If he wasn’t standing on one leg whilst performing complex hand signals while writing and sending it then a good chance it will fail.
Yeah, jtst wondered if you had the link to your one. Sounded like you came across it yesterday.
I cant trawl as Opera Browser just threw a wobbly and in process of deleting it and starting again from scratch (lost all logins etc as had to force a total wipe).
I know for certain there is a question and answer video of saying no plans for TO.I have seen it.I can’t either currently so no worries.
To even get the temporary event back you’d have to again, convince Gaijin there’s a worthy ROI, especially since last time there wasn’t a worthy ROI.
Indeed. There’s dozens of reasons why people quit WT, even for me whom has taken breaks from it for x amount of months. I never assume to have all the answers in this regard.
See, the review-bombing was specifically done on Steam and other gaming marketplaces that require actual game ownership and playtime before even rating. Random plebs who’ve never played a day in their lives can’t just drop a rating.
We already have TD with AA shells and SPAA in the game. I don’t see a direct appeal to premium SPAA whatsoever.
Tried hard for a comeback? For what? Lol.
Indeed. And whenever as much is pointed out they 9/10 times get belligerent. The same happens when asked legitimate questions and criticisms are leveled at ultimately their quarter-baked ideas, at most.
It’s the TO crowd alone that has caused their " movement" to stall to death and obscurity. Between their poor attitudes and their lack of giving proper thought and effort to building a mode proposal - It’s beyond reasonable doubt that Gaijin has no interest in looking their way completely separate from the simple fact that such a mode is simply not part of their vision.
Been reading this with little input really but I think a lot of people are their own worst enemy on here and end up collecting a team of fans and haters so every debate ends up as a war of personality.Somewhat refreshing to see a somewhat honest discussion not turn sour.Maybe that is adults rather than teenagers,an assumption of course.
Eh. Maybe yes and maybe no. I’d say it ultimately depends on the person in question, but at the same time it’s also dependent on the approach and appeal. It’s easy to just go " Gib Tonk Only Mod now Gaijin! " And provide zero argument for why Gaijin should, and then when questioned about it accuse and insult others instead of offering an actual argument for why Gaijin should.
We’re all players of WT, but that doesn’t give anyone any special privileges on requesting anything in particular without any arguments for why it should happen.
The funny part is Gaijin actually couldn’t care less. I’ve seen a lot of those newbie rage threads get shut down quickly but the mods.
True ,I look at the post and I know they just got killed and jump on in a rage.Thing who is responsible for the latest map changes? Who actually requested this redline crap and how?
Lol flanking on a WT map.
Congratulations. Another ridiculus statement. Are you really claming you haven’t ever destroyed any vehicle fro their flank?
I posted and official request to ask for a TO mode or at least get an official view on the issue ,can do no more than that.I am surprised the game makers dont step up more and interact in an official manner on long standing topics on here and put them to bed.
It’s the reason those who do step up get pounced on like poor Pacifica who dared give his/her opinion on maps once.We just don’t see these guys enough on what is their forum.
The forum is a big place and much has been done before and either buried on here or on the old forum so if I ask a question its not necessarily to go over old stuff or even get a yes ,a no and an explanation is as good because I appreciate the issues of cost/return and technical limitations of the game and servers.
Fine,a lot of my suggestion is hope and speculation as is any idea in its infancy.I actually appreciate the debate because it’s opens my eyes to things I might not have considered.Not too ashamed or full of myself to learn on here.I can be accused of speculation but normally the other fella is doing the same.Truth is none of us really know the reality sometimes…
I mean for example How many game modes can WT actually run at once? 8? 28? Who of knows? I mean some will but its not common knowledge.Maybe this what we should asking on here.
This is the reality of suggestions,Logistics,Game mechanics etc .It’s not always what Gaijin can do it’s what they can’t actually do as well.I personally don’t think they can control BR in the way the player base think they can or should,I don’t think the can introduce era separation even if they wanted to.
Nothing to suggest they are not players or ex players as far as I can see.
Who would bother to even think about a game they never played? I presume Reddit is about those who were kicked from the forum or stomped off in a huff. This forum and all the others is obviously full of military arm chair experts who never set foot in a working AFV or served as much as a day in McDonalds and they shout those who obvuilsy have down yet I dont want to push elitism because many top food critics cant cook.How many years or games does it take to really know Warthunder.
Im still learning .ULQ is one of the top players around stats say but does he get respect on here ?
It’s all about general feeling across the web and I think much of it is valuable to a degree.
I never got an answer to being against TO when it’s an option not a replacement.But hey ,the answer given by Morvan with 60 plus likes says it all so NP I see it all clearly and its an understandable situation.We need to drop this two tier /Us and them thing about flyers and non flyers in a Combined arms game.Not flying at all in GRB is like boxing with one arm when you have two.
We also need to lose the idea that anybody who wants TO hates CAS or cant/wont fly.No true so it’s presumption on both sides and I have been on both sides.I crossed the floor as they say.
I hate to see the nerfing of just CAS to appease the haters and feel TO will stop this.CAS works fine and flying well is skill like being good in an AFV is a skill.It a non argument for me.I want to skip that BS and request TO for the right reasons.Hope that clears things up.
If your entire argument for how an OP vehicle isn’t OP because you can flank in, then that’s the ridiculous. There’s nowhere you can flank a Jagdtiger on Sinai, or Mozdok, or literally 90% of maps in Warthunder.
Again ridiculus statement as I have killed numerous JagdTigers from the flank while they were going up hill to B point in Mozdok Domination. The same with Sinai. JagdTiger climbing to B is easy target from the ridge next to C.
JagdTiger OP??? Now you are just trolling. It’s not OP and I showed you how it can be killed from the front. Since JagdTiger is 6.7 it can meet vehicles to 7.7. Of course vehicles at 5.7 will struggle against heavy TD which is 1 BR above.
Jumbo 75 V.S Jagdtiger on Sands of Sinai. Extremely fair matchup. Not unbalanced even in the slightest bit.
It’s full uptier as I have already said. It has nothing to do with JagdTiger. The game is setup this way.
So using CAS is perfectly fine for the Jumbo player in this situation?
How Jumbo player can use CAS if he is in Jumbo?
Then that is map issue not a CAS issue.You cant rely on CAS that is not available until you have sufficient SP and how many players ditch a perfectly serviceable tank to jump in a plane to drop their only bomb on a Jagdtiger that might not even be alive when they get there? I agree you are off topic an talking nonsense.
This has become a useful thread and reasonable discussion for a change,stop trying to ruin it.You are just looking silly.
Switch to CAS.