It for sure is
I rarely get killed by Pantsir, but when i try to go above them there’s a high chance i’m gonna get fragged by R77, the only thing to try is to go close enough to shoot at them with guns.
16km is still more than enough since it mostly faces Mavs which they suck bad.
what CAS ordinance is reliably getting remotely close to 20km hits? ill wait
can you not say the most ridiculous crap and act like you have a point?
also you seem to have missed that OP was talking about the effect of Pantsir on CAP. NOT CAS (only)
20km: F-16C, F-15E, Su-34, Rafale, Mirage 2000D RMV, F-18C, and all Gripens.
Kh-38s, Hammers, AGM-65s, and PGM_3s.
I did it for 2 years straight, though not in those specific aircraft.
Launch glide bombs before launching Mavs.
How is a basic fact ridiculous?
CAP is too fast for Pantsirs to intercept.
That 16km range is against CAS, which has to fly slower.
Against CAP it’s like a window of 7 - 12km.
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if i ask you to prove that your name is alvis visla
thats stupid.
because everyone knows it.
its a fact
so dont ask for it lol
oh forgive me… ive nevr had to slow down in a dogfight against a eurofigher, rafale (or any other multirole) in GRB (totally true)
Lol try hitting something from 20km with mavericks ill wait
Fair, I let my impatience about such a dumb statement handle me instead of staying rational.
And no, I’ve never dropped below mach 0.9 in ground RB even in my non-ARH jets [EJ Kai].
Already did hundreds of times, though the launch range was 18km cause the game limit was 20km for all weapons until this last major update.
Now I can launch laser AGMs with impunity finally.
You didn’t read my post.
None of them have equipment to use at 20km, even at 10km they have a chance to hit the ground.
Either way my initial point of CAP being too fast for SPAA is true, cause CAS being unkillable by Pantsir is a fact, and CAS itself is slower than CAP, which means CAP is even more unkillable.
I’ve never died to Pantsir in a CAS run, I’ve intentionally died twice, once cause I flew straight at it, and the other I was out of weapons and waiting to die to any SPAA.
And for CAP? Hundreds of sorties, launched on hundreds of times, all missed.
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@Caernarvon02 My posts about CAS, CAP, and Pantsir in a topic about CAS, Pantsir, and CAP are on topic.
CAS is OP, CAP is even more unkillable than CAS, and all ten tech trees need new SPAA.
That fact remains no matter how many posts are in here defending Pantsir when War Thunder NEEDS SPAA capable of fragging my CAS such as SPYDER with Python 5.
My fighters don’t need fragged by SPAA necessarily, cause it’s not going to be fragging ground targets anyway.
here are the aircraft that cant deal with pantsir. your example planes were not in this, and none of them can realistically get into positions in a GRB match to fire at any kind of target without a pantsir being able to shoot them down. the common maps are too small to allow for it.
Who cares if Pantsir, ADATS, ITO-90M, etc can shoot down launched weapons? No, seriously. Why is this such a failed attempted “gotcha”? The aircraft is still alive, and a Pantsir can’t shoot down all 20 glide bombs launched toward it anyway, not even 3 could. And at the end of it, the F-15E is still alive.
All the CAS aircraft listed can frag a Pantsir IF an F-15E is in the match and launches glide bombs into enemy spawn.
That situation exists entirely as a possibility.
And fighter anti-CAS aircraft don’t need to deal with Pantsir, cause their job is to frag CAS not ground units, so they don’t have to slow down to drop weapons, and they have their fighter performance.
As for GBU-dodgiing Pantsir missiles, I’d point you to Typhoon tutorial videos that may exist to teach you about dodging Pantsir’s missiles.
Pantsir will be exceeded this year in capability by at least 5 new SPAA, Python 5 SPYDER most likely being one of them.
Complaining about Pantsir when CAS is so unequivocally OP that all ten tech trees need to spawn fighters just to deal with them… in my opinion that’s tone deaf at best, especially since we’re over 2 years of CAS being entirely unkillable from the ground at the top end.
kinda hard to believe considering the phantoms are acting more like delta wings these days
I personaly only use the F16C, in which if i tried to use GBUs i’d have to sacrifice 3 of AGM65Ds.
Precise mouse movements are nice.
Maybe rhythm games helped me with that.
Either way, my point in all of my posts is that new SPAA is needed that’s SUPERIOR to Pantsir, and complaining about Pantsir is IMO tone-deaf for the reasons stated in my most recent post above yours.
Well, 2 GBUs, but yeah there’s no reason to run GBUs at top end, my point with the GBUs was it’s plausible to deal with or tie with Pantsir in a shoot out with a GBU.
Obviously IMO you should never even try to frag Pantsirs cause they can respawn in tanks and help win their team the match, but that’s a game strategy for winning, not for feeling good.
I agree, but we also need ground decompression in order to increase the plane BRs for them. An 11.0/11.3 plane shouldn’t be facing top tier SPAA. Alot of the planes listed in the first post don’t have an guided weaponry at all, or the may be limited to only manually guided stuff, such as the Mig-23.
That won’t due as I’m pretty sure you are aware I don’t own the Pansir and I never will. But this isn’t about me it’s about you walking the walk about the talk you talk. Surely you have some clips on standby no? And I’m aware that you don’t play top tier very much at all which is exactly why I asked what I asked. Sweet plane though and anytime you want it customized with anything let me know as I skin and skin very well. I just want to see how you counter the Pansir first and foremost. I’ll even share a clip with you because after all it is a two way street. I remember seeing you talk about heli being basically useless and next to impossible in higher BRs. I just wanted to show you you that it isn’t and I do it without hellfires and even cap some caps in the process. Just for you kind sir. I’m sure you’ll be posting a clip highlighting what you are talking about in here.
Zap and cap at BR 12+ AH-64D
Up close and personal with a little eating shit in the end. 10.3 BR
Pardon the music I like to jam when I fly
Just for fun
Sometimes the flight just to the engagement zone is the fun part. Sorry to that AA
Helping the boys out at that choke point
CAP duty (this one we can today if you’d like
Old clip but showcasing the best map design that was taken away by us. Oh how I miss you old-school Tunisha. That 360 barrel roll evasion at the end though.
We look forward to seeing your CAS dominance. But then again you can ignore this gamer in his 50s but I think you will post some. Take care