Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

splitting off coastal boats from bluewater ships

Tanks + CAS + coastal would be hot.

I think that should CAS get the reforms it needs, most of the support for TO will vanish anyway.


Nobody is coming up with a serious suggestion that is actually thinking about the consequences

Me me! CAP arcade spawn.

That’s the main thing I want done to naval, that and improve que times. That’s the biggest thing stopping from getting into naval.

Overhaul the spawn points (the locations not SP). Everyone seems to have issues with those.

Yeah, there might be 1 or 2 aircraft that go up in BR in ground. but im also expecting just as many to come down. Also loadouts between air and ground have always been tricky to balance, so now aircraft may universally have stronger A2A loadouts, making them less vulnerable to CAP.

yes but this question has nothing to do with my points.

Oh no evil cas is destroying you again do you want me to call your mum so you can tell her?

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It has.

You want to make it harder to spawn the air, thus it will take longer for it to appear.

So I’m still waiting for the answer.

and less people will spawn it and more people will spawn spaa and more spaa player will hunt down planes and no more drones will kill you out of nowhere and less people will suicide bomb and less people will be able to revenge bomb because they don’t know where you were.

So again:

Because all You have listed doesn’t change what I have written.

Yes, the longer it takes the aircraft to arrive, the more time was available for the tanker to move around, therefore the area, in which he could be is larger making target zones less predictable for the aircraft.

In addition the longer time before the arrival of an aircraft allows tankers to gather more SP and have more respawn options in case they are killed.

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I answered your question already.

Becaus your question has not much to do with what I wrote.

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Where have I said that the air player is going for a revange kill?

Still not an answer to the question…

So You haven’t answered to it. I’m still waiting.

I have answered your question


There was no answer regarding the difference for a tanker if plane comes after one or three minutes

and what’s this?

Where have I said that my answer was about revenge kills? Any tanker can move around more and earn more score, if he has more time to do it.

So You haven’t answered the question? Ok.

Oh sorry, I have misinterpreted one thing.

So it can be said that it only prolongs the inevitabe?

I answered yes to your question.
This means I said it makes a difference.
(please read before you write)

As I have said, it was not an answer to the question asked.

You have stated that the said situation is less likely to happen but still didn’t provide any answer to if that makes a difference.

So it makes a difference if one is bombed after one or three minutes? Because I belive for a person in tank there is no difference as he still can’t do anything about it.

Yes it makes a difference. Your average lifetime for example is three minutes and I don’t think you are below average.
Apart from that the changes wouldn’t just change at what time you die due to cas but more change how often you die to cas.

In the end You still can’t do anything about being bombed, no matter if it happens after one or three minutes.

So there is no difference.

All You are proposing is as I have already said, making the problem occur less, not actually solving it.

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