Why are maps so small at 9.7+ BR

He is salty that his map thread got closed so he is spamming the other map threads rn.

The issue persists. Why should I not highlight it?

Because spamming a topic is very annoying cause people would like to see other topics. If no one is replying they don’t care. The fact this topic went for 8 days without a peep is very telling especially when the only one reviving it is adding nothing to the topic.

Yet here we are and you are responding.

I’m not talking about this topic I am talking about YOU.

I am replying because I care about the topic of the thread. The size of War Thunder’s maps is a major problem for multiple features in the game.

But other people obviously don’t if the post didn’t have any movement for 8 days. No one cares.

Why would I base my opinion on other’s people’s interest in a topic? That is irrelevant to my personal feedback.

I mean they necroed a 7 month old thread that had 3 posts including OP.


(The air defense for the high tiers have nowhere to go. WAY TOO SMALL MAPS)

Poor map balance and size is a legitimate concern a lot of players have expressing lately, Gaijin really has to focus on map balance in 2024.


Yea but spamming threads (newish and necro alike) just because one is dissatisfied is not ok.
Picture for proof. Checked each one (w/ the chinese tanker profile picture) and yes they are Vamilad and no this isn’t all of them.


To think that this issue is not of interest to people I must assume you don’t frequent the Reddit page. Right up there with all the “why do teams keep evaporating” threads.

But I’m sure that those 2 problems are completely unrelated.

None of those threads are of my creation. I’m commenting on other relevant threads giving my opinion on the topic of the thread just as you’re doing now. Excepting that you’re not discussing the thread topic you’re whining about another user’s post activity.

Do you have an opinion to share on the general size of maps in higher BRs?

Its simple fact that smaller maps offer more condensed action. There is much higher probability you encounter more opponents and have more action during the match.
Its also easier and more efficient to just copy paste maps from low ranks to high ranks. Instead of making big map, for a few people that play high ranks and big map is also more work than small one.

If you play on bigger map, the gameplay gets slower and more tactical, which can also result with low amount of action and kills, while majority of match is filled with observing surroundings or getting shot from big distance (eg nowhere).

Guess what is preferred by somebody who just queues up for a game or two? And thats majority of playerbase. Lets say there is single point match. Usually what happens is that majority of people rush to that point and don’t care about flanking, covering angles or taking time for enemy to make a mistake.

Those people can be catered to through Ground Arcade Battles.

And they are, but I am talking about average GRB players.

Yes, if players want knife fights they should be encouraged to play Ground Arcade Battles.

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Gaijin puts small maps even into SIM rotations where, I dare to say, players are not interested in some quick shooter action.

Personally I have started to insta quit those 200m 7x7 grid maps, even when I waited 15-30mins for battle.

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From I read so far, Sim Battles seem to be notoriously neglected game mode, so not sure if comparisons are worth something here.

Gaijin’s choices are relevant.

Choosing to put knife fights in to a game mode meant to simulate real combat is reflective of their overall design philosophy.

Unless players speak out against their map design they will continue to support it.

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