the r27er in unnotachable what? and the aim120 is less useable??? dude do you have America and Russia grinded because I don’t think you do, as for the r77-1 it’s not in the files and the devs have stated exactly the same as I kindly explained to you end of discussion.
Just look bruh r77-1 is in the files like the python 4
And yea r27er is nearly unotchbale ur only chance is mp or break the plane radar lock if u lucky(very rare)
You think F-15E/C are inferior to Typhoon and Rafale? lol That’s some serious anti-America attitude if true.
F15c yes thats why its 13.7
F15e is on par with the typhoon
F-15C and E are literally the same aircraft for air RB.
8x AIM-120s, meta radar, meta speed, countermeasures…
Bruh are u fr?
Pls tell me u are joking
F-15C time to climb: 2 minutes 28 seconds.
F-15E time to climb: 2 minutes 8 seconds.
F-15C/E top speed: Same.
Energy retention at and above mach 1: Same.
F-15C has superior energy retention <0.95 mach.
They’re the same aircraft for the purposes of air RB.
In a 1v1 F-15E will lose.
And in sim, they literally play identically.
Where are this stats from?
Yes in a df f15c might be better but in bvr f15e is much better then the c due to the exreamly powerfull engines
And also accordind to your stats 20 sec less to climb(i assume u mean for 10km alt) is a big advantge and also u get there with more speed
Those engines don’t matter much in BVR.
The difference between F-15C and Typhoon is equal to that of Typhoon and F-15E.
The acceleration difference is so minor compared to F-16C which has a time to mach 1.5 of over 3 minutes.
And no, you don’t get there with more speed, mach 1.5 is the same for all aircraft as is time to climb air speed.
That video was done before the drag nerfs to the F-15E.
F-15E and F-15C have the same top speed currently.
Idc about the top speed ur not reaching mach 2.5 in a normal game anyway but even after the nerfs the f15e is much superior to the f15c on acceleration
If u insist we can open a vote all tho its very clear ig u never played them or u are extreamly baised for some reason
I find getting the Ra’am up to speed an maintaining it to be FAR easier than the Baz Meshupar, the engines are an undeniable advantage, alongside imcreased CM count and a better radar the F-15I is more tha worth the .3 BR jump from the C
The reason why Raam is “easier” to maintain speed is cause it’s a Mig-29SMT in flight performance.
It forces you to turn worse than F-15C, but if you turn identically in F-15C which isn’t hard after a tiny bit of practice, they are the same energy retention.
It’s obvious you want F-15C, BazM, etc to remain OP as well.
The acceleration difference is negligible in matches itself.
Voting proves only popularity and bias.
The fact you’re biased has nothing to do with me, it’s obvious you want F-15C to remain OP and under-BR’d by denying basic facts.
Lol f15c is not on per with typhoon rafale or f15e and every single player with more then 1 braincell can tell u that
Still turns well enough at speed to notch anything but a <10km MICA
Holy Strawman, i never claimed anything about the placement of the C, however the F-15I is in fact superior in most metrics that define Battle Rating and thus deserves a higher BR than the C
U just wrong f15e has much better ecceleration by far it has 1/5 more ttw
Keep claiming that F-15E/C aren’t Typhoon equivalent while claiming that they are.
Pick a lane.
F-15E/I have the same loadouts.
F-15I is to F-15C what F-104S is to F-4E/Kurnass.
Guess you’re not pro-democracy then, strange from an american but I digress
That’s the wrong way to put it.
Even though the F-15E accelerates a tad better than the typhoon initially, the typhoon has much lower drag past mach1 with higher top speeds and retains energy far better. For pure BVR the advantage of the F-15 is a less buggy radar and 2 more radar missiles.