It really frustrating that we always have to wait for Russian vehicles or weapons to get added for features when we could have had this things for NATO vehicles a long time ago.
Idk maybe I’m unlucky, but every time I am trying to bomb in SB EC, I get hunted by some players with AAMs, even at lower brs with IL-28 I was in the room full of Scimitars throwing Sidewinders at me. Maybe there are some tips?
Yeah… Im hoping the new AGMs the Soviets just got might mean Brimstone in a year or so now
Don’t play in matches with a lot of people and try to fly long routes around the map and you should be fine.
Tornado, unless you want to enhance your skill in air mode. Bombing is always a good choice. Anyway, if you really want to play air mode, you can use TT planes after grinding them. Keep playing a same fighter and fight with others is very tiring, especially Mig 21.
And, promise me, you will play in air mode seriously after grinding. There are already enough bomb monkey players in air mode.
I wouldn’t get either of these 2 planes if you play AB/RB.
I would get the Tornado if you play SB.
Show me exactly where you are in the tech tree and I will tell you the best way to get to the top.
t. player with every single German plane spaded
Wait for the BR bracket rotation to favor your plane. The BR bracket rotation can be found on the War Thunder Wikipage and in the game when you click on create session. In the meantime, if it is unfavorable, fly something else.
Radars are primitive at these BR’s so fly low to avoid detection. Early radars have a hard time picking up targets flying low. If you fly high, it is easy to spot you as a dot, it is easy for radars to pick you up and IFF you. At no circumstances you should be flying above 5300km altitude as that will produce contrails visible for everyone.
Also try to play Denmark exclusively as this is probably the only balanced SB map for jets.
Air arcade with lower br and air realistic with higeher br
I made myself a “BR calendar” for Sim EC: BR Calendar - Google Spreadsheets
So I know always what vehicles would be good to fly that day… = )
You wanted to say 120, right?
Smart. I tried playing Alpha Jet the moment I got it. That day it was the 9.0-10.0 bracket.
Let’s just say it didn’t end well :D
28 Flares and 540 Chaff per BOZ-107 pod. = )
Eh, if its mostly chaff, it doesnt sound as funny, which is a shame.
Would be funny tho, if it could be 50/50 flares/chaff.
Should still work OKish in Sim at 10.0 if you take care. You got 60 flares after all (not much use to bring chaff at that BR), and CCRP allows you to comfortably deliver the weapons (I’d suggest to mainly use it against bases).
Be careful chosing your approach to the target, stay low, pop up just before the target, back down to treetops and return home to repeat.
Just think about that: The Alpha Jet is just 0.3 BR away from the F-84F, a much older design…
Do you already have experience with jets? Which ones?
And how do you like to play? What modes? What roles?
Not a top tier premium,or you end up being another 0.2 K/D top tier premium player that do nothing but feed enemy with kill.
Tornado is a better grinder for Air because bombs, but the MiG-21 is better dogfighter and could be CAS
Tornado wont reach base first in 90% cases. It might if you take bombs just for one base and like 30min of fuel,then its enough on full AB to get there and back while landing on fumes.
They really just need to buff its engines