Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

If planes cost same SP as tanks but ordinance costs was more realistic, im sure it would be worth while to spawn SPAA, even at start of match. I find SPAA boring unless there are planes to shoot down and tbh mostly happens against USA, even then they are not reliable.

Then only high scoring players could spawn bombers and they would need escorts

Realistic ordinance cost would make air superiority fighters very very expensive. Also SAMs.

No, air superiority fighter would cost the same as tanks. Poor players wont spam bombs and rockets. Then we can have a game with skill

But an IR guided missile is extremely expensive.

So dont spam them, But they are very accurate and there is also gun pods

I have killed many a Heli posting my tanks up in this manner. Always satisfying when a kill is made.

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the problem is people wanna pick n choose what is realistic and whats not

thats why this game isnt fun anymore

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Gaijin wants/ needs more money so they are attracting a younger ago group, it used to be early to mid 20’s that played WT now there is tanks and lots of teenagers with a CoD mentality


big time which is ironic i barely turned 21 when i first played in 2015 lol

Teens? I feel like realistically it’s younger than that nowadays.


Im with you there the stuff they come out with in chat


Not only that, but in WT communities outside (like Discord, prime example) it feels like there are people very young on it. I’m not against SOME internet timez and I’m not against them playing Video Games either. But I feel like at times it is a little much.


They vocally oppose suggestions or changing CAS in game, because they KNOW that CAS is not only Over Powered, but Ridiculously over powered. They hide behind the stats and kills that planes get vs how many kills ground forces get, and then conveniently forget to factor in the Several other factors that make CAS over powered.

a few being:
Spawn a plane and fly over an enemy, and then he cant hear the planes ally coming, because planes are loud AF

Plane strafes you, does a bit of damage, but you take your eyes off ground to look at air anddddd, boom you die to another tank

See a plane coming in and have to try and outplay its bombs (most likely a coward revenge bombing) , and luckily you move in time, buttttttttt, you lost your cover and now you can get shot by other tanks

Took your eyes off fighting 2 other tanks, to try and shoot a plane, and now your attention and subsequently Barrel is pointing up and away from the other tanks… .and wooppp, youre a free kill

(about 20 other i could ramble off, but CAS is simply Way too strong and does a LOT more than just get kills with bombs/guns/missiles, etc but they still get a ton of kills and disables of ground forces, just by themselves. )

You should tell that to all the people killed in friendly fire incidents that were the results of the A-10 having no advanced optics for verification of friendly ground troops.

uh… k? Thats… an entirely separate issue.

Off topic, yes, but making a claim that the A-10 is one of the best planes ever made is a pretty awful idea. What I said is an answer to that. You shouldn’t act like a know it all, when you indeed don’t know it all. No “best plane ever made” has committed as many friendly fire incidents as the A10 has. There is radio chatter capturing one event where I believe an American A-10 pilot strafed a British convoy. Quite horrifying, and would have been completely preventable if the A-10 had any advanced optics. There are also accounts of A-10 pilots bringing pairs of binoculars to use while in flight as an aide to correctly identifying targets. Not at all the “best plane ever”.

yeah, youre right… the A-10’s were only in service for like 4 years… Definitely not a good plane and definitely didnt excel at what it was designed to do.

See, it’s stuff like this that actual upsets me. There are accounts from US service members that experienced close air support from A-10s in combat. They are not positive accounts by any means, and some went so far to say that calling in air support from A-10s was feared by many soldiers on the ground because of the inherent inaccuracy of the gun. I’m going to assume you haven’t served in the US military, because Service members don’t enjoy equipment that tends to kill their friends. You sit and read these stupid articles that praise an old, slow, worthless plane with a gun that hasn’t been effective against it’s intended targets, ever.

1st go read thread,…
2nd go read and understand what is said
3rd go read again, so you don’t insult people that tries effectively to balance things instead of running away with the Tank-only mode “option”,…

4th go read rules now, and see what you’ve broken already.

Btw,… your behavior is inacceptable even on this forum → @Pacifica : i’m not gonna report every of his aggressive post on a thread he doesn’t dared to read before writing an Essay on how bad CAS players are to oppose Tank-only,… but i’ll let you judge the “infinite wisdom” of the posts he left in this thread.


Chill bro, we are all here with a similar intention, which is to make the game better for everyone, I can argue with someone on the internet, but when I see you in my local bar I would still buy you a drink bro.