Why are modifications still a thing in this game

Some price tags can be considerable too much and i would agree on some parts but you have to remember this is a game that gets in game contents regurarly and depends on Customer pay to improve it other companies on the other hand had huge budgets to work on those games while they barely pumps additional contents after couple of years most of the time.

It’s all about money and people do spend GE to get through those modifications quicker.


I’d spend GE on things if the conversion rate wasn’t so horrible and if there wasn’t an infinite amount of things to research that it feels like spending a significant bit of money to remove a drop out of the ocean.

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but DCS is worth the value, War Thunder isn’t

Well then go play DCS?

At the very least they relented on the RP required for top tier modifications, it was predatory and tedious to grind. I think the next thing to increase the QoL of players is by removing the laser rangefinder modification and making it stock to all tanks that have it or moving it to a tier 1 or 2 modification, locking it behind 4 tiers is a blatant cash crab.

And what’s even funnier is that some tanks get it much earlier so it’s not even consistent, while other top tier tanks have it set as their last modification.

more grind = more money

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Most of them are russian tanks if im not mistaken.

There are those that do it. I have a video of a player using extinguisher for the fire since I ran out. Those players exist bro, just rare.

Bc gaijin like money and people GE the mods sometimes.

You have to do that because you choose to play this game.

Woaw, thats some real bromance we got here! valentine’s spirit is in the air!

You cookie was baking so he extinguished your fire ohlala!


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The fact that you’re always maki9ng out it’s about premium and getting players to buy things.

That’s the trope.

Yet here’s Vamilad proclaiming that it’s all about that urge to make people buy things because they have no choice by his throwouts…

Same with anything these players find issue with, many of us actually don’t have trouble with them but they’re screaming them from the rooftops constantly as if they are actually a problem.

Dude, I was once so petty that when someone said HEATFS was useless I grabbed my stock 105mm
tank at the time and did an Assault Arcade match where I killed 46 Russian tanks [You needed 40 kills per person to win].

Back when the game’s shadows were flickering if I had them on [this was fixed at some point].

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Out of a few I looked at, considering laser rangefinder, thermals and the shell unlock, it’s 27k RP for Russia, 54k for US and 68k for Germany to unlock one of them, not counting parts and FPE.

Which is also weird since those are 8k for Russia, 10k for US and 11k for Germany.

A Leopard 2A4, which is a 10.3 MBT, has a 110k RP grind compared to the T-90m at 11.7 which has a total of 81k RP for these parts.

No one seems to be able to tell me why though.

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This is called yield management.

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Progression. One word explains this.

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The reason the Leopard 2A4 requires more rp to reach those items is because the T90m has more modifications to research, which lowers the cost of all the modifcations at that tier. More modifications in a tier, less rp for each, less modifications in a tier, more rp for each. Explained by knowledge of the system.

The Leopard 2A4 can have thermals, laser rangefinder, and DM23s for 92,500 rp. The T90m needs 77,100 rp to get those modifications. Your math is off, probably because parts and FPE aren’t full cost mods. The reason why is because, as I stated earlier, more modifications mean less rp require for each. The T90m has 290krp split between 21 mods for an average 13800 rp per mod, while the Leopard has 244krp split between 19 mods for an average of 12800 per mod. The tier 4 mods cost 17000 on both vehicles because the Loepard only has 5 tier 4 mods instead of the T90ms 6 tier 4 mods. Another difference lies with the Leopard needing 2 tier 4 mods to get the LR and DM23 compared to the T-90m needing 1 tier 4 mod with the 3BM60.

The math works out and can easily explain why the numbers are different for each.