Why are sniping spots being removed from maps?

And the whole map could be named ‘sniping spot’.

Again. I have provided examples of changes which were made with changes made to camping spots, not necessary the ones You are talking about. Jungle is an old map which was change over I think now 8 years or even more and I have played on it from the beginning.

Take Sweden or Berlin or any urban map .Just an endless sprawl of possible camping spots.So what? Do you seek to flatten every house until the urban maps are just a big flat field?

Camping spots exits ,wow ? So what?

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So you can’t point to anywhere on the map, because you know you’ll be proven wrong if you do. So were obviously lying and just completely made up that they changed water depths at the same time they removed sniping spots. Cool. The side that has to lie to try and make a point in a discussion are obviously the ones in the right ;)

I never said anything bad about just any old camping spots. I said bad things about single objectively best camping spots on a whole map, where everyone went to that one spot, while in your own words “Not thinking”, because it was so obviously the one correct spot. Spots that change how the whole map plays by being removed.

A random alleyway in Sweden that overlooks one street is not such a spot. That alleyway can be flanked or avoided or checked using the “C” key and then reverse and go a different way, etc. etc. so is neither OP nor “doesn’t require thinking”

You don’t read, do You?

I can read you CLAIMING that you provided an example, but I cannot read the map where you actually pointed to the actual spot you were allegedly talking about, because you never gave one. Because you were lying, and you know that if you do try to give an actual spot, it will be shown to have been a lie. “There’s just some spot… somewhere or other… that totally changed at the same time, just trust me bro” is not actually “providing an example”

Took me one click on Youtube for You to watch how they canged a lot while taking out the ‘camping spots’ which You were talking about.

Urban maps full of camping spot after camping spot.So address that.You want them all removed?

You want it made illegal for somebody in an flimsy light tank or open SP like the M10/36/18 to utilize cover ? Be ashamed of hiding even though that is what they were destined to do,hide ,hit and move?
You demand that they must to stand out in the open like a IS1 and duke it out with the Tigers?

Everyone must play to your chosen doctrine even though you don’t abide by the rules you set for others? Don’t tell me you dont hide and snipe when it suits you.Don’t tell me you don’t make your way to the enemy spawn to get kills.

It’s all self righteous BS and this forum is full of it.

If you had bothered to actually WATCH that video, you’d have heard him point out that

  • They removed an overlooking bunker (a prime sniping spot)
  • They put rocks around a hill that was just a prime sniping spot
  • The put rocks around another hill also a prime sniping spot
  • The did NOTHING ELSE according to him

So… literally just sniping spots, like I said, and not like you said. No mention of any “water depth changes” or anything else.


No I literally just told you that I don’t have a problem with any of those tiny, narrow vision camping spots that only look at one or two streets. Replying to someone’s comment where they said “I don’t have a problem with X” and just saying “Oh so you have a problem with X huh? You want all X removed!? OMG” just means you didn’t read my comment?

Prime sniping spot… in the middle of the map… which cleary can still be used the same way… yeah.

You mean the one on right side of the map which allowed the team to actually do something instead of just driving in front of enemies? Yeah…

You mean the whole hills which both teams could use? Yeah…

Again You can’t read


Yes both teams had sniping spots removed… and?

I said they “only removed sniping spots, and did nothing else”. I did not say “they only removed one team’s sniping spots” I said they only removed sniping spots.

You then claimed that they changed a bunch of other crap while removing sniping spots. You were completely incorrect about that. You then gave me a video that you didn’t even watch first, which proved that you were completely incorrect about that, and that indeed only sniping spots were removed and nothing else.

Sniping spot is sniping spot. You want to remove them all go play Atari tanks from 1980.
I saw somebody get ten kills in a flak 88 in Berlin map,didn’t move all game . I tried it ,dead in two minutes.
So much for the amazing sniping spot.

Lets just iron them all out and we will play WT on a billiard table.


And the whole map was made into a close battle one?

Just a screen of how map used to be and how it got changed in order to balance it because of sniping spots:
This is what I was reffering to when talking about water deapths.

With the changes about spots I think they made changes to the whole ‘geen’ area of the map (can be seen on old videos).

Not to mention changes made to A point which made it much harder to fight against as it got reinforced with terrain.

You can see the difference here.

Anyone has seen Breslau map lately? I used to get it a lot and I haven’t seen it for a while now.

I could bet that Gaijin is “working” on it, must have found some “unfair” spots that need to be removed.

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Those are years old videos. The ONLY difference just NOW that this thread is about was 100% just the removal of sniper spots. Nothing else. Unlike you claimed earlier.

At this point, there’s no room for misunderstanding. I thought maybe before you meant Vietnam (where they did change water depth), but nope, you’re not confused. You just straight up intentionally lied. Which means you don’t have the best interests of the game or the truth as your goal, but some sort of nefarious or unfair personal agenda that you aren’t willing to state publicly and feel you need to try to (incompetently) trick people to achieve instead of pursuing it honestly. Doesn’t matter what it is, though, liars aren’t worth spending any further time entertaining regardless, goodbye.

Like Aral sea and the big castle map(what was it called? ) I hated Breslau initially.So I kept going and soon found the way to unlock it and find ways to get kills.I am happy to do that .If I can’t get kills on a map I only blame myself .

All the maps,nations and vehicles are different in WT and we should value the diversity instead of trying to make everything the same.

How long before we play Blue Tanks vs Red Tanks on a featureless terrain with the same ammo and perfect balance.Remove the human element entirely.You might as well play bots.

Anybody who values that is an idiot because that is all we had 30 or 40 years ago.

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And changes to camping spots were not only made recently but years back?

There were changes to jungle map when it comes down to water deapths of the river, see the screanshoot above. I just tend to forget that most of the players don’t play as long as me.

And above I have posted videos showing that alongside camping spots there were changes to other things, like A cap which was reninforced and it allowed for more camping from right map side team.

Gaijin changes the whole maps, not just some spots. Eastern Europe is just a perfect example of a map that allowed for long range fights was made into close combat map

White Rock Fortress? Aral Sea map wasn’t removed, I’ve been playing it. If you want to check which maps are currently unavailable just go to the server replays and put the name of the map on the “Search by keywords”, if you don’t find any match, that’s cause they removed them from rotation.

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