Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

The concessions you try alude to are far less than what this is… And it accepts the blackmail, and the ‘’‘demand’‘’ to have such a thing added, just for ‘them’.

It won’t happen because people will moan about the 5 minute drive to get to the battlefield, no matter how fast a vehicle you had, in the outer areas of the map, to make such a thing happen.

But really, at the end of the day, the ‘removal’ of things isn’t on the cards, but expanding the game is… Making a mode for a group, without things, is just another form of removal.

TO would be an expansion to Ground modes.

No it isn’t as literally not a single mechanic/thing would be lost or removed from the game.
Only thing that could get removed are the players from GRB that are sick of getting killed in a totally unfair and unsportsmanlike conduct.


But… but…. they want it and I don’t want them to get it!!!


Shhhh, the fact you’re ready to pounce and mock shows the true issue in here…

The only „issue” here is that the only argument You are able to give against TO is:

Which is exactly what I have said above.

No one would force You to play it or change things in a mode You and as You proclaim many like. There is really nothing bad about it.


He’s unwilling to admit that his only issue about TO is the fact players might easily abandon GRB, thus ruining “his” mode.

It’s much easier to not even give players a chance to pick, that way you’re sure they’ll stay right where you want them to be.


No he can’t. The smoke disperses the laser for LGBs and makes them veer off target. You don’t play top tier much, do you? Also, it’s expected that you’re talking about spaded vehicles. Everyone knows that stock vehicles suck ass.

Because it takes away the easy kill mode for them. Why would you want to work hard when you can dive in and wallow in the free trough that has been gifted to you.


So Air RB not allowing players in ground vehicles should be changed?

Clearly didn’t do much there.

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To be honest, it could…

We did after all have that mode where it was planes vs SPAA…

Could EASILY allow people to spawn SPAA at the airfields, or at various mission sites to cover the vehicles.

The problem though is that there is no genuine engagement from the other 2 piping on in this thread, and the entire thread has been spammed to all buggery with them constantly back and forthing the entire month, just because they can whip up bad sentiment, and people will attack those who object to the TO mode itself…

Because it’s nothing to do with having less players in my GRB matches, it’s nothing to do with having less targets, it’s all about the fact that it’ll come back to thier demands, and constant whinge feeding that will be the next ‘reason’ to change anything, because they want it changed and can scream louder, whilst shouting down any opponent without facing any consequences.

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They can’t have it because I don’t want them to have it!!!

That just sums up the whole discussion You had in this topic.

Good that there is much more people who are open minded and understand that TO would actually solve many issues of current combined mode without needing any unnecessary changes.

But some just enjoy constant changes that don’t change anything in long run and just keep going in circles.


You’re ignorant to anything I said in this thread because you want to boil it down to nothing by this mocking stature you make for the sake of making an argument.

It’s alright, it’s clear you have no true discussion here, other than alignment with your own wants…

We already had a talk about how discussion works. It is not about how You feel about the game but how it is. I have provided in-game evidence showing how things really are and many people have backed me up on it.

It is good that You have showed what Your point in this whole discussion is.

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Those suggestions were less anti-CAS and more of a compromise between ground and air players. I hate playing ground, but I understand the frustration of dying to aircraft immediately after spawning. Players are essentially losing another spawn from a player that is impossible for them to kill. (An MBT is not killing an AGM launched at them from 10km away). I can’t speak for every player but I only play ground to use aircraft. I’m sure there are lots of people who only play ground to use plane/helicopters, due to the fact that other game modes just straight up suck. As someone who spends more time in helicopters than in tanks, I can confidently say that I would completely avoid ground if there were decent game modes for planes and helicopters. The only reason I even started ground was, so I had something to do when an SPAA inevitably vaporizes my helicopter from the other side of the planet.

I wouldn’t call removing CAS from ground a “compromise”. Most of the ideas were horrible ideas anyways.

What would you suggest?

Well first off, we need an entire rework of airplane spawncosts.

The base cost of spawning should be increased, and the cost of ordinance/ammo should be reworked. Spawning an massive slow bomber with 52 50kg bombs should not cost as much as an F-5E with 4 AGM-65Bs.

Planes could also be forced to use mouse joystick instead of mouse aim to make lining up for bomber runs and strafing harder.

Planes also shouldn’t be able to see or create scout markers.

Although it’s impossible to balance planes without adressing SPAA. 8.0-9.0 gives far too large of an advantage to SPAA. Additionally, SPAA shouldn’t be able to fire for 15 seconds after spawning.

Po-2 and F-117 should also get their own spawn. F-117 would spawn at same distance, but at 20k ft, and Po-2 would spawn at same alt, but 1.5 miles from battlefield.

So you want any spaa player who doesn’t sit in the spawn all game to be defenseless against planes?