Why are sniping spots being removed from maps?

I just have noticed that our perspective can be different because of modes we play of. I come mostly from RB/SB

if the only way a tank could have been non-obsolete was “to have a single repetitive sniping spot that you go to without fail every time” then that still didn’t answer my question. Because that’s just you clearly admitting that those tanks were necessarily boring, then. So… them being obsolete makes the maps less boring.

Personally, I don’t agree that any tanks became obsolete here, but if YOU think that, then YOU necessarily also think those tanks were boring.

Funny thing I have never used this spots and find them easy to fight against.

Oh spare me time and stop trying to portray the changes to change only one thing on the map. They have destroyed any resonable long range fight on eastern europe for example


It’s obviously logically impossible to argue at the same time that:

  • Removing a certain spot on a map makes it trash, but ALSO that:

  • Those spots were not OP and were not objectively the best, and were easy to fight against, and required critical thinking, etc.

Pick one… if the spots are easily countered and not clearly the best spots in all cases, then that logically implies that there must have been other spots that were also viable, and therefore the tanks that used these spots cannot be obsolete just from removing them, and that the map still has good options.

If removing one spot ruins a map for a whole class of tanks, then that clearly is synonymous with “That was the best known spot and didn’t require critical thinking since there were no other good options”

The fact is that there are a lot of different nations and within those nations there are a number of different vehicles.Huge variables.

For example in WW2, Russia has no hull down ability due to poor gun depression so it may be a tactic to drive for a good while to get a favourable firing positing.So you would take it wide and hug terrrian until you find cover equaling a good view.Basic tank tactics.

A unit with good gun depression can get a hull down on on negative camber and peak over the top.Good if you have that option.

An 88 flak gun requires different play to a Panzer H which is different to the Sturmer Emil which is different to the Puma.Nobody will be cap rushing in a slow 88 flak truck.Like deciding whether to use using a sniper rifle or a shotgun .Every vehicle is a tool in the kit bag.

Nobody should be forced to do anything they dont want and in a wide open map players at least have options.If they want to drive for miles to flank because the vehicle demands it then they should be free to do so and if they get one shotted after a five minute drive then bad luck.If they want to take an SP in an ambush position then let them.They may get ten kills or they may not even see an enemy.Their choice.

Another forum debate ends with same answer.You make a choice that is yours and it works or it does not and that applies to every aspect of game play whether it’s jumping into CAS,Sniping,CapRushing,Using an SP or a Heavy tank or anything.

At least a big a map gives freedom and the rest is up to the individual.


Read my first comment to the whole topic

For me there were no OP spots on any maps which were the only way to play certain vechicle. I just pointed out that they are not just blocking some shitty rocks but also changing the whole maps:

And I have never said anything about tank needing one spot for being good, I have pointed out that there are tanks that are not made for rushing

They never just remove the certain spot on the map, they remove the whole areas or change them in a way that the only resonable tactic is just rushing.

Sorry to dissapoint You but as I said, Gaijin doesn’t just change one small spot on the map, they change the whole map.


Using the same two examples from above:

  • What do you think they did on Jungle other than just removing those specific spots? You can still flank in the south just like before. It’s not one lane either, you can go all the way back to spawn or into the water (3 different exists for your flank: enemy spawn, water on their side, or onto the B hill halfway in) just like before. Literally all that changed is the hilltops were restricted access.

  • What do you think they did on Kuban other than just removing the mountain access back when they added steep cliffs there?

They changed the map because people couldn’t fight against them? I have never liked this spots and seen them as boring and nothing special

? Still waiting on what else you think they changed on those two maps. You said that they never just remove sniper spots alone.

So you’re surely going to enlighten me about all the other side changes they made to those two maps while removing sniper spots. Any moment now…

You can always look for how map looked like before the change was implemented and after that.

Yes, I did. And the differences are that they just removed sniper spots, lol

We had the same boring issues with Medal of honour 20 years ago. Somebody would use a sniper rifle and be accused of camping like you are going to race around with a sniper rifle.You had a shotgun for that.
People just want to dictate in online gaming what everybody else should do and sadly Gaijin pay them far too much attention.Let’s ruin another map and nerf another vehicle.Eleven years later and the castle is still built on sand.


Ok, so tell me about eastern europe. They didn’t change the whole map did they?

I never said that they ALWAYS ONLY remove sniper spots. So I don’t need to explain every single map, because I didn’t claim any such thing.

You did, however, claim that they NEVER ONLY remove sniper spots. So you need to be able to defend every single example against that.

I asked you about Jungle and Kuban. Two maps where they only removed sniper spots and did nothing else. Which disprove your claim that they NEVER ONLY remove sniper spots. Still waiting on what else they changed. Or do you admit now that sometimes they do only remove the best sniper spots and do nothing else? And if so, in those cases, do you agree it’s a good change? if not, why not?

So I will bring one thing that comes to mind, depths of rivers on Jungle and addition of lake on Kuban (or more likely allowing to go there).

Adding a lake in Kuban adds MORE flanking opportunities, surely you think that was a positive change, since you want interesting and diverse tactics…? Also they did not do that at the same time that they changed the north mountain anyway, those were at least like a year or two separated in time.

Jungle I’m not sure what you mean, where can you drown now in Jungle that you couldn’t before?

  1. I have provided proof that they change more on maps rather than just remove camping spots. Still waiting for Your opinion on big eastern europe. Then what is the talk about flanking?
  2. They have changed jungle a lot from what it was at first, if You don’t remember that, we don’t have anything to talk about.

I have just provided an example of what was changed in order to make map ‘better’ and change the ‘camping spots’.

I don’t have any relevant opinion on the non sniping spot changes on eastern europe. The sniping spot changes were positive there, the other changes are off topic for this thread.

I have provided proof that they change more on maps rather than just remove camping spots.

Changing other shit on the map YEARS earlier in a completely different update than the change we are talking about in this thread (removing sniper spots) obviously has nothing to do with this topic, and nothing to do with THIS change (removing sniper spots, by itself on those two maps, for example) being good or bad.

This is straight up insulting to the intelligence of your audience that you think unrelated changes in like 2019 are on topic here.

The whole map was made for long range fight and was made into a close combat. Trying to avoid the topic won’t make it dissapear.

Sorry but changes I have talked about where introduced with other changes which were around ‘muh bad camping spot’.

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I didn’t say anything disappeared or not. You should just make a separate thread about it if you have questions about things other than snipping spots. This one is about “Why are sniping spots being removed from the map?” See the title.

Sorry but changes I have talked about where introduced with other changes which were around ‘muh bad camping spot’.

No, they weren’t. Tell me the exact spot you think in Jungle you could drown in that you can’t now, or vice versa, that you think changed in october-novermber 2023. There isn’t one, that is incorrect. I will be able to find a video on youtube of a guy drowning or not drowning there just like it is now, for any spot you incorrectly claim changed just recently (when they removed sniping spots)