Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

By watching them…

It’s not being carried if you’re merely playing the objective…

And that’s where your choice comes into it… It’s not that I’m not understanding, it’s that you can’t accept what’s being put forth to you…

If you squad with someone in another nation that has SPAA at the areas that you’re deficit, then that’s your solution…

It’s not all about just you.

Not in the slightest… Situational awareness and being calculated rather than reckless, and straining for kills, makes you last longer and not as noticable.

Knowing when a plane is coming in to straffe, and not actually making yourself a target as they pick, is a valuable skill.

This is why your stats prove how worthless your take are, it is not even funny anymore. Whatever bro , funny how low tier seal clubber pulling out all card in his pocket , still fail to prove his point. This is why stats shaming is important


As expected in a game mode made for planes fighting planes (air RB/Air sim).

If I can play air sim without squads, why can’t I play my 7.7 british line up without one as well?

Gotcha. CAS spawn cost is already scaled by payload, but it could be refined.

Take for example my beloved British Hellcat. The spawn cost is set by the most expensive part of the payload. If I take the 2 1000lb bombs it costs the same whether or not I also take 6 HVAR rockets, so if I take the Bombs and the Rockets the latter are basically free. They ought to make it so SP cost is based on total payload and not capped by the most expensive piece of payload.

Something else to consider is the fact that light tanks and vehicles with scouting get to reduce plane spawn cost with successful scouting assists. This can get pretty OP when you get more than just one scouting assist and it carries over to multiple plane spawns. One way to balance it would be to only have the discount apply to a single spawn. Another option would be to change it so that instead of discounting plane spawns it discounts tank spawns. Ideally you could combine those two changes and make it only apply to one spawn but discount planes and tanks so you have less of a light tank->plane pipeline and the scouting bonus benefits people who don’t want to play planes too.


Not only. The B.R. of the game determines much more than You think.

I can spawn the said hellcat with bombs after capping just a zone with reserved tank if the battle is on + 1 B.R. ;). Not to mention that for bombs there is no difference if the tank I’m bombing is on + or - 1 B.R. than said air unit.

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Tbh this work , meaning they should set SP cost for each rocket/bomb or whatever the plane take. Not just the current system of SP for CAS

So remove SP reduction and give the light better payout on SL/RP.

You can sit at the objective as much as you want but if you can’t kill, you’ll be easily overrun and the objective won’t be yours anymore.

Again, it’s what you can do yourself.

Not straining for kills in a PvP game, so let’s rather play hide and seek for the entirety of the game lol.

Maps are pretty small so your hiding options are pretty limited to say the least (and well known as well). Not to mention revenge killings.

There’s nothing wrong with flying/driving WW2 era vehicles.

I much prefer gunfights in my F4U-4 against zeros and bf109s to the missile thunder the F8U-2 turns into.

The only issue I have is that he has NOT used the Bosvark and especially not at 7.7 Britain (as you can ONLY use the bosvark or skink or CAP. Skink has low velocity rounds further reducing effective range, jets are much tankier against small caliber rounds so you need more rounds hitting and CAP has the issues about progression I previously explained).

I don’t think you can say “X vehicle is fine and its match-ups are fair” if you havn’t actually used the vehicle in that context.

I had an issue, and still do, with how APHE is modelled compared to AP. As such, I went and ground out soviet and german ground so I can make informed vote when the APHE poll returns ™.

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Yeah but not that much , especially if we taking Light SP reduce on CAS into account. It is extremely easy to get a CAS spawn in with scouting mechanic

True and with that payload and the 50s the Hellcat is a viable spawn well past its BR.

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Not to mention that with a few hits (like one or two) at the enemy, You can even spawn 3x bombs and HVAR rockets.

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Look mate , I didn’t say “It is wrong to spam WW2/Cold War” I only brought that up to point out that. If you want to talk about something , at least take all the BR into account , not talk in just the BR you play. He still talking in the WW2 , near Cold war , the BR that he played the most.

That’s just your opinion…

I have a lot of low teir battles because I merely don’t like being around the jaded masses which are the higher end… I also find a lot of low teir players who appreciate advice and actually take things on board compared to the latter stages where we’ve got echo chambers forming and ignorance showing because ‘stats’…

So you admit that was all you were doing in the first place… Good to know.

Nope… Stop manipulating the point, you’re just unable to accept anything at this stage.

If you’re having trouble then squads are there… If you choose not to, then that’s you ignoring any effort to make a change and thus, it comes back to your choice to be ignorant about it.

The point is one objective, it’s not the sole objective… Much the same as kills not being the primary winning factor.

Not when you ignore the fact that you CAN squad, but still proclaim that you can’t do it by yourself.

Desperation and ignorance leads to people revealing themselves in this manner. You’re not playing hide and seek, you’re just being concealed at prime moments, eg when a plane is looking for a target.

Size doesn’t matter… Much the same as revenge killings.

I’d say instead of removing it just limit it to one spawn and let it apply to tanks and planes.

So when you get some scouting your next spawn is cheaper no matter what you choose to spawn.

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Except SPAA exist. In ground modes. And guess what- I am trying to fix all of these, by making most/all SPAA viable against ground targets, by making CAS something you can counter and do decently against in tanks.

Let me see… ah yes, here we are. Type 87 RCV versus a Obj. 279.

Twice the amount of gamemodes for RB = Half the amount of players for each mode, unless one is particularly unpopular/popular. As for AB balance, one of the only ways I can reliably nail a 279 or a Maus at longer ranges is CAS - they simply have enough armor that its very hard to get within range, and nailing them (Even with APFSDS) at that range is very difficult. And unlike you, I do have experience in AB.

5.3 pregnant, drunken cow versus Mig15s and F86As and AV-8s and wiesels, and BMPs and Marders.

A fair match up.

I can play air sim without squadding. The mode without markers. The mode where friendly fire is a real possibility and communication would help a ton.

Why can’t I ground?

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That’d be an interesting concept…

Because it’s clear you can’t hold a conversation anymore without trying to be a funny guy about, I’ll just blacklist you… That’ll be the easier option.

I would honestly remove aircraft cost reduction for LTs (And give a tank reduction instead), but since SPAA would get aircraft scouting, they would get aircraft cost reduction.

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I mean someone could just make a line up with 1-2 Light and that pretty much guarantee them two CAS spawn. Well it still gonna need testing cause talks are just talks, need to see what work best anyway. Given Gaijin actually care