Why are sniping spots being removed from maps?

Yeah White Rock Fortress that was it.I was so bad at that map to start with as a newbie with slow poor climbing tanks.Got my head around it and Gajin pulled it.B*****ds lol

I never get Aral sea.Is it top tier? Always did well on that map when I was poor at the others.Not seen it in months.Thanks for the info.

Hey thinking about it ,maybe I banned Aral Sea with my clumsy fat fingers because you can limit maps if I remember correctly.Thanks again.

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You can get aral sea at like 4.0 or something

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They also change how objects interact in those maps, in Japan you can no longer shoot through the wood and paper houses, and lately I’m getting my APHEBC deleted by objects like palm trees. I also remember when they changed traction to tanks, making it impossible to climb and reach certain nice spots.

Didn’t tanks used to drown on Vietnam map when it was added to the game?


That is a classic map cause everyone remembers it from when starting playing the game. I don’t see it in a long time now.

No, I usually get it while using 5.0-6.7 tanks. Got it 4 times since the major update arrived. A map that is not very old but that already got a lot of changes.

I got Artic map banned not cause I dislike it but cause I got tired of playing it so many times in a row, before that I had Vietnam but I actually enjoy the new version although the removal of snipping spots on both sides.

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Like the big rail depot Port Novorossiysk where you shoot through rail cars like they are not there is a fine example yet in Stalingrad rail cars are solid cover only destroyed by HE.

It’s a bizarre mess for an 11 year old game.

I think I may have banned it like a fool.I will look into it thank you.So long since I banned any map,I forgot you could.the days when everything was to blame but my own ability.

I’ve seen Breslau at least 20 times in the recent weeks grinding 9.0 and 10.3. Just today played a couple of matches on it.

They would surely be unsatisfied how both teams can flank below C and overlook multiple popular intersections on that part of the map.
Cutting that part of and placing C at the edge of the map should be the way to go, don’t you agree ?

In Arcade it seems that there was a single match in Breslau a few minutes ago, so it got back today. The War Thunder Wiki page about Breslau is not even working right now.

I play Arcade, there are always planes in the air that spot any tank that tries to flank and I like to flank C from below cause it’s the only way to avoid those intersections with some cover. I’ll wait to check the changes to see if I like it(if they did changed something in that map).

Tanks don’t get to share spotting from friendly planes in AB. I have radio comms skill maxxed out on almost every crew and I cannot recall EVER just getting a sudden magical christmas tree of enemy locations all light up at once in a wave when an airplane flew past.

Flankers still get usually easily spotted, but it’s not from airplanes, it’s from your ground teammates seeing them and you getting radio comms from them being nearby.

I don’t know about Arcade, but in RB that map is pretty frequent for the past few weeks, at least for me, so I doubt they’re changing anything there.

You can check on the server replays when a map gets removed, you just have to do a search by keyword with the name of it. Yesterday when we started discussing it, the search for Arcade-Random Battles-Tanks didn’t show any results for “Breslau” but after reading your reply I’ve checked again and there was already 1 battle in Arcade for that map, I checked in RB and there were a lot of them already. The search works since the major update day cause you cannot check replays from a previous major update.

You are wrong. Planes do spot enemy tanks in Arcade Ground Battles.

Do you even look at the minimap?

Here is two examples for you:

Look at what happens in the minimap the moment the blue plane spawns, surprise, surprise, it spots enemy tanks.

There is nothing wrong about only playing low tier tanks but always questioning other players that are way more experienced than you in everything? That is very annoying.

only playing low tier tanks

[video clips of playing a 5.0 tank] 🤔 lol, and not relevant.

But anyway, I played a couple hours today and specifically watched for this for the entire 35,000 point session for togging, and still never saw it happening once. But the video clips look legit so shrug alright

always questioning

This was also one single thing, “always”?

Everything on this list is true, though “know power spots you could be sniped from and counter/avoid them” also belongs equally on that list.

Nothing in the list is incompatible with long range engagements. Staying stationary for too long will draw CAS, especially if you’re successful, and will not cap points. Knowing when to sit still and when to move up is also the sort of judgement call you need to get better at if you like to play sniper vehicles.

The problem with the under-representation of long range engagements is not one of “gamer quality” or strategic thought (lol, some people really attribute the weirdest mythologies to things), just one of game balance that penalises vehicles that brawl suboptimally.

I’m not at home for a few weeks, so I can’t check this myself: do Panthers pen T29 frontally? I’ve never found myself in that situation because the move up to 6.0 is recent, and I don’t normally use Panthers if I get a full uptier unless I’ve run out of better options, so just curious.

They can pen T28 Tutel cupolas, I guess, though that usually only kills the commander.

Can’t really think of other “problematic” enemies. Maybe obj 268? But I think the KwK 42 goes through the weakspot below the gun to the left side.

Jungle used to be a map where I could spawn in an open topped tank destroyer south, go towards C, and have good placement options to play to its strengths.

Now, Jungle is a map where I feel like the best move to support taking C from the south is to spawn in something mobile and turreted that can quickly contest the corridor and/or go hull down behind the elevated terrain at the southernmost tip of the map, to get flanking shots on enemies pushing C, and in turn deny the enemy said flanking shots.

Or in other words… It’s one more map where it’s not competitive to use a slow glass cannon. Just like in the overwhelmingly vast majority of them.

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These new map changes did nothing but help to marginalize sniping-only vehicles even more. Their “fixed” maps are still full of spawn-to-spawn sight lines and I simply don’t want to believe we will be playing on these “upgraded” maps for who knows how long.

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It’s just incredibly boring to play this iteration of Jungle, and incredibly tempting to 1DL it. I’d put it alongside Alaska and Seversk as my most disliked map in game.

I’m glad I’m at a BR where Jungle doesn’t show up. My play there is to go on that hill near C (picture) if spawned on the correct side. You can easily seal club from there, but sniping-only vehicles aren’t always capable of going/staying there, especially at low-mid tiers.
On the other side I liked flanking C on that ridge line which got removed while still being accessible by both teams.

The game balance of it is bad, when one guy of even average skill on a SIXTEEN person team can hold down the entire map. One guy of average skill should generally hold down… one other guy, or a skillful one maybe hold down 4 or 5, not the whole map. There are still plenty of places to snipe, but they’re just narrower ranges of vision, which is great, because it means you’re still being useful, but to a much more proportional appropriate degree, and with much better and more interesting counterplay (you can avoid that lane if you notice them operating there, flank it, etc.)