Why are maneuver kills still not counted?

I’m asking for another scenario because if the only possible one that is negative is the one described I don’t view it as a valid reason for there not to be maneuver kills ingame.

If the only problem is being given a kill because “an F-104 booms and zooms at you, misses and crashes, you didn’t do anything to it, you may not have even seen it but you still get a free kill.” then I say there’s no problem.

The Kill maneuver is not implemented because the grind is supposed to be hard. So hard in fact, that you’ll start thinking seriously about spending real money.

Gentlemen, this game is not designed to be fun, is design to make money on whales and frustrations.

A year or two or even more whenever someone crash or ejected near player or crash to avoid person giving a kill or get manuevered killed the closest person got the kill i dont know why they removed that.

If you don’t know yet, read what I wrote above.

Every now and then I see someone J-out because he see that it is finished and don’t want to be transformed into XP.

In fact if you J-out in middle of dogfight that should be counted as kill.

The truth is that a kill by maneuver mechanic is currently needed since many people commit suicide to avoid getting kills and that is extremely annoying. A mechanic can be introduced when you abandon the plane and if you are nearby with another plane it gives you the kill, they should Do it somewhat depending on the missiles that you launch and the other player who tries to dodge dies. That should count as close aerial combat.

I don’t know how you’d implement such a feature - but Maneuver kills are some of the most satisfying.

It was in game already, like xp for time you spend in dogfight.

because its nearly impossible to detect a maneuver kill

The game engine doesn’t know when you j-out or crash and who is with you?

No, it doesn’t it’s not built to be able to distinguish between crashing because of a maneuver kill or just because of an accident.

If you crash ~2 km near an enemy, you died because of them.

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That’s not true. Actually, I’ve crashed within 2k… because my controller died, not because of any enemy players action.

A very rare and unusual circumstance.

More likely is that someone crashes because they were checking their six and not making an effort to level out their plane, because they turned too hard and stalled, because the turned uncoordinated and skidded into a flat spin, because they underestimated the height of trees, because they tried to dive away too hard and ripped their wings off, because they got too tunnel-visioned into chasing you and rammed into a teammate, because they got too tunnel-visioned into chasing you and G-loc’d/compressed themselves into the ground as they tried to pull up too late, because their engine experienced a float carburator failure (likely more rare tho), because they got disoriented and stalled (clouds my behated/beloved)

I kinda feel like if you’re shot at and then that person who shot at you crashes (within a reasonable time period, like 2 or 3 seconds), then you get the kill… this would handle those epic times when two of your enemies crash into each other trying to “steal” the kill.

There are ingame systems already to detect proximity to the enemy when J’ing out also when being near them to count as activity.

My current suggestion remains that any crash within 800 meters of an enemy should be counted as a maneuver kill, there is a very minute chance that something so close is not caused through the player’s actions.

it cant distinguish if the crash was directly caused by an enemy or not

Don’t argue with these people. The topic lacks any merit, no matter how angry and condescending they get. The only answer is “The server can’t possibly know.” That’s the only answer there is, the only answer that is even needed, because it’s that simple. And they refuse to accept it because they just want their silly way. Don’t even bother engaging them.

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this literally answers your question about “the server not knowing”
it doesnt need to know.
all it needs to know if an enemy is close enough which it already can.
i dont get why you are so opposed against it.

It “literally” does not. The server can’t “know.” It doesn’t know what the person behind the computer or console is doing, nor can it ever. It will never KNOW what made a player hit the terrain. Should I say; it will never KNOW that it had anything to do with being in a fight with you or not. There is no rationalizing around this.

There is no argument. At all. It’s idiotic. The concept is stupid.

I’m “opposed” to it because it’s nonsensical.

Explain to me in a reasonable way that is not an excessively improbable event that only affects a small portion of player base (wireless controllers running out of charge) how you might crash for no reason in presence of an enemy.

If you crash because you held down c and was looking around for the enemy, you died because od them.

Ifyou crash because you pulled too hard or skidded while turning - you died because of them.

If you crash because you compressed/g-locked and was unable to pull out of a dive, you died because of them.

If you crash because your wings ripped as you attacked/evaded, you died because of them.

If you abused your engine and killed it and lacked altitude to glide back to base or be shot down - you died because of them.

If you hit a tree while evading or pursuing - you died because of them.

If you got tunnel vision and crashed into a friendly during pursuit - you both died because of the enemy.

If you literally decidee to kamikaze into the ground to deny the kill - you died because of them.

The only, and i mean only case i ca think of that is not because you had hostiles nearby is someone messing up a divebomb of npc targets while you are nearby unaware of your presence and either kamikaziing or blowing themselves up with the plane.

It is only one singular case you cannot attribute dying to awareness of a hostile causing changes in how you fly, and even the messed up cas can be attributed to hostiles of the enemy was looking around and couldnt keep up with the amount of stuff they had to deal with.