Are you saying there is nothing to counter planes between 7.0 and 9.3?
It’s a joke, I hope or I misunderstood
Sometimes I one death leave when I get pissed off in a game, so I play another BR and nation to hopefully have a better time.
Well two reasons
1.I grind for modules for my vehicle stock tanks suck i know.
2.When I die once it usually more than half of the team left the game and see no point of spawn for the game that already know I’m going to lose anyways.
sure bud. Just get in a Gepard and try hitting a Helicopter 4km away. When you play SPAA you will most likely loose a 1v1 (in this case you will always loose), heck I often see 1 CAS taking out multiple SPAA’s. Gajin made CAS on purpose OP to drive sales, its obvious.
I mean, if you play 7.7 or 8.0 britain your only SPAA are 5.3 or less.
And if u play another faction you have some descent SPAA
The better player u are , generally higher chance of being killed by cas.
Shhhhhh, that might hurt too much
Most matches are filled with bots at this point so there’s not much of a reason to stay in a match unless you’re on the winning side. It gets worse when it’s combined with aimbotting bots or the rare player aimbotting. (Not that it’s rare for a player to use aimbot, just that it’s rare to see another REAL player)
I don’t know if the new anti-cheat will help at all but if it does then it will be funny to see 60% or more of the “active players” vanish like with what happened in TF2 when Valve found a way stop their bot problem.
because i don’t want to play a match ill die in 2 seconds per tank , has been happening so much that its making the game fell like a get bombed simulator
Correction: The worse a player you are, generally higher chance of being killed by CAS.
It’s not my fault that you spend every match camping. Going entire games without a single death to CAS is the norm, well except for in Magach 6B Gal. That thing is just a massive CAS magnet for some reason, despite being a shit tank.
Playing the objective in a ground battle makes you a worse player is why CAS players shouldn’t have a say in its balance.
Also please keep the discussion to reasons for one death leaving not calling people bad for playing correctly. (probably another reason to leave is bad teammates that don’t know the goal of the game)
If I’m trying to reaserch modifications for 1 vehicle then I will leave after 1 death (if I have a backup I will use it on that vehicle).
If I’m trying to reaserch a tank then I will respawn in another vehicle
It is kind of annoying to just see you trolling on every part of the forum you post on.
Yep, Daffan be that way.
No point in spawning vehicle B if i’m trying to spade vehicle A
And this is case in point. there are lots of people out there liek you who are selfish scumbags and will act in a toxic cand cynical way like you do. they should be punished when they do. discouraging this kind of behavior is good for everyone.
Nah what?
What is immaterial is your point. the only thing you seem to have said so far is that “There are a lot of reasons to leave after 1 death” when that isn’t even the issue, which is people who habitually leave after 1 death, which is always cynical. so not only are you making a straw man argument you’re also wrong.
My opinion is players who engage in cynical and selfish behaviour should be punished.