What is your reason behind 1 death leaving?

Uptier + dogshit map = maximum frustration.

Sometimes you just die 2 seconds driving out of spawn and yeah the rest of the frustration just isn’t worth it.

Edit: you didn’t mention CAS. Even if I’m having a good game, dying to CAS (especially early) can be super aggravating too.


Mainly because of maps and after because of uptiers, or general match making if my lineup doesn’t work at all i don’t even join the match anymore. Absolutely 0 point.

i leave because i’m not having fun anymore.

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TLDR; the game experience is just better compared to using full lineups.

I used to play full lineups but now I only play one tank lineup when playing solo. The pros just vastly outweighs cons and makes it a better experience overall. The main pros are(note that I play mostly BRs from 9.0 and up as I am not interested in low to mid tier stuff):

I do not have to deal with CAS - I am not interested in CAS nor fighting it. Whole combined aspect is just not fun for me. Unfortunately the TO mode does not exist and the closest thing to it is just an early stage of the game.

I do not have to deal with spawn campers - current spawn 1-2 spawn points is just a recipe for disaster. Especially combined with crappy map design where you can see spawn from long ranges.

I do not have to deal with bad maps for too long - with each update gaijin makes one ban map on premium accounts less and less valuable. Addition of winter variants of old maps made map ban almost useless for me. Also I do not like big maps as game play is stale most of the time and Battle Mode is just pure pain. There are just not many options what you can do about maps so taking one vehicle can eliminate it. I play more carefully on maps I like and yolo rush on maps I do not care about.

I do not have to deal with crew skills - the differences between bad crew and good crew are too significant so having just one slot where all points go will make it a good crew slot much faster. It also makes experting crew much safer as you do not have to worry about BR changes and breaking lineups.

Stock grind is much faster - when you unlock new vehicle grinding modules with a full lineup is slow as you will not play with stock vehicles most of the time. A lot of vehicles have huge differences in performance while in stock and while at least half upgraded.

I can play vehicles I just want to play - I am personally not interested in all vehicles in tech trees. I have specific needs from vehicles in case of performance and I do not want to spend any time trying to stock grind tanks I do not care about. I am also not interested in stock grinding copy paste vehicles.

Meanwhile cons are just:

Lack of good crew slots while in squad - technically issue but not really as I most of time just take spaa and sit and wait until my squad mates lose all their vehicles.

Lack of spawns on good maps - not much of an issue when there are just few maps that I truly like

Different points carry different weight. Most of the weight(like 80%) is carried by having to deal with CAS as this one is the biggest frustration element in the game for me. TO mode would probably make me switch back to full lineup but seeing that TO thread was on forum for such a long time I do not have any hope I will see it in game. The only thing you get from that thread is that you have to adapt or move to a different game(like there is any). So I took it into heart and adapted just not like those people thought I would. CAS is part of the game and so does the ODL so now it is in your hands to adapt.

I personally never cared about ODL as I do not care if I win or lose. It is not worth caring about it in games built around grind and not quality of gameplay. You can see this in top tier Air RB where gameplay would greatly benefit from decreasing number of players in match as skill would be more rewarded but Gaijin don’t do that because it would demotivate players that are not willing to improve, from grinding more than one tech tree.


I dont respawn on big maps if i dont have fast tanks. If its an uptier in a lineup that cannot fight against uptier, i dont respawn as well (I AM LOOKING AT YA 5.3/7.7 USA). Instead if i have planes i just go with those.

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There is only one time I will ever 1DL and that is a combination of four factors.

  1. Map I don’t like
  2. Full uptier
  3. Didn’t do anything on my first spawn
  4. I’ve consecutively had these three things happen for at least three times in a row.

I’m japanese main a top tier one death is pretty much it sometimes. Because my top tier spaa are trash and its sheer luck to kill anyone with it. IF there is NO team spaa there is literally no reason to spawn and just be killed by air no matter how well I play

to be fair iv never done this and almost everyone that i see die and leave with 1 tank is an already reported bot account

Conquest game mode (in ground).

It’s a game. Something you play for fun, and playing Conquest is just not fun.
I really wish you could ban it, or Gaijin would remove it.

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People do that many times in my team causing us to lose, so if I don’t want to keep playing in the same match(for any reason) I just quit without thinking twice since I aint gonna be a try-hard and face a whole enemy team

I will leave the game if I die in a helicopter at 10km to a spike IR that does not care about any CM
I will leave the game if the other team goes to spawn camp and doesn’t play the cap zones, (has to be both spawns)
I will leave if I put a round into tank ammo (e.g T-80s) and the ammo doesn’t blow up and kill the tank (Ammo goes black)
I will leave if it is a Map with half the MAP RED ZONED.

Every time I was killed by enemy, it is equivalent to a cooling off period, and the battlefield situation will be judged through the kill record and minimap. What vehicle should be used for the next attack? Where did the team gain an advantage? Where is the front line collapsing?

I will briefly list 2 personal reasons, which may be a bit confusing in logic:

  1. I noticed that you missed a very realistic situation in your list----When you are imprisoned in a newly unlocked vehicle, you may have an entire fleet, but you only want to unlock accessories for that specific vehicle.
    Specific vehicle death=subsequent time invalid=quit.
  2. After the first death, I found I was in an impossible situation to win. Or to put it more complexly, the opponent gradually gains an advantage through some means, while the whole team, including oneself, does not have an efficient way to counteract. (For example, several aerial units attacking unilaterally, the whole team cannot provide a reliable AA. At this time, our ground front did not gain a significant advantage and was constantly consumed by air attacks. )
    Or in the most extreme case, the team is suppressed at the spawn point, with a huge difference in numbers, and the enemy maintains relative restraint (referring to not ‘leaving cover and rushing towards the spawn point’ to provide us with an opportunity to recover the disadvantage). Adhering to the principle of not subsidizing the enemy, I will choose to quit directly.



Aaaaand this happended after my post. Am I cursed?

Because I only have one premium tank at rank 7…Since game doesnt tell you you should have a line up. Only reason

when no player is able to ping the map I quit directly. Same when people spam MG with Spawn or that kind of behavior

Stock grinding.


Too small maps for the BR/Technology-Level, which leads to the spawn being surrounded after the initial fight was lost, with very little chances for a comeback.

I run balanced lineups with 10 slots on each nation and would love to fight longer games, but unfortunately often there is no reason to spawn a second time (no chance to win).

Very often if you kill 1-2 spawncampers in higher tiers, they are back in 30-40sec because of far too small maps and high hp/t.

Most of the maps are enough smalled and bad designed for even compress more the action in a single zone of the map. I started leave when is a Conquest battle aswell.

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My Reasons are as follows:

  1. Conquest, single-objective missions, ESPECIALLY when the maps are shrunken and red-zoned.
  2. Map repetition.
    Map repetition.
    Map repetition.
    Map repetition.
    Map repetition.
    Map repetition.
    Map repetition.
  3. When my team, practically every one of them, drives to one objective (and fixates on that OBJ) and I go to a different one and get SWARMED by the opposition doing the same thing.
  4. When CAS is literally swarming (as many as four enemy aircraft spawning simultaneously) and the game morphs from a tank game to an air game. If I wanted an air game I’d select “air assault arcade,” “air realistic,” or the other air-only offerings.