What should i get MIG 21 Lazuer M or Tornado IDS WT

OK perfect.
First of all, I would always suggest to wait for sales. Sales are usually in may (30%), june (50%), november (50%) and december (50%). I see you are low on SL. With premium account you accumulate SL quickly and won’t go negative after match ends. Premium account is worth buying in bulk during the sales when it’s usually -50% off for 180 days.

Assuming you want to play ARB and get to the top most efficient way.
Switch research to Bf 109 and Fw 190 line. You can completely skip the 2 lines of bomber/attackers on the right as those are more suitable for either ground battles or air sim battles.

Then make sure to find a good grinding squadron and join it. Start putting squadron points into the Hunter F.58. Assuming you get 20k points every 3 days (like in the case of the squadron I am in), you will get the Hunter in 3 months time.

Next, and I hate to say this, but you should buy the Ju 288C.
You can’t go wrong with this one. It will produce alot of SL as well as RP and help you easily research and skip rank V.
Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 13-48-34 Germany aircraft - War Thunder Wiki

I would also put a talisman on Ta 152H as it is the best German prop plane.
Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 13-48-27 Germany aircraft - War Thunder Wiki
The second being the Bf 109 K4 and third Bf 109G6. Definetly go and spade those. Spading (the act of researching every vehicle module) gives you extra RP.

Research and skip all the Fw 190, they are currently too nerfed. Research, but skip the rank V planes. This rank is too compressed, you will suffer.

Then I would put a talisman on the Hunter F.58 (squadron vehicles and their talisman do not go on sale!) and research rank VI + VII with it.
Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 13-48-39 Germany aircraft - War Thunder Wiki

At rank VII you have 2 excellent planes. Mig 23 MLA (fighter) and F-4F (fighter bomber). Each of these is a good candidate for a talisman. I personally grinded majority of the rank VII+VIII with talismaned Mig 23 MLA.
Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 13-48-50 Germany aircraft - War Thunder Wiki
Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 13-48-47 Germany aircraft - War Thunder Wiki


  • Tech tree vehicles are efficient only within their rank and ±1 rank.
  • Talisman gives you 2x RP modifier but doesn’t increase SL modifiers!
  • Premium vehicles are efficient within their rank as well as +1 rank and all the way to rank I as well as having big SL modifiers and lower repair costs.

With that said, let’s see the calculations:
Ju 288C: 4880GE
Ta 152H talisman: 1800GE
Hunter F.58 talisman: 2700GE
F-4F talisman: 2900GE
12280GE if you buy it normally or 7490GE if you wait for 50% sales.
12500 is 66EUR and 7500GE is roughly 41EUR.
Always buy GE only from this site Gaijin.Net Store / Golden eagles
Do not buy via Steam, you will get charged extra money (my young, dumb and lazy self says hello).

This way you build up your skill gradually while retaining or even surpassing the top tier premium efficiency simply due to you being able to do more in a match.

I would strongly urge you not to buy the premium Mig 21BIS. It currently faces very powerful enemies because of BR compression and it will only get worse next update when they give those enemies FOX3’s. The Mig 21BIS has a very high skill floor.
I would also strongly urge you not to buy the premium Tornado (unless you want to play ASB exclusively). It really is just a one trick pony (bombing) and most of the time you will get smacked before you even get to the base.

Lastly, always expert the crew (for SL) of the vehicle you plan to play alot. So if you will play Ta 152H alot, expert the crew ASAP. Every experted crew starts accumulating XP for ACE crew which you then will be able to get for free when you get enough XP.

Feel free to ask if you don’t understand something.


Funny you mentioned it, I was spading the F-84F (yes, I left this plane for last ugh) in ASB to get the Alpha Jet. It was kinda OK in the 7.7-8.7 bracket. 1 death in the entire 2,5h match and I managed to fight off Mig-15 and Vampire.
It should be 7.3 RB and 7.3-7.7 SB. Think the Gaijin team made a +1.0 mistake.

Yeah yeah man, did all that. Even scored a kill on F3H. It has OK acceleration, SAS damping, it is smooth to fly and responsible with a nice HUD (that notch irritates me though) + CCIP as a bonus. But in this 9.0-10.0 bracket is just food for supersonics. That F105D just ate me for lunch every time and there was nothing I could do. Granted, I played it stock. But stock vs spaded is not much of a difference IMO.
Would fit to 8.7 SB and 8.3 RB much more. Still, I liked it.

Tornado 100%

Nope… Each boz pod has 28 flares and 600 chaff

Agree with this, it’s great advice.
I’d also like to recommend the Ta-154 as potentially an alternative to the 288. It’s cheap, got great rewards, and is super fun to play. It shreds through bombers and holds its own against other fighters.
The 288 is still a better grinder to be sure but it’s pure bot gameplay.

Only thing I would disagree with is the F-4F being excellent.

Its okay CAS due to having only two mavericks (and the assorted phantom rockets+bomb payloads), and its incredibly mid fighter due to having only 4x juliet sidewinders. Its in much better position than it was before (i spaded it back when max BR was 11.0, also around that time RWR stopped being researchable modification), but so is F-104G that has better speed and same air to air loadout sitting at the same BR. You could argue that Phantom turns better than F-104, which is undeniably true, but the playstyle of phantom is not turnfighting, it is too heavy.

It is excellent compared to other planes in the German TT, one of the best German jets per BR. With talisman and zombing, it will easily research both rank VII and VIII simply because you will be first to reach the bases.

I agree that compared to other nations it’s meh at best BUT because Gaijin deliberately underequipped this plane (missing 4 mavericks and AIM-9L), it enjoys 10.7 matchmaker. Though I don’t understand why it’s 11.0 in ASB while the American F-4E is 10.7 lol.

Yeah I spaded it when it was 11.0 as well and it was pain, but after it went to 10.7 it’s highly enjoyable both as a fighter and as a bomber.

Its also sports one of the best looking skins in the game.