Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

Make with the enlightenment already.

Giving scouting to SPAA, adding AA protection from ground forces and default detection for anything near spawn would go a long way.

And literally nothing should be able to attack ground forces from more than 5km away, it’s absolutely insane.

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Eh, I’m not against that - as long as SPAA can counter it. At least then the air boys will have to do more than point and click :D

(yes I’m generalising and probably being antagonising yadda yadda etc. etc.)

Depends on the nation, we can’t all be Russia with an SPAA that entirely outclasses everything else because reasons.

You’re not seeing the forest for the trees to be honest because you’ve got a stick stuck in your wheel.

They can’t even make random random

What’s that even got to do with this? Oh, that’s right, you bringing other crap into this thread when you can’t bring anything to the table…

Ignore me like you proclaim you need to be cause you obviously can’t engage.

I agree. That is the problem with Gaijin, they implement “real world” capability and forget about the game side. CAS vs SPAA should have the same abilities to counter each other.

It’s bad if you’re using a SPAA in about the 6.7 range and you get uptiered against helos like the Alouette with ATGM that can fly in orbit and spam ATGMs with impunity (barring a friendly plane).

Unless you’re incredibly lucky or that good, most SPAAs without any type of radar lock can’t really engage them if they stay at their max range for their ATGM.

I consider myself a decent SPAA player, but there are times where I just avoid certain situations where I have no ability to protect myself from CAS.

Go and be a fool else where, i got no time for your rubbish, you are permanently blocked

Ignore me then like you proclaim you needed to…

You’re the one who can’t handle the discussion and keeps trying to bring other crap in and derail it.

YOU are part of the actual problem, being that you’re trying to literally make spam, because you’ve brought so much other crap into this thread to try throw at me, that it should be embarrasing for you because it is that lame duck.

(And no, I’ll call Wishie out directly, lol)

I’ve shot things at 6km with my lvkv 9040C :D Granted it’s usually hovering helicopters but… still.

Years ago they were opposed to adding missiles to the game because it would be boring point and click, nowadays the entire game has devolved into that, they smelled the money and it’s just off the rails since then.

Everything is just about adding stuff to the game and monetizing it, the actual gameplay is barely even a secondary concern.

So we need to make suggestions for premium SPAA, is that what you’re getting at?

So basically you’re saying you can’t explain to me the counters to an A6 TRAM or a Su25 with rocket pods? I see.

You talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk. For real though, do enlighten me. You want solutions? You want a nice debate? Then put your money where your typing fingers are.

But I’m going to go out on a limb here and I’m going to guess you won’t.


I really do want the radar systems to be expanded to the point where we could have radar batteries that pass on the informations and such for firing and all that.

Doesn’t that get proxy shells though? Proxy shells are way better than any sort of radar or other garbage, I’d much rather play the WZ305 than whatever garbage SPAA is after that.

I mean probably, the only time they do anything is because it makes them money or because there are negative reviews, the latter seemingly the only way to actually get changes made.

Funny I put what I put, just as you put out your throwout.

I was never asked, hence why I never put out my suggestions, and that’s where these threads become a problem, because they aren’t looking for others points, they only want what they want.

Hence you throwing out your question with 2 very different scenarios as a safe ‘gotcha’ if I even point to either of them.

It does - very nice ones at that. But they still won’t do jack against a plane coming perpendicular to you while going supersonic, the lead pip of the radar lock doesn’t lead enough so they basically outrun the explosion.

It’s still pretty nice though.

I gave you my scenario - as a response to your claims that “just spawn a plane” or “just spawn an SPAA” are adequate counters. I disagreed. Yet you won’t tell me what you think the counter is - or should be - that isn’t the thing I just disagreed with.

So tell me. What do I do against a TRAM at 6km in the sky that I cannot hit with an SPAA, besides die to it? Honest question. You tell me I can counter it with my SPAA, and we’ll call it a day.