When is the J35XS going to get a lower BR?

Sweet, didnt know that, thanks.

I mean neither Js are all aspect so…

Anyway, afaik finnish airforce used R-13M1s widely, feel adding those to J35XS wouldnt hurt anyone

MiG-21Bis gets both good range rear aspect missiles and all aspect missiles, J35XS gets neither

Please play the game then talk like you playing this game for 10 years. Thank you.

Try again.

You never played J35XS… but again you are so delusional having any conversation with you is waste of my time. Agin my man keep doing you just try to play the game.

Also you are aware anyone can see your account being level 0 and you having 1 game in Stridsvagn m/31???


I meam you are free to keep this attitude. Wont bring back the rocket bug exploit nor change the BR of J35XS 💀

the J35XS is pretty much unplayable dogshit, it will most likely move down in the next set of changes

Again I never knew this community has problems with reading, but Im not judging.

I never said that, please find post where I say it… I actually say they leave plane as it is but in lower rank, thats all, but again please just play the game or the plan and then give us your opinion. thank you

Best of luck then towards that goal. Tho i do think if it could carry R-13M1s instead of Js it would be fine where it is right now.

I would not because it lacks RWS…My opinion 10.3-10.7 max and leave the plane as it is. So easy it can be done today.

the J-7E already has missiles better than those at a lower BR with a much better FM and RWR and more CMs

J-7E should be higher in BR in the first place.

It literally looks like gaijin is going to launch a new premium top tier in sweden that’s why it’s destroying the J35xs. He is unplayable falling against F14A with fox 3 and others. The J35xs has only 6 very weak 20G missiles that are easily dispelled with 1 flare, it does not have RWR, its energy retention is low with 2 turns it is practically stalling, it only has 12 countermeasures, disclaimer the F5C does not even have countermeasures in real life and gaijin stated, the j35xs has very little fuel for the missiles it has, as high speed is needed for the missile to be minimally usable, what saved the J35xs is that at least in the worst of the worst it could still destroy 1 base with rockets and you can’t even do that anymore. It seems that gaijin is simply going to launch a new premium to make more money and leave the J35xs forgotten. It was supposed to be at maximum 10.7, it’s wrong for a vehicle to be OP just because it’s premium, but that’s beyond reasonable, it’s simply in terrible condition. The premium vehicle serves the community to support gaijin’s work and gaijin should provide a vehicle that is minimally constant and capable of farming a tech tree.

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Did you use your IRST today?

WOW. The next match I turn on my IRST against an F14A

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IRST only serves to lock the missile at a more favorable angle, it does not increase the G it supports nor leaves it with IRCCM. When an F14A launches a phenix at 40km I will blink my irst 3 times and imagine it being an RWR.

Try blinking it 4 times next time? /s


Just saying AIM-9Js aren’t weak, the tomcats engines are like 2 mini suns and your IRST can really help against flares

Same thing happened with the J35A also. The XS replaced it and it sold much better. Then gaijin made the A32A prem relaized it was shit and finally lowered the BR of both the prem and TT. Sweden for the most part is made up of a ton of mid vehicles. The XS never should’ve been a premium and its biggest selling point was locking players out of rank 8 when they added the JA37D

I agree it needs to go down in BR. The question is, is 10.7 too low for it.

It is supersonic, it does have 6x half-decent IR missiles, it does have good handling and whilst extremely few in number, it does even have CMs. Many 9.7s are currently rejoicing the fact they no longer have to deal with aircraft like the F-5C and Im just a tad concerned the Draken could steam-roll in a full downtier if it was at 10.7.

To that end. Id say, 11.0 (RB) and 10.7 (SB), see how it goes. If its still really really struggling, then try it at 10.7 (RB).

But just going to have to wait for the next BR change, which I had hoped would be before the next major. But Im thinking that it will now be afterwards.