Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

I don’t see ‘Combined battles’ gamemode in game

Which again doesn’t solve anything for people wanting to play tanks.

It would be better, but not for people wanting to play tanks.

Ironically there is a mode where all planes can start from the beginning, AIR RB.

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Last time I checked, you could play tanks in GRB


Of course, but it puts me at disadvantage to play tanks in only RB gamemode where I can do that.

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If you want a game with just tanks, you picked the wrong game, man.

If you willingly choose to not use air out of “preference,” then you aught to use SPAA and SAMs. If you don’t want to use even those, I legit do not know what to tell you. You are complaining about something but not doing anything to help yourself with that problem.


All of this things could be added and would make things better if there was a TO added at the same time.

I don’t get why people are so scared of this mode.

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Also, the last time i played ARB in the Tornado Gr1 I got shot down before I had even dropped a single bomb. ARB is not a suitable substitute for most strike aircraft or bombers. In fact it might actually be the worst possible gamemode in the game for them currently.

And thats not even mentioning the current state of Helis. Heli PvE is actually the worst made gamemode ever. I would love somewhere good to play “Only Helis” but alas, im stuck in GRB.

And did you not see what I proposed - that by blocking air usage in bad weather, and altering how often bad weather occurs - you could in fact have games regularly without aircraft without the known risks of splitting the matchmaker.

Surely you can see the common sense in that. It’s not everything you want, but in this case where the devs have denied TO more consistently than anything else in years past, and even gave it a test event to gauge its real popularity before deciding it wasn’t worth the time, isn’t having some of what you want better than none at all?

I hate revenge bombing, too, man!

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So tankers in GRB are needed as targets because in other modes some units have it bad… proving my point again.

TO would solve all the issue and the true combined gamemode could be created.

The problem is that You don’t understand that You are talking to a person who is using the air.

TO would solve all the issues because people playing GRB would be people wanting combined gamemode. No more nerfs etc.

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Even if it didnt block the use of CAS, just being forced below a few thousand ft to actually see the battlefield would put you well and truly into the sights of any SPAA. At top tier, that would mean going from GBUs/PGMs to unguided bombs at low alt, Significant reduction in effectiveness.

Snail is scared of adding more modes. They also set a nasty precedent - if they finally cave on this with one “extremist camp” in this mode, it would only empower calls for other “splinter modes” to be made.

Things like “WW2 only” and “ARB fighter only” chants would suddenly get much louder if the TO guys got their “exclusionist mode.”


THey wont even run Naval EC 7 days a week out of MM concerns (What happened to enduring confrontation ?! - #23 by Smin1080p) (and im sure that is why we havent seen an RB EC gamemode, even though 99% of it exist in ASB already), the likelyhood is very very low it will ever actually come. For now, I think TO should be taken off the table and instead focus on other ways to mitigate the balance issues. To actually consider other solutions. Yes that might mean looking at improving ARB and adding decent heli gamemodes. But that might also mean things like SP overhauls, weather effects, SPAA buffs, etc etc. There are plenty of ways to mitigate CAS, without nuking it

So more changes and nerfs which won’t make anyone happy and will only fuel agression of players towards each other as one will be blaming another because what he considered ‘fun’ got changed.

You are proposing just a plaster at open fracture and calling it a day.

And honestly, do you think outright blocking air usage in bad weather would be enough to satisfy most of the TO supporters at least somewhat?

It won’t change anything.

In one battle there will be no air and in next a player is going to get nuked to oblivion. For a person wanting to play tanks, this change won’t do anything and will only anger players wanting to use air.

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Probably not, though I do have some concerns. Like for a while I was running Helis and CAS as my second spawn because I didnt actually have a second tank at top tier. I do now, but if all aircraft was blocked on some maps randomly. I would have been forced to 1DL on a semi-regular basis. Normally, Id just bring in a heli, even if its only with AAMs and provide air cover,

I see CAS as an absolute xxxxshow, with many faults both at the feet of the playerbase and at snail for how they set it up as “killstreak powerups.”

We are stuck with just one game mode - if they won’t give 24/7 Naval EC despite the demonstrated need for that with ship engagement ranges being 30-40km, there’s no chance of RB Air EC, let alone TO.

Hence why I suggested adding TO within the existing game mode to not split the queue by making bad weather block aircraft use and if necessary making bad weather more common.

You can’t have everything you want, and nor can I, much as we both want our respective “nirvana.”

The best solution would be the implementation of ‘checkbox’ like with night battles for TO.

If there was enough players wanting TO then, they would be put in one battle.

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And aren’t they already angry?

At least with bad weather blocking air usage and altering how often bad weather shows up, the angry people would get a break on a regular basis where they get no break currently.

Surely you can see how while its not all of what you want that it is still an improvement, right?

CAS is a knotted-up mess of rage mechanics, snowball-inducing SP systems, lack of objective diversity, lack of available/functional counters at all times in a round across the board, sardine can maps, and in some cases weapons behaving too strong/weak.

Lack of TO is not really a part of the problem. However, I’m rather tired of every potentially constructive discussion on reforming CAS derailing into “where tank only mode?”

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I have explained above what could be done instead of implementing TO.

That is the only solution which doesn’t create another mode and makes everyone happy. By doing that gaijin could see what population really likes

And how often do night battles occur when enough people check the box? I play in the 8.0+ area a decent bit and they’re quite rare despite me having it checked.