I won’t comment much on CAS for it’s too obvious, but CAP is more a issue here. None of the planes here can do a better CAP job than a Pantsir
Who’s steady on the ground with a radar constantly searching spawn, with un-notchable nor pull-able*(F111F is on our list, at 11.7, only 0.3 br diff; A10C is also 12.0) K-band smokeless fast ammo available whenever a plane spawns (24 ammo count and no need to turn back and forth as a CAP have to). CAP ammo can be notched, flr-ed and MP-ed, forcing the fight to continue into close range.
At the same time CAP is the same, if not more, vulnerable to Pantsir
Edit: We have Clouds. Limiting view but not radar, Limiting height with view to 1000m
Pantsir cannot frag ANY CAS aircraft that’s played semi-properly, and that means CAP is even more incapable of dying to Pantsir due to being faster and more agile.
Anything with AMRAAMs is already superior to Pantsir in every way while entirely immune to Pantsir cause fighters don’t need to worry about lining up shots thus are never weak to SPAA.
How so? AGM65s cant be used more than 10km because they travel waaay to slow. Pantisr range is 18km? And travels waaay faster? Explain to me how that’s supposed to work?
Fly directly above the Pantsir bro, 9/10 those mavericks will hit. You know the AGM’s con in low speed over a long distance, so use them closer. It’s not impossible, a little difficult depending on the individual Pantsir user’s skill if you’re not a bot just flying straight
No i totally get that top down is definitely the best approach. In Ground RB especially now its almost impossible to have the time to side climb into space to get above it when you spawn having to dodge the pantsir and Then dodge and notch bias R77s all the time lol If the US had good spaa itd be more balanced
first of all being called a russian bot as a polish person is the biggest offense i heard today, thank you.
second of all, my point is, besides the speed, agm 65 is superior in every single way compared to the as30l. Most of Agm 65 is f&f, leaves basically no smoke, and you dont need a constant laser lock to guide them in, and even besides that, you can score easy kills on the pantsirs even with as30l if you dont have a so called skill issue.
Speed is not what makes Kh-38s deadly, it’s the range of the missile itself.
And IR tracking range is identical with AGM-65.
Prove that all aircraft in War Thunder is incapable of fragging CAS aircraft.
The fact you claim you need to be within gun range for AMRAAMs to work is wild.
Ofc speed is a crucial part of air-to-ground missiles, not every missile has booster working time like AASM or KH38. While AGM65 can have pretty good performance on stuff like F16, when u put it on A10 the effective range is not as far. It’s like saying A10 with AGM 65 is similar to Su25SM3 with KH38. It is just a wild argument.
Correct, the AGM-65 effective range is 23km while Kh-38 and Hammer can go the full 30km game-limited range.
It’s why the strat with F-15E is to launch all glide bombs toward enemy spawn to “dazzle” the enemy SPAA, then take out up to 6 MBTs with the Mavericks.
Ground RB doesn’t care about direct comparisons, it only cares about SPAA range which Mavericks exceed at this time.
The issue really is the Pantsir. And its one you really cant get a community manager or developer to comment on and address. And its been an issue since early 2023.
It out-ranges every other SPAA in the game by a wide margin and no one has anything close; not to mention quite a few content creators have pointed out thay every other SPAA was nerfed prior to its addition. It truly sits in a realm of its own. Gaijin has promised other SPAA options are coming but the issue is when?
They could soft nerf it by restricting its capabilty to that of everything else until other equally capable SPAAs are added and then just remove said soft nerf. Again, numerous players have brought it up to Stona and Smin and they either ignore it or gloss over it in regards to your message. Why it was added is beyond most of us.
Much like the Su-17M4, you shouldn’t use it as CAS if you can avoid it, but more power to you if you wanna be goofy.
F-111F is the best sub-12.0 CAS USA gets, which is better than everything sub-12.0 that Soviets get.
You’re more than welcome to get in Pantsir and I’ll get in F-15E and Su-34.
Rafale doesn’t have its loadout yet otherwise I’d offer that as well.
I don’t run CAS at top BR anymore cause the spawn points are too high for the effectiveness, though F-15E comes the closest as that’s potentially 8+ frags, 2+ SPAA 6 tanks.
That and the 20km achievement burnt me out of CAS.
well it cant fly so the planes have it beaten in one thing. Pantsir has all of the aircraft mentioned outraged will almost certainly kill it with a launch and some wont even see it coming from a RWR not picking up the band and not having MAW
War Thunder ground battles don’t take place at 14km on the ground, and this game isn’t SPAA vs SPAA, so this entire point is 100% meaningless/irrelevant.
Gaijin’s adding the new SPAA this year, they’ve said this multiple times.
Yeah, your post screams CAS main entirely incapable of playing CAS.
I cannot imagine dying to any SPAA in War Thunder currently except intentionally.
All top CAS out-ranges Pantsir, and nerfing Pantsir only makes Tornado CAS OP again.