That’s how damage actually works if you don’t fix what is the issue with it.
So you’re saying you have an HP bar yourself because of illnesses and various crap like hunger and thirst? Sorry, it may feel like it’s like that, but really it’s not.
These aren’t HP bars in the likes of WoT so you’re just playing whataboutisms at this point to draw an argument…
This is how bad faith you are.
These are internal coding situations, which leads to how the SERVER picks the information to render to you. That’s why the datamines aren’t reliable to base this sort of assumption that it’s all about HP on.
He is right. Every module in WT has health parameter aka. “health bar” in vehicle settings. Go and do data mining of vehicle settings and you will find it. Gun barell has health bar, track has health bar. Colors just determine state of it. For example from 99%-75% of health yellow, from 74-50% of health orange, from 49-25% of health red, and under that its black or destroyed.
Thing is they aren’t visible like WoT, which is why people leave WoT to come here…
For internal coding, and it’s not visible in the same manner as WoT, so unless you’re going to highlight where I can see an enemies health bar, then you’re just being an argumentive negative nancy as per usual.
I still wonder how many of you guys are just sockpuppets and alts.
(Edit - It’s a genuine concern due to the nature of these players here, and how manipulation of polls and such happen by getting that sort of thing going, which has been shown to be occuring in the methods players who are ‘upset’ use the steam review manipulation, or to answer polls in concerto.)
It wasn’t that I didn’t read what you put, I’m sorry you keep failing to understand that…
You try constantly to say that anything I actually say is ‘wrong’ and that is where your actual misunderstanding is.
Your act, has nothing to do with discussion, which I have mentioned time and time again. @Pacifica
It’s funny that Eddie said before to worry about a wave of flagging, which is hilariously telling…
And this is where I have ‘trouble’ with those who proclaim ‘CAS bad’ and ‘I can get you from so far off’ or this ‘Your stats bad’, because if you don’t agree with them, and you don’t support them to get the mode they want, then this is what comes to be.
It was never about me playing CAS, it’s about disagreeing with it being a problem or that it’s uncounterable and ‘unfair’.