Why are the ground maps so small and games so short

Because it is not a sniping game, it encompasses all engagement over 80 years of tank design. Sniping is boring because of the map and gameplay design. It is boring because of the gameplay and map choices Gaijin has made. The players aren’t to blame for not enjoying it, blame Gaijin for making it boring.

I don’t know why you guys keep brining that opinion up, it isn’t even that bad.

If you can’t handle big maps and the patience it takes, that’s a skill issue. Grow up or go play COD with the other children. I’d rather play nothing than a children’s game.


If we can have cities and alleyways we can have open terrain & hills.

Yet they took away several maps at top tier because they said they were too small.

I never said more open terrain and hills are bad, just that long range is bad. I love non-urban fighting when it isn’t on a poorly designed map.

I am not opposed to rural environments, but I am opposed to poorly designed long range maps.

Well i did try to make poll for the change then I realized that it not gonna change anything because majority of casual players are too much compare to the past ofc new generation of players are not thinking type they just want fast action place game even this shouldn’t be the game for them I did suggest to Gaijin to throw that trash in to arcade mode because RB stand for “Realistic” and how RB turn out today ? RB are nothing more than just arcade 2.0
One of my examples

Because that’s what the minority of players like, so gaijin makes it that way.

what I meant, is the game is not a dedicated sniper game… you can still snipe etc… just not made for dedicated hiding / sniping positions…

But yes, the Devs want players to get stuck into the action, and not hiding all the time… but anyway…

And that is the other thing too… most players are after a quick-ish / casual game before School / work and or to spend some free time

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Frankly, an option to choose either or would be perfect. I absolutely LOVE sniping in the Russian tanks because that is what they’re MADE FOR.
Although, of course its just wishful thinking because we can still only ban a grand total of… 1 map, which requires premium.
Sniping in this game is really enjoyable, and I love being in duels with others, but it really is such a shame I can’t specifically choose to play long range maps.

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This’d be a good idea to put forth to be real… A map where there’s a river seperating both teams, and make it a genuine sniping scenario.

You know there are Arcade mode for that style of gameplay right? RB is no longer realistic battle because of these why put arcade gameplay style to realistic battle?
Maybe new gamemode like semi arcade would do?

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Someone bought up the quote… so was explaining it…

Yeah that why I suggest about new gamemode and call it semi arcade (or better name) that contains RB gameplay elements with arcade playing style because that exactly what happen in RB right now RB supposed to be close to realistic much as possible but not in sim level right?


Well then, if the devs have no intention to make good maps then they should lower the player count to 6v6 or 8v8 because 16v16 is absolute hell for top tier.

I’m surprised not more people have revolted against the player count in top tier GRB. Most of these small maps actually play fine when there’s isn’t 10 people on the ground and 6 jets raining down bombs from 20km away.

Second this, or an addition to what I recommend above, I believe it would be easier to implement than this.
The only problem I can see with this is that people are already too focused on RB rather than AB, which can most definitely pose a challenge if your purposed gamemode is not implemented properly.
Although, if one where to be given the choice of long range maps v close range maps, it can fix this problem altogether and not require the introduction of a new gamemode.

I wouldn’t want there to be a river between the two teams because flanking is most definitely a part of the game and a legitimate tactic, and if there were to be a river I can see the game being unnecessarily drawn out.
While I do love sniping, it is most satisfying with one shot kills (of course) so removing the ability for teammates to flank while you distract them may cause a frustrating game rather than an enjoyable one.

Oh boy … well thank god I stay away from high tier …


It just makes it more sniping centric rather than rushing the enemy.

While I understand where you’re coming from, I’m thinking something more so of a valley. Not an extremely deep one, shallow enough to where you could shoot down without exposing your hull, but not shallow enough to where people are easily noticeable, y’know?
I guess what I am trying to say, is have the main focus of the map as sniping, sort of like the C point on Maginot, but still have enough room for people to flank if they wish.