Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

Seeing CASvocates refusing to talk about a new game mode in which marginalized vehicles (such as those I posted above) would have an easier time is deeply concerning. As it is right now, those vehicles have no ways of defending themselves against aircraft and their “armor” is miserable as well.
It’s like they don’t want all ground vehicles to be enjoyable and viable to use.


Jokes on you, the shitty state of the ATGMs nowadays is the reason vehicles like this one suffer so much.

If it were the case to a TO gamemode come into the game, and it ends up making the mixed GRB unplayable because of the lack of players. Where full attackers would go? ARB? Strike Aircraft like the SU-24M, the A-10, the Su-39 or the AMX don’t have a place at ARB because of the fighter meta around there.

They weren’t that close.

I believe L15A2 is the biggest 155mm HE shell with 14.8kg TNTe, while that 250kg has 114.4kg TNTe. Artillery would never hit and kill 3 non-open top targets with one drop.

So no, neither of those things would ever remotely work.

Again, I get a bombsight and I can do that from well beyond their effective range. Also, it would require some degree of skill to hit a fast moving, relatively small, and quite maneuverable plane - it took zero skill for me to find their players pushing and press spacebar once when the crosshair lined up.

“setup and aiming” being climb a little and wait for the bombsight crosshair to pass over them? Even if he did move, the Pz IV chassis is slow and he’d die to overpressure regardless. Open tops present zero challenge at this BR.

Happens every day, all it takes is one mistake. D4Y3s are rare and so not many are aware of its characteristics.


Maps play a big role in that, but them being nothing more than a free kill to any aircraft in the game makes things even worse.

ARB is in shambles, that mode should get reworked either way to properly incorporate all types of aircraft.


And what about SPAAs? Considering the empty lobbies at mixed GRB would imply those vehicle being completely useless, or almost useless.

You’re not arguing with me, the only thing you’re wanting me to do is change my opinion, and that’s the problem…

My stats have nothing to do with that, my name has nothing to do with what I use on the field, and every other throwout these chumps want to put forth is just changing the scenario to solely put forth thier want, and not accepting that people can simply use the vehicles, tactics, methods and actual team, to make all the difference, but they CHOOSE to wallow in the misery that they portray as fact.

As was mentioned before, they aren’t actually dying to them all that much, and the exageration and dreary echoing of this who ‘TO mode’ nonsense is what really makes me not want Tank Only mode because it’s based on the woe factor.

So yea, there is no discussion here, because it’s not me that’s not engagable, it’s the fact that any objection, gets dogpiled on by angry players. Angry players, are a true problem.

Most of them would still be usable with some BR tweaks. Although some would become pretty bad.


Vehicles I shown above are actually miserable against aircraft. It’s a fact.

People are rightfully angry.
Dying to something you couldn’t touch from the start is never a good idea in a PvP game.


Again, more examples of you demanding it be to your portrayed situation, implying there is no cover from the team and nothing to do at all against the air, but you ignore the counters and tactics to avoid being the target.


That’s just YOU wanting to be angry, it’s not going to fix anything.

Wallow more, you can choose a vehicle to touch it, you can avoid dying to it, and you can also call on others in the team to cover you…

It’s not just you, and there are things able to be done.

The same situation would happen with helicopters too. They don’t have a PvP mode of their own and the PvE is too boring: few people play it. The Heli EC mode that existed before was too botched because of the steamrolling issues, so…

You can’t control your team nor you pick them before the game starts.
Counters and tactics to avoid being the target just makes you run and hide from something you can’t compete against in any way. In a PvP game. That sounds thrilling.
Not to mention kill cams and revenge CAS being a thing. Not only they know you’re in a vehicle that’s helpless against air, they also know your exact location.

“Life” is pretty bad for such vehicles.

Doesn’t change the fact people are rightfully angry.
Having duels in which one side is completely and utterly dominant from the start in a PvP game is beyond any reason.

That’s like putting 12.0 vehicles at Reserve tier and trying to shut down any moaning by saying what you just said. Simply ridiculous.

Not playing 80% of ground vehicles isn’t an option.
You can’t avoid dying to it, as aircraft is in total control of the engagement.

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Nope. Stop wallowing and making situations that deny any effort or attempt to even try… It’s pitiful.

Everyone else who dogpiled is just unable to even accept any opposition without being dumb about it.

(Absolutely on topic)

I don’t see an issue with them improving Helicopter modes, it’s what should’ve been done in the first place. Adding things to the combined cesspool isn’t a fix for terrible modes we have in the game currently (ARB, Helicopter ones).

You can put effort and attempt to try it, but at the end of the day the plane is the one that’s controlling the engagement. You have little to no say in that duel.

This isn’t a survival game where your task is to hide and run from invincible creature that’s hunting you, this is a PvP game where duels should be fair.

You’ve come this far to admit the point, but I still don’t feel it’s enough.

It’s not as dreary and dead end, and hopeless that many here champion.

This has absolutely nothing to do with this… You are being hunted, and fairness is nothing to do with it overall.

Games need to be fair and balanced, PvP ones included.

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The IR-based AAM launchers quite literally cant do anything to tanks - they would be simply useless.

And you dying to something, isn’t unfair… That’s a perception issue.

Much the same as everyone villainizing people for even using vehicles, nations, or tactics.

You just can’t argue with him

Even in your 12.0 vs Reverse tier example there will be people saying just hide or bring 12.0 on your own or the all time favorite skill issue

If I push around a corner and get insta deleted by something or even just get outurned by a m22 yea that’s on me. but a plane dropping a bomb on my head or better yet missile is not In particular if I am not in an aa vehicle

If you have to bring the same thing to have a Chance isn’t that the definition of overpowered?

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