Best part is when they spawn 3-5 SPAAs to later die to tanks and actually lose the game.
People say this commonly, but I commonly catch people in this state of ego-stroking and they panic when they get a few cannon rounds coming near them when they think they are out of range.
It’s not the ‘only’ option, so you can stop spawning it the instant you have enough SP, and do something else. You aren’t locked into this cycle, you’ve merely come to rely on it.
Yea, no…
Commonly the ODLs have already left before they see the rest of their team having issue, so this sort of throwout is unfounded and just assumptive.
Ah your favorite argument again
It’s not in response to yours, so maybe make an argument of your own instead of piggybacking on someone elses because you genuinely haven’t offered anything worthy.
Haha I won
Please come back with 4 Million people saying my argument was Bad or I won’t believe you
Adding this in after the fact shows you’re that caught up on flexing that you need to stop, because you aren’t here for discussion.
I am just playing your playbook
You’re delusional if that’s what you think was put forth to you… You can’t even link to the right polls and keep proclaiming numbers that aren’t measurable.
You’re actually proving my point I made in the first place about this thread and all like it. It’s actually so typical that you can’t handle being opposed so much you try and make arguments just for the sake of it.
Yea @Pacifica can we sort these guys out, it’s getting tiresome to have these statements made for me, scenarios changed because they got a point made that didn’t suit their angle, and constantly nitpicking names and making assumptions about what people use to justify in these guys minds why anyone at all would possibly disagree with what they’re wanting when the game is as it is, and they want it changed to suit them, and only in that manner, because checks notes ‘planes are bad and pilots are mean’…
Why are you guys so against ADDING Tanks only mode to AB, RB and SB WITHOUT REMOVING existing game modes?
Because that would limit the number of tank targets
And then there is the test they made many year’s ago
I mean if they wanna destroy tanks so much they can do it in current AB.
Which no one is able to provide any info about.
Source „trust me bro”
So only because you dissagre with someoens opinion?
Exactly and even if it was well documented that data is so old it can’t really be used on the current Game
The learning curve for SPAA is extremely steep (Especially for single-gun ones like 40mm), and for what they do they give poor rewards. Could theoretically everyone do this? Yes. Is it ever practical? No.
The overall solutions I see for the CAS problem are fairly simple:
1: Allow scouting of aircraft by SPAA, and give a short-range lead marker to scouted aircraft for SPAA and HE-VT/HE-TF. (Yes, this includes flak guns and howitzers with those rounds, though only when loaded.)
2: Give pantsir-equivalent SPAA to all countries, and fine-tune the balance of AGMs at top tier. As an addendum to this, give score for shooting down missiles/bombs.
3: Give HE-TF the ability to act like HE-VT on scouted targets only.
4: Variable SP cost for SPAAs based on the ammunition carried - i.e., ZSU-57-2 with APHE would be the same as a medium tank, wheras with only HE it would be the same as current.
5: Y’all need to accept that SPAAs will need to ro AT work, and be fairly decent at it. As such, nonsensical limits on APDS should be removed unless it is specifically historical (Gepard and Gepard-likes). APDS should also be provided to 40mm SPAA that need it, (Lvkv 42), but with the SP cost listed above. HE-VT for 40mm should also be added back to the VEAK, and it should be given APDS. (Being moved up afterwards, of course.)
6: Just general addition of more SPAA to flesh out the tree, like the Finnish ZSU-57-2M (Finnish ZSU-57-2 with HE-VT and radar.) Should be done at all BRs.
And finally, giving all SPAA two stock belts - current default, which generally consists of half AP, half HE, and a full HE belt. For SPAA with HE-VT, they should get a half HE, half HE-VT belt.
Because it will split the playerbase of RB/SB even more, with a paticularly heavy impact on SB, and because it further reinforces the heavy tank meta that AB currently has.
Ideally I would just try to fix the problems first - if they turn out to be unsolvable, I am willing to give your ideas a try.
But on stuff like the Tunguska I usually go stock belts because an ap-he mix has better chance of destroying a plane
But that’s only for spaa with huge firerates