Why are Magic 1s so flare hungry

Nothing wrong with it, it works just fine

ok that was a lie, gaijin models engine heat off the instrument measurements in the cockpit and not actual exhaust temperature

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F-5C, Gripen?

Gripen is fine but yeah the F-5C/E/A is fucked

So, they chose how hot the engine parts are, instead of the exhaust?


kinda? they just use the measurements of temperature you see in the cockpit and not the actual temperature of the exhaust gasses

Actually, turns out its not like that, Flare resistance is based upon thrust

Its why the Harriers suck so much when trying to defend against a missile

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Yes thrust is directly linked to the “temperature” of the exhausts in game

A factual statement. Different missiles have different values for flare resistance this is datamined and confirmed.

One(Singular!!) click is all it takes to disprove that buddy, get a different BS way to shut down arguments you don’t like ;)

And I’ve barely been playing the game recently. Was rather disapointed by the last update and been on sabbatical from the game :D Thats just from the last few days :D


I do not care that you played 29 battles in the past week. The user in question has demonstrated they do not play the game by claiming there is no difference between missiles.

Bro wdym 29 battles 💀

You also claimed the Mirage IIIE should be 9.7 because the AV-8C has Aim-9Gs and CMs…

So im fairly certain it is you who has never played the game


thats how IR missiles work

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hell nah the magic sees flare before it sees target shit’s unreal.

The harriers front 2 nozzles are just cool air from the intakes but modeled as hot air which hurts the harriers ability to avoid missiles :(

Its not that, has nothing to do with it.

Actually I think the front nozzles are modeled as cold or something.

Its this and only this to blame:

Ah well, i forget where i saw it (wikipedia i think) but apparently a strategy for avoiding missiles with the harrier IRL was to thrust vector downwards all the way, pull up and flare, making it so that the missile could only see the wing top

Not sure if this effect is modeled in game but would nice


(Sea Harrier Over the Falklands by Sharkey Ward)

Yep, 100% IRL tactic. Even blocked Aim-9L from getting a lock


and nope, not even slightly modeled in game


But they still don’t really model exhaust beyond a cool visual. It’s not really a thing, and certainly doesn’t help now that more and more advanced IR missiles are being added, and tactics that should otherwise work just don’t