What is your reason behind 1 death leaving?

You abandon matches at a whim and disadvantage everyone that was on your team. that won’t seem like an iddue to people with main character syndome, but objectively that makes you toxic. your behaviour has no place in a multiplayer or team game and people that behave like you should be punished and discouraged from acting like that.

I just wanna have fun.

Gaijin needs to make it worth it to continue to spawn, because currently it isn’t. This isn’t some ranked competitive game, it’s a casual one.

Region locks are dumb, and players will just use VPNs to bypass it.

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There are no “orbit bombers” at 7.0-9.3. so it sound like you just leave if a plane kills you. how in your mind should someone who does that not be punished in a team game?

You are, through your actions, decreasing the fun of everyone on your team.

It is worth it to spawn, you still gain research and SL. and unless you’re bad to the point of being vegetative you’re going to make more SL than you lose. all the scenarios you present don’t actually exist. “bad maps” are the same for everyone, you can’t face tanks that “vastly outclass” you unless it’s self inflicted and there are numerous ways to fight back against aircraft.

It sounds like you think they’re dumb solely because you can think of one way to evade one type of region lock, which is moronic. why do you think it’s dumb? and there are multiple ways to create player base partitions like this. ping thresholds, logging hardware, language tests and more.

Why 1 death leave ?? Or why to spawn more than once ?


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You don’t gain enough.

Many maps are poorly designed, or they are very hard to use with certain types of vehicles.
I can face a T-55AM-1 in a Lorraine 40t, and that definitely outclasses me by an unfair amount. The BRs are just very compressed.
How am i supposed to fight aircraft in a tank? Gaijin refuses to give me competent SPAA at some BRs I play, so I’m either forced to get in a plane (which requires me grinding the air tree), or play a bad SPAA if I want to have a chance at killing a plane.

rip Australians and people with poor internet connection

That’s just a terrible idea. How would it even work?

The way research point calculation works is screwed up.

Here’s an experiment for you:

Get 1000 score and survive 20 minutes without getting any more score in the same vehicle.

Get 1000 score in 10 minutes, respawn and stay alive for another 10 minutes.

Get 500 score in 10 minutes, respawn and get 500 points in the second 10 minutes.

It becomes clear that it’s only worth respawning if you can match or exceed your score earned in your second spawn if you’re going for RP, and getting score early in a match is easier than later where it’s either a dearth of targets or one side spawncamping the other. I’ve regularly had games where I got some good score in the opening 10 or so minutes, respawned and I just drove around aimlessly trying to find enemies to shoot wasting time and having anti-fun. Even more games where enemy is camping in our spawn.



Oh, does gaijin know that you don’t think you gain enough to reach your arbitrary and imaginary threshold? you’re also working on the assumption that you know what is going to happen.

That’s purely subjective but i won’t disagree with that.
You can still beat a wallet warrior with a T-55AM-1 in a 40t. it’s harder than most scenarios because gaijin thinks that having a quick reload makes the shitty rounds, of french tanks especially, somehow able to pen more armour.
I don’t even use AA in basically any of my lineups. for one you can get better at leading shots on aircraft, and punishing them when they fly in a stright line or directly at you. you can also come out in a plane if one kills you an shoot them down.

That’s an easy fix, spread out server locations. there are hosting services everywhere there are population centers. if your internet can’t handle the bandwidth of war thunder then you have far more serious issues.

you have no idea how it would work, but you think it’s a terrible idea, how interesting.
Language based captchas, using in game language settings, account verification.

If you can predict the future, then why are you posting on this forum?

You’re working on the assumption that you not only know how a current match or spawn is going to pan out, but also subsequent ones. your calculations are meaningless without that knowledge.

It’s also easier to gain score later in a match if your team is losing, a scenario where all these one death leavers would have already bailed in. all my highest scoring matches have been ones where my team has been annihilated or left. a fact that makes your assertion completely incorrect.

The issue with ping locks is that they can’t be set too extreme, and they need to take into accout wifi/server issues.

I shouldn’t need to verify my account in a video game. Using language settings could just bar people who speak Chinese from playing in a server, which is very unfair.

That’s a fine opinion. You were earlier making incorrect statements though.

Good luck

Yes, and? you do know servers with ping limits don’t kick people as soon as their ping registers above a certain threshold right? it’s an average over a period.

You literally already have to, are you braindead? preventing people who don’t speak a language from playing is a server designated for that language is an international norm. are you just trying to be contrarian, because your arguments are so retarded i’m having a hard time believing they’re real.

This is a game. It’s something you play for fun to have fun.
Some of the maps are just so horrible that they are just NOT fun to play. Like all the narrow red-zoned abominations as well as quite a lot of the other conquest maps.


And for what purpose, you stand nothing to lose from 1dl players, war thunder is not a Competitive FPS and should not bend a knee to punish people who don’t want to continue a match they aren’t having fun in.

End of the day this is a video game and not a Job, people should never be forced into anything, especially if they are a paying customer since those players are the ones that fuel gaijin’s development cycle. Now not to say I agree with allowing ODL to remain as big of an issue as it is, but punishing players is not the way forwards.

Not to mention detrimental to both queue times and team performance, I tend to find that the average player from china is the same, if not better than those from america, and another bonus is that they never shit talk in chat, so they never spread toxicity like american players do

I’ll only ODL if :

  • Playing top tier Israel, and the match has become a CAS fest (And i died without earning the SP to afford CAP). I ain’t bringing out another Merkava just to be an RP Pinata and feed SP. No AA in this tree, so nothing I can do to help team at this stage unfortunately.

  • If the team has already collapsed and largely gone back to hangar by the time i die first. (Though, i’ll often be a goblin and wait for them to push into our spawn, respawn and try to take as many down with me as i can lol)

  • If my first death was a particularly egregious ‘snailed’ / ‘volumetricked’ moment, and i’m simply malding too hard to play any more WT that evening. Though this is pretty rare.

The overwhelming majority of battles I will go deep into my lineup until the bitter end.


This is the whole reason the game was review bombed last time, actually.

I leave a match because of aim botters. How about that reason?

My main reason for ODL’ing right now is crappy CQC reserve tier maps and full premium teams, sorry but I’m not playing Japan or a 1.0 map on my 12.0 vehicle.

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That sounds like a pure cope excuse. i can count the number of actual hackers i’ve seen on one hand over the lifetime of warthunder. basically you’re getting frustrated that you get killed and ragequitting, which is what scumbags do.