What is your reason behind 1 death leaving?

Dying way too fast on those big maps (ground RBs). I truly hate them. And I am not interested to spend another minute riding and doing nothing. It’s not fun.

hate the map trying to grind out a specific vehicle, charge in get killed leave no crew lock

This is why 12.0 is so sad. Every game just turns into Air RB as you are mostly put into 12.7 battles where you know 12.3 and 12.7 players surely has planes in their lineup. When I try to grind modules on 12.0 I take one tank lineup even when I am in squad because I simply do not care about mid to late game swarmed with CAS.

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I don’t like playing on maps that are 300,000,000 kilometers across. They’re too big, and it takes too long to get anywhere. On top of that, someone usually enters a helicopter just a few seconds into the match and kills me instantly. Then to top it all off, you get uptiered, which means you’re fighting against opponents who have access to far better sights. It’s ridiculous, and I will take the 8-minute wait to play another country.

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I will usually 1DL or just abandon the game if I see its

A city map. Because I’m grinding UK, forcing me to a city fight further handicaps already poorly executed UK MBTs.

A conquest map where I have a virtually 0% chance of being able to reload ammo (play a lot of SPAA)

The enemy team has reached and is camping a spawn and holds most of the capture points.

Additionally pretty much any time my team is playing very stupidly or a team mate does something excessively frustrating like pulling up directly infront of me in a good shooting position, or parking a more capable SPAA directly where I am making my positioning useless. (I got rammed out of position yesterday while trying to guide a missile against a jet so a team mate could fire from behind my tank)

I have discovered ladders can eat shells from jagdpanzers.

I decided to self-induce 1 death and left that game.

… how can a rusty ladder eat a shell. Why is it buildings collapse if you shoot them with rifle caliber bullets but hitting a rusty, brittle old ladder with a jagdpanzer’s aphe makes the shell disappear harmlessly.

If you’re leaving more than one match a day you should be punished. if you lose track of time or something that makes sense, everything else is selfishness or cynical. it’s a team game, by leaving as soon as you die once you are ruining everyone else’s, up to 31 other peoples, experience. the punishment should reflect that.
You can’t lose SL anymore; so economics which was something people could cite as a reason for leaving, which was a selfish and cynical excuse, is even less of an issue.

leaving after 1 death is a shitty thing to do.

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It is not team game, it is grind game. You know in team game you are allowed to communicate in order share intel but here the only thing you get is Chat Spamming. In team game difference between stock and fully upgraded vehicle would not be as large as it is here to keep balance between teams. In team game crew skill would not make your tank significantly better in order to also keep balance between teams. This game acts like team game but every aspect of game is focused on grind.

Team games also does not try to minimize rewards for team actions. I have never seen other game where you have to share reward for capping a point. In other games everyone always get full reward no matter how long they were capping. I also remember that gaijin in one update reduced what is counted as assist.

Gaijin sells premium, they always trying to push you to new vehicles thanks to BR compression, because you will always be forced to fight significantly stronger vehicles. They want you to reach top to finally fight against vehicles on same level. That is how this game is build, to push you up in tech tree. And lot of people are lost in this never ending grind. They play to grind not for fun. I had friends like these.

Team play will always be pain in games build around grind. That is why I do not care about that here in War Thunder. If you want some sort of teamplay find squad mates but you can never expect from randoms to get some sort of teamplay in grind game.

I want to have fun in games. That is why I switched to one tank lineup like I mentioned in my reply above, because having fun dependent on team mates in grind game is recipe for disaster.


Its team game if you play with your friends. Also I always try to help people playing in same team as me by at least marking enemys on map or scouting… I get that grind and stock vehicles are reason why most people dont bother with playing as team and thats sad but it is what it is…hopefully it changes one day

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Yep, only valid team play is in squad as you know your friends will have your back.

This is where I lost all hope long time ago, that anything about gameplay changes. We only saw changes to worse like 16v16 in Air RB.

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I do it because I don’t want to waste money on backups so I don’t have any 😂

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You can buy backups with warbond, it’s what I do.

You got plenty of them in the shop and it does not require you to spend any real money.

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If only the game wasn’t played by dividing players between two teams that then play against each other, maybe then there would be even the slightest bit of credibility to your post. are you going to define chat spamming? its not clear at all what you mean, because gaijin put in “radio message” shortcuts because instead of having single language lobbies. but alas that is exactly how the game works and you do lack any credibility.

How in your mind does vehicle and crew upgrades make it any less of a team game? and then there’s the obvious, if your erroneous assertion that the game is a “grind game” how is that mutually exclusive with it being a team game.

there are far more rewards for team actions. your comments come across as cynical, bitter and incredibly biased. your team gets greater rewards for winning, there are rewards for assisting teammates is numerous ways. additionally some of complaints, if you think about them, actually discourage behavior that harms the team. having multiple people on a cap divides rewards, but it also reduces the time to capture a point. it also removes the incentive for cynical squads from trying to only cap when all squadmembers are at the point. i don’t know about how long you have been playing, but getting pushed off points and having squads block people from points was far more common before some of the more recent cap changes.

It’s a free to play game, not my favorite monetisation model, but that’s how it is. for all of gaijin’s countless flaws the balance of premium vehicles is far better than games like world of tanks.

If you have such a problem with it, please, leave. i didn’t post about your idiotic hot takes on teamwork in the game. i posted about how shitty it is for people routinely to leave after one death.

I usually leave after I get trolled soo hard that I have to use my backup on an SPAA 💀

(I don’t use the backup)

People one death for one reason only, they are selfish.

It’s as simple as that, you could make free spawns, give them a ton of vehicles and anything else they want and it won’t matter.

The only way to actually combat it is to make rewards better for people who stick it out as long as they can or to punish people who leave after 1 death.

Not really. There are a lot of reasons to leave after 1 death.

Unless those are addressed, you’re assigning blame to the wrong party.


Radio Messages are mostly useless. You cannot use them to describe situation precisely, like there are 2 tanks one have damaged gun breach but other is ok. Chat Spamming is simple as it is, you have a huge timeout between messages so you either have to put it in one message which is stupid. You want to put some important info first and than add more detailed info.

It is simple, stock vehicles are more or less handicap to team. At higher tiers stock MBTs are just SP pinatas for enemy team. You have less mobile tank and your firepower is next to useless (especially with HEAT-FS and on bigger maps without LRF). You cannot help team mates with repairs and when you get damaged you have to wait for someone to help you repair or you have to get into cap which is not easy task for damaged stock tank. So stock tanks have negative impact on team performace. Crew Skills are same. People who use gun spaa and does not have maxed targeting are basically completely useless against CAS as they cannot track planes effectively. These aspects reduces or negates your team input.

That is why community choose to decrease reward for winning and increase reward for loosing in past. If Gaijin wanted to be more team focused on victories this stupid change would never be offered.

Once your game is build around grind players will focus on grind. Their main goal will always be personal performance as they want to make grind faster. You can see this with premiums. Gaijin pushes them and does not care what impact it will have on gameplay.

There were more easier ways to get assist and it was cut out. Remember getting kill assists by machine gunning tanks as form of spotting, now you get nothing from that so why bother. People rather wait for opportunity to kill tank by themself and do not care he can kill your team mates.

Have you ever played battlefield? More people on cap there also reduces the time to capture point, but you do not get lower reward. Also waiting for team mates to cap in more people is actually good as all people receive more SP then. I remember when at start of game people actually waited for other players to reach first cap point in order to maximize SP. Now everyone rushing there to cap is as soon as possible to secure biggest chunk of reward. I also do not remember the part of pushing team mates out of cap zones.

I do not have problem with team play as I do not care about it in this game, because I know that combination of MM base matches with lack of options build around grind will always result in miserable team play experience. I will play one tank lineup until me or game die. I play for fun and I have my fun. Does it affect other players? Yes. Do I care? No. It is not my job to make environment where everyone is happy. That is on gaijin. I will always play by rules set by Gaijin and right now I am not breaking any.


Time is far more valuable than money.

Main reason for me: Maps I don’t like.