Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

Whatever man, I already suggested something that makes logical sense and you completely ignore it by saying “waaah, not good enough!”

Real armies even today don’t fly aircraft when weather is bad. Even “all-weather” modifications for modern jets have limits.


It is the solution that would:

  1. Create TO games when there was enough TO players.
  2. Show gaijin and community what players really want.

It won’t require another gamemode, won’t split the playerbase and won’t increase que times.

Because all this doesn’t solve the issue for people playing tanks. As I have said, You are putting a plaster on open fracture and calling it a day.

Don’t both of our ideas get much the same result?

At least some of the time in both ideas, there would be rounds with no aircraft.

The difference is that You are hurting players who want to use the air as they are put in games where they can’t use it while I allow only players who want to play without air to get to games without air.

The fixation on the mode name is just a pedantic effort at justifying more posts (and thus controversy) about a non-issue. The mode description of RB GFs explains that the mode is all about CA…which solves the matter.

It’s an unremarkable way to churn out a lot of posts to bloat threads and make them appear more full and meaningful that they actually are. It’s just naivete or willful spamming when 20% of a thread is babble held up on a name that’s explained by the decription.

The ‘trigger queue’ approach was suggested years ago but TO advocates have done nothing to advance it.

While Gaijin’s 2019 proposal was probably the most likely to succeed (having been from Gaijin), the trigger queue idea was probably the most practical try at TO…yet no serious effort was made to realize it.

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And do you not see with the existing checkbox system that night battles are still quite rare?

In your scenario, people who don’t want to use or care about air will still frequently be placed in games with it. As will people who don’t check the box for TO.

Different story, but frankly the same result.

I don’t see my idea as “punishing” air users. Since I use air (more CAP than CAS, honestly), wouldn’t I be punishing myself? WT already has a lot of luck in how matches go, if that lucky trick shot bounces or not, what map you get, if you see people at all in your chosen route in the map, if the server doesn’t disconnect you, etc etc. Thus I don’t really see the harm in all rounds with fog, rain, snow, or heavy storms blocking plane & helicopter usage when those same weather conditions block their use in reality.

We don’t really know how many players would want to play just tank battles, that is why I’m willing to bet they would’t be rare ;)

in fact, you can play tanks in any “Ground” mode (to be read as “combined arms”, but that’s too long for in-game spacing of name)

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Yet we all know, we cannot change the game on mere “bets.”

I do think changing the mode name on the icon could do a lot to clear the air. So at least people don’t click the mode thinking its one thing when its really that and then some.

It doesn’t change the current gamemode and gives people wanting just to play tanks an option for that. Nothing bad about it

it’s not only people → GAIJIN is UNWILLING to add such mode :
because it’s not Designed/Marketed that way.
because it would kill the current one
because it is not fitting the game as it stand currently (AA vehicules, mostly)

Just understand that it will NEVER come,…

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So finally You have said that You are scared of TO as it would ‘kill’ the combined one.

The problem is (as many others have said for years) that many maps threaten to break without a means to dig people out. Trying to remove all the nice spots just makes every map into a bland lane map.

Bad weather blocking air use has the added bonus of reducing the potency of many known camper holes on maps by reducing how far they can clearly see things.

Thus bad weather blocking air use solves both of the traditional complaints against why TO as a separate mode would be a bad idea - queue splitting and campy maps.

Sorry but there is no place on the map that requires air to deal with it.

That is why I suggest just a TO as night battles are.

Huh? it’s not the 1st time i said it,… just don’t be stupid,…

and yet you don’t wanna aknowledge that TO would never be a thing,… but hey, you refused any improvements i proposed in the past,… and you forgot what i’m saying.

I never lied on both the reason why Gaijin won’t implement TO mode, and everything around

But apart being a prick, you did nothing for the situation to get better.

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All improvments won’t solve the issue, it will still be there and this ‘improvments’ will only make more people unhappy with the game and create even bigger anger in the community.

What is the issue? that there is plane in that mode? —> YEAH THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT GAIJIN ADVERTISED YOU ABOUT!!!

someone can’t be worst at understanding what you’ve been sold to than you and TO players,…

Games with TO exists :
Armored Warfare
World of Tanks

Those are Marketing/Designing game only around Tanks → that’s the games YOU want to play,… not WT.


They wont admit that they will all play it

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I wouldnt, I like the current gamemode