SPAA have 15 seconds of spawn prot where it can move but not fire means it can move to cover, but can’t fire upon planes that can’t fight back.
That is irrelevant when CAS can fire beyond the range of tanks. There is nothing an MBT can do when planes launched guided munitions from kilometers away.
So should we give tanks protection if their turret isn’t turned towards the enemy shooting them? Try getting better at playing cas. (I know I agreed with you but now that I thought about it I realized it is a skill issue).
Yes, you are right that CAS v.s MBTs is irrelevant and has quite literally nothing to do with this discussion.
You should stop trying to make analogies. They 100% of the time without fail make you look dumb.
An invuln target being able to shoot you, and pointing your turret away from som1 has nothing in common. Most people are smart enough to realize that.
Here’s a proper analogy of your own logic.
All planes should be invulnerable because it would just be skill issue that people can’t kill them.
Yeah it was pretty bad
I have a better one: You think spawn protection should be removed because a tank spawn camping can get killed by an invulnerable player?
A spawn camping tank being killed by an invuln player, and SPAA killing a non-spawncamping plane whilst invuln have nothing in common.
Then dont be so close to the enemy spawn… same goes for tanks
Can’t really do than when SPAA can easily shoot down a target, even over enemy spawn on most maps. Not to mention, SPAA is gonna be in spawn 90% of the time, and to destroy SPAA you needa get near their spawn.
Then wait for the spawn protection to end (count to 20) and try to kill them. If you fail then try getting better.
This still doesn’t solve the issue of SPAA being able to attack planes whilst invuln.
Its not a problem. Don’t be so close to spaa while they have spawn prot. Dont try to kill spaa that have spawn prot.
If an SPAA spawns whilst you’re killing another SPAA, then there’s nothing you can do. This is why SPAA having to wait 15 seconds after spawning is a good idea. It means the plane has time to spot the SPAA before the SPAA can attack.
If another plane comes when you are trying to shoot down a different one, there is nothing you can do. This is why you need teamwork.
That’s a bad analogy. You can see the plane coming and shoot it down. You can’t see an SPAA before it spawns, nor can you destroy it.
Reread what I said.
Again, you can see a plane coming and shoot it down. You can’t see an SPAA before it spawn nor can you shoot it down. Teamwork doesn’t make you able to see an SPAA before it spawns, nor does it allow you to destroy an invuln SPAA.
considering how strong cas is currently, there is no reason to make nerfs to spaa, even if cas players dont like it. gaijin has confiremd that in future they are going to add multivehicle sam systems. i will have some great fun dissecting aircraft from the range of 35km
While you’re shooting down a different plane?
It can distract the invulnerable spaa. Just like how another teamate in spaa can distract a second plane.
Just because CAS is strong, doesn’t mean SPAA should be able to kill it while invuln. Heck SPAA has the advantage over SPAA at most BRs anyways.
You’re obviously at a disadvantage, but you’re not helpless like you are against invuln SPAA. Heck, I won a 1v3 against a Mig-21 and two F-4EJs in ARB earlier today for petes sake.
You still can’t kill it, nor know that it’s going to spawn. The only situation where you can “distract” with a second plane, is if you and another teammate are both strafing the same SPAA at the same time, which in that case the invuln SPAA merely needs to make a choice on who to kill.
You’re still helpless against an invuln SPAA.