Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

The problem is no matter what changes You are going to implement or what balancing factors, the unbalance between grond and air will remain as it is caused by vechicle characteristics.

And for the naming, do You really care?

Long time ago

Too funny

Still reliant, since the system have been tested after the implementation of SP cost.

Even if it’s long time ago, it demonstrated that some Tanks would be impossible to balance,… due to so hard armor that the BR would be 2.0 higher than current gun efficiency

The problem is MUCH more deeper than many thing it is,…
Gaijin don’t want to go there, therefore will never have that TO mode many asks (not me, but i’m not blind either), because Gaijin is unwilling to do this.

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How does that matter today? Are you saying there is tanks around that only CAS can take care of?

Like?. Why dont they just put all these CAS threads into 1 with a sticky explaining the situation, would save a lot of anguish

I would love to see some active moderation on these topics and the enforcement of common forum rules, but even though they are getting tagged a lot you can rarely spot a moderator in any of these dumpster fires

I know moderation is happening, some of mine have and i can guess who is stalking me reporting, flagging etc. There are those who smile to your face

They did,… until they understood it serves nothing,… since the topic start over with every newb starting the game thinking the game is TO…

I dont believe that because there is 1 for airfield AAA.

Anyway im intrested in knowing why it goes a lot deeper, than what most know

or maybe the problem actually persists, and gaijin now allows multiple threads to actually get a good sense of what the actual problems are?

over the years, CAS has been transformed from being a support for tanks, to being the dominating factor. low br spaa, which encompasses all the way up to br 8, requires actual skill, while a cas plane can easily crash land drop its bombs to get a kill from it. even with the early radar spaa like the zsu-37-2 and zsu-23-4, its radar still isnt perfect. a little bit of wiggling or low altitude flying easily confuses the radar tracking.

while airplanes get more and bigger and better bombs, spaa still has to use the same bullets. if i recall correctly, real shatter, which poor early implemenation, was actually a mechanic brought to life because airplane users complained they got killed too fast by spaa. thanks for that, by the way.

removing CAS? dont be rediculous. we arnt that dissilusional that we think that will ever happen. all we want is that CAS transforms into a reward type of pick. not that some random player who got killed early on can pick. even small caliber mg’s can penetrate rooftops while a tank. you want them to defend themselves with a coaxial mg…? dont make me laugh.

CAS simply needs to be rebalanced. that is all. every time something is overpowered, the majority of abusers will cry not to touch it. but we all know what happens when a developer ignores a problem for too long. (talking about the bad economy of this game a while ago, that caused a player uprising)


Than most claim,…

As if,… they would have send mulitple people to questions us, to get the precise idea,… also community itself is not agreeing on working parts of the game and things that don’t

The rest of your post only is :
→ Tankist PoV and Gaijin Blaming,… while in facts Tankist players also are responsible for most of the problem,…

→ bullshit over interpretation of my says,… and answering to no one,…

→ and misinterpretation about some of the reasons why CAS is being dominant (being dominant always would be,… whatever you’ll ask for, i demonstrated that on several occasions)

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Because it’s not fun to get bombed, that seems pretty obvious


This isnt even cas now
Its on ground air support

I would like to preface this that I am an Air RB main but play all 3 modes (ground, naval and air), and play ground RB because I love tanks, enjoy ground striking, and enjoy dogfights (in 3rd person) with no spotting markers. I’m not trying to shit on tanks or planes, I agree that changes need to be made.

CAS does need rebalanced in a big way. That big way in my opinion would be less rp for fighters, with an increase to their ground strike ordnance SP cost, and then having strike aircraft cost a bit more while also making gun belts cost no SP, and making ground ordnance cost per bomb/rocket/rocket pod. I think these changes would do good for ground vehicles and aircraft both.

I will use the P51H-5-NA as an example. It is a 6.3 fighter wirh 12.7mm machine guns that can carry bombs, HVAR rockets, and M8 rockets. Maybe bring the SP cost to 300 in an full downtier, so cost of 2 medium tanks depending on your br in game (200 in a full uptier), while also making the ground ordnance much much more expensive because it is a fighter. So make the P51 and it’s HVARs cost 20sp each for a total of 120 sp for 6 , and make each 1000 lb bomb cost 150sp each for a total of 300 sp. That way if you want the P51 for CAP you could do so to assist the team by keeping other planes out of the sky, but if you want to ground strike it would cost you 420 more sp to spawn with ground ordnance, so you’d have to earn more than twice to get a full payload. Total max payload spawn 720 in full downtier and 620 in full uptier. Spawn with no payload 300 sp full downtier, 200 full uptier. This would encourage fighter’s playing with no payload and going for other aircraft while making ground striking harder to earn.

For my 2nd example, I will use the AD-4. It is a 6.0 strike aircraft that has 20mm cannons that can carry bombs, HVARs, and Mighty Mouse FFARs. Maybe bring the initial spawn cost to 450 in a full downtier, so the cost of 3 medium tanks depending on your br in a game (300 for a full uptier for balancing), while making all available fun belts cost no sp, and making each weapon cost per unit that is taken. So if you want 3 1000 lb bombs make it 75 sp each for a total of 225 extra sp. Maybe make the 2000 lb bomb 100 sp since you can only take the 1. Make each FFAR pod cost 25 rp so it is 200 sp for all 8 pods. It can carry 12 HVARs for 10 sp each (because of the higher initial sp cost and because ground striking is it’s purpose) for 120 sp. So if you wanted the full payload you would need 425 sp extra to spawn with the mighty mouse ffars and 3 1000 lb bombs. Total max payload spawn 775 in full downtier, and 625 in a full uptier. Spawn with no payload 450 full downtier, 300 full uptier. This would give the heavy strikers a chance to use their guns without being prohibitively expensive, while making heavy ground ordnance have to be more earned.

By all means, let me know if anyone has constructive criticism. Please don’t just say it needs to be higher cause I hate CAS or it needs to be lower because I love CAS. I can’t improve the idea without actual information.

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If you think Nords and S-13OFs were egregious wait until you try fighting an F-16C. Great performance, great weapons, plus invisible missiles (AIM-9Ms) so good luck killing it with your own jet.

That is the nature of those vehicles.

Thats why companies developed G2A missile systems that can engage with planes from certain distances.

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Im all for more fighters. I have said many times that planes and tanks should cost the same and ordinance is the biggier issue. I think it would be nice to see 16 tanks and 16 aircraft on same team at start versus the same, as i think it would be epic if GRB and ARB was to merg 😀

Side note: planes laden with ordinance can not dog fight fighters, simpy because weight and drag decreases performance

Yes. This is the type of constructive discussion we need to change this.

Coming up with ideas. Discussing what would and wouldnt work. Not blatant “cas bad, you whine” stuff. Thank you for being smarter than the average casser.

This post was flagged as being hateful, so i had to change it a bit.

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Who wouldnt love to see equal no. of players on both sides
Except so many just leave after they die even once.
War thunder does not penalise one for doing so and jeopardizing their team’s possible victory.