericks, GBUs, and other guided munitions on in Air RB. Having some Pantsirs in the map instead of gun only SPAA would be interesting. Kind of like the SPAA in Heli PVE, more dangerous and with capabilities closer to the br of the planes used. All about it, maybe rewards for ground kills can go up since things could acrually fight back. Please make it harder to make it more interesting for ground striking.