As a counterpart to @Shimakazerun 's post, what do you think is the worst Rank 8 Jet?
I’ll list the most common “bad ones” but feel free to add on. No, the Tornado ASSTA1 does not count.
Tornado F3 Late would be fine, IF it didnt have its fake nerf.
With BOL at full IRL strength + the addition of 1 to 2 Phimat pods it would be a perfectly competitive 13.3 aircraft. Of course would struggle vs the 14.0s, but what 13.3 doesnt?
But with that nerf in place. It has one of the worst FMs on that list AND practically no effective CMs which makes defending against a threat nearly impossible.
Also, assuming you just picked in your opinion the “worst” rank 8 from each nation then its a kinda wierd list.
You have the RMV, a ground attack aircraft, but no Tornado IDS, not even the Tornado Gr4?
You also have quite a range with Kurnass at 12.3, but most are 13.3.
Should either limit it to the worst “fighter” in Rank 8 or worst 13.0/13.3/13.7 instead and include all 13.0/13.3/13.7 aircraft from all nations (I’d do a poll for each BR)
The original post you mention lists ALL 12.0 tanks
For Britain. Id actually argue the Tornado F3 Late is reasonably solid, Great Radar, Great RWR and Great AAM loadout. Its only weaknesses are the aforementioned issues with CMs and its fairly poor WVR performance. Imo, if you wanted the worst “fighter” in Rank 8, that would either be the Mig-21BISON or the Sea Harrier FA2 (and only due to the aforementioned BOL issues + General harrier issues). The weakest overall is likely the Tornado Gr1.
J-11A, no contest.
All the other jets mentioned are competitive, and some are even meta such as SMT, Kurnass 2000, Tornado F3 Late, F-16A OCU, and Mig-29A.
With JA37Di and Mirage 2000DRMV being the competitive ones that aren’t meta.
Also, assuming you just picked in your opinion the “worst” rank 8 from each nation then its a kinda wierd list.
Nah just took bad top tiers in mind. Tornado IDS (11.3/7) doesn’t count since it’s an overranked Tier 7.
F.3 Late atm is just ok. Not the best but ok.
If you have more bad top tiers to suggest go ahead :)
I would say the Sea Harrier FA2 is performing worse than the Tornado F3 late at the moment and the Tornado Gr4 is in the same boat as the Mirage 2K RMV
The J-11A has to be the least competitive top tier jet we’ve had to deal with since the tornado ids vs mig-29/f-16a days. It has a single DL channel, hideously bad radar, hideously bad RWR, MAW but without enough flares to work properly, R-77s, less missiles than the SM, less thrust than the SM, overall far worse avioncs than the SM.
All that at the same BR as the SM, cherry on top is that you cannot BVR and it’s incredibly difficult to notch with that generation of RWR.
The J-11A might be one of the only planes that i actively do not touch unless i need to buy it to access a future addition
J-11A - not that I’m really qualified to judge since I ground it out, purchased it, played 4 battles in it while stock and have never touched it again. But something was telling me there was no happy ending at the end of that rainbow. I’d rather take out the J-8F at 13.0.
The Kurnass 2000 is far from being a bad top tier aircraft (and honestly isn’t even top tier since it’s only at 12.3). Its Python 3s are extremely effective and it has the best flight performance of any F-4 ingame. It may not have radar guided missiles, but it still has a radar making spotting and tracking targets quite easy. It also has a TON of countermeasures for its BR, and has a surplus of A2G munitions that are extremely effective at its BR. It’s easily one of the best F-4s to fly ingame and something I’ll always recommend to people grinding Israel looking for a fun plane to fly.
Polls can’t be edited after a certain amount of time.
Never in my life have i seen someone call the tornado f3 late meta, sure the J11A is ass and im not saying the f.3 late is the worst on the list but meta naaaaa, its a worse f4f ice at a higher br
I’d kind of swing between Tornado or J11A, although as I have suffered with J11A I will vote for it, just feels annoying trying to to use SPO15 at 13.7 and N001 is poor as well. 1 data link, so effectively can’t engage multiple targets BVR. R73 is good but… it can only do so much. Tornado is just an FM issue, 4 AMRAAM +4 9M although not ideal is doable, CMs are of plenty although the efficiency sucks a bit.
Also anyone else having issue with opening WT RN? I can’t do it through steam RN.
Edit: nevermind it’s my steam, can’t open anything RN.
4x AIM-120s + 4x AIM-9Ms on a slow-to-accelerate fast airframe with good radar and good amount of countermeasures, at minimum it’s over-performing for 13.3 because it’s pushing F-15A and Su-27s down, AKA decompression is needed.
F-4F ICE is under-BR’d as well.
Of course we know that F-15C/JM/BazM, and Su-27SM are under-BRd since they’re not the same BR as their equivalents: Typhoon, Rafale, and F-15E.