What is your reason behind 1 death leaving?

My main reason for ODL’ing right now is crappy CQC reserve tier maps and full premium teams, sorry but I’m not playing Japan or a 1.0 map on my 12.0 vehicle.

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That sounds like a pure cope excuse. i can count the number of actual hackers i’ve seen on one hand over the lifetime of warthunder. basically you’re getting frustrated that you get killed and ragequitting, which is what scumbags do.


shitty maps combined with constant uptiers due to a shitty BR system.

Sometimes it’s just better for my mental health to return to lobby and play another nation for a bit.


CQC trash, red zones, max up tiers, usually combo of 2.


It seems like a consensus that people do it because they’re selfish. i see know reason why this incredibly anti-social behaviour shouldn’t be more severely punished, especially when done repeatedly.

Make ground battles enjoyable for all playstyles other than CQC CoD corner peeking in a city and you’ll find people sticking around through thick and thin.


I make every effort to play the entire battle but sometimes it’s hopeless. Sometimes I’ll quit before the battle begins. If I do quit then these are the reasons why:

Getting the same map 4 times in a row. Map rotation leaves a lot to be desired.

A map I don’t enjoy.

Bad teammates. They don’t PTO and just rush to spawn camp or half the team quit the first 3 minutes.

Playing against clans.

Getting bombed or strafed in spawn.

CAS appears in the first 2 minutes of the battle.

This is usually my experience in high tier combat, not so much in low to mid tiers.


I see mention of bot problems, which modes are so heavily infected with bots as to be unplayable?

I admit, I basically just roll about in Ground Arcade cause it’s fun and that’s all I really want. I’m sure I’ve seen a bot or two (Pretty sure it’s those vehicles that are just eternally driving into a wall all match), but not a whole hell of a lot. Is this more a problem in like, sim or realistic?

I only run one vehicle at a time now in higher BRs .That is my reason for ODL.
Some line ups only have one tank at a certain BR and they are so expensive you can’t even buy more than one.Getting a full line up in high BRs is almost impossible now especially when the cost of developing each tank is so high.I am one 6.7 for France.

I also avoid crew lock this way.

Starting today, I’m 0 death leaving if it’s an uptier. I’m done being thrown into a situation where I’m meant to make some other guy feel better about his lack of skill. Currently spading props in the 6.3 range and virtually every fucking game is a full uptier, against mouth breathing level 100s in full spaded jets shitting on props.

And this is what GJN wants the game to be like, this is what GJN wants players to experience it seems. To be helpless fodder.


Joining a match to a team of almost all M1A1 Clickbaits. Yeah I’m not sticking around any longer than I have to.

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I had a match Yesterday spawned in at the start of the match, left the spawn, got sniped literally less than 30 seconds later. Decided that it wasnt worth it and really couldnt be bothered to deal with the BS that was GRB and just left. Total match time, less than a minute.

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Absolutely untrue in my case. Cannot speak for others.
Idc if i get killed, i like it fair though.
But after 6 or 7 matches of level 10 or level 12 accounts getting 8 kills with one shot hits gets stale real fast.
And please dont tell me its vets on a 2nd or 3rd account

Lol and what anti social behavior? I should be someone’s target so he can grind faster?
The grind system is what is flawed. It invites cheating, the way its set up.
Think what you want

They are all over the place. Helpers plague games like these.
But its become a lot worse. Its especially bad on weekends or holidays

Do you not often get kills with one shot? with full sized cannons that’s the norm.

Leaving your team a man down because you can’t deal with your feelings is anti-social behaviour. you should either grow up or stop playing.
You still get points for taking damage and dying. your delusions that everyone that kills you is cheating are a “you” problem.

The only gamemode that regularly sees bots is naval. PeteMoss20 clearly has some serious issues.

Nah ground and air are filled with bots as well. They’re often the reason people lose so many matches.


No, they’re not. tokenism isn’t worth anything.