Potential RP loss …
Try not name calling and you might be taken seriously.
I’m entirely unsurprised that you don’t know what name calling is. maybe if you knew what the terms you were using meant you might be taken seriously.
Oh I see, so instead of owning it, your going to deflect and try to question my ability to understand the english language.
Let’s go with some of your highlight reel shall we?
“And that still does nothing to address that one death leavers are scumbag dickholes.”
“there are lots of people out there liek you who are selfish scumbags and will act in a toxic cand cynical way like you do”
But hey, what do I know…
Exactly, you don’t know what namecalling is. if i called someone something, that would be namecalling. sayinng that people that do X are Y isn’t namecalling.
But hey, what do I know…
Evidently not a lot, because you clearly also don’t know what deflection is either. who in your mind is me directly addressing what you said deflection?
Additionally, you didn’t even discuss the point, which was the behavior of people who leave after dying once.
What a load of rubbish.
After 1 death, I read the map and see what my team is like. 9 times out of ten, I can see a loss after 1 death because the team is sitting a mile back from the frontline doing bugger all to attack or even try to take zones. Hell… someplayers don’t even LEAVE the spawn point. Taking zones is what wins the match, and if my team have no intention of trying to win, I will NOT spawn again and be a 1 death leaver. I don’t play to lose, i play to win. I play to take zones. I have no interest in K/D what so ever. K/D alone NEVER won a match. Taking ZONES wins matches. You can finish the match with 10 kills and be top of the team, but have taken ZERO zones, and I’ve been on pathetic teams like that and I have seen it, but they STILL LOSE. How did K/D ratio help win that game? It didn’t. It just makes that player the BEST LOSER.
Recently, the cowardly sit back pot shotting has got beyond a joke and i have found myself 1 death leaving at least 1 in 3 games, some days I will 1 death leave every other game. Once I 1 death left 4 games in a row because of noobs running around in rank 5 & 6 tanks. They should be ashamed, after all, how many matches does it take to get to rank 5 and then 6? is it only half a dozen? NO. They should have learnt by rank 5 the difference between winner and loser gameplay. I have lost count along time ago, the amount of times my whole team only goes to 1 zone and totally ignores the other 2. They can’t even do 5 year old maths. You can’t win by holding only 1 zone out of 3. It’s mathematically TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE. If I get teams like that, I am 1 death leaving.
Personally, I believe that there should be a ban on going into a match with only 1 tank, and I do not agree that players leave after only achieving what they wanted, especially if the team is winning.
But if you find yourself playing with a bunch of idiots who have no interest in winning the game, then as far as I am concerned, 1 death leaving is fair enough. The team isn’t worth giving a dunce hat and told to sit in the corner, nevermind the thousands in repair bills. And don’t even START to mention ruining everyone elses game. They ruined it by themselves sitting back not attacking and losing the game. I want to win. They want to lose. Sod ruining THEIR GAME AND EXPERIENCE, they ARE ruining MY GAME AND EXPERIENCE. Especially if I have activated a booster.
If you want to start demanding punishments for 1 death leaving, try being a good player instead of an average player. K/D means nothing. Good players can attack zones to get their kills AND take the zone to try to win. Everyone, as I am, should be striving to be a GOOD PLAYER. Good players can take zones AND get kills. Good players DO NOT sit back cowering next to the nearest rock, ready to hide under it if they get shot at.
Can you imagine the WAR THUNDER tournaments with the 8 teams full of sit back pot shotters??? To be in the teams, you HAVE to be a GOOD player. I bet the teams attack and not run away and hide under the nearest rock to the spawn point or sit 2 km back.
You know, I played a lot of tournaments back in a day and all best players had great K/D and all would tell You that K/D matters
I suppose you could say that K/D matters a little, but K/D on it’s own has never won a game. It needs zones to win a game. I would think that you would know what I am saying then that if your team sits back to get kills and doesn’t bother to attack or capture the zone/s, would you expect them to win ??? Would you expect them to move on to the next stage after losing???
I would also think that they got their good K/D ratios by being good at killing the enemy when they take the zone so they can win. Good players will never camp in their spawn point or just outside.
Gaijin said that killing is the ultimate way to win a game. Capping point without destroying enemies in first place won’t do much. By killing enemies You are doing team a favor.
The game is based on frustration forcing you to buy premium vehicles due to an incomprehensible grind. I’m not surprised that people leave the game due to stupid mechanics and unfinished gameplay.
The major reason I do ODL is because of the CAS filled games
I’ve had a match where a player killed 10 enemies and we still lost because nobody captured the points. Kills mean nothing.
So he was the only person in the team?
I had a match where guy captured many zones and still lost.
Give me unlimited map bans and a smaller maximum BR spread and I will never abandon a match again.
Once again you can’t argue any point honestly. If the rest of the team refuses to play the game they’re screwed, and sadly this is about every match now. Often times I’m having to face enemy teams that can’t even shoot back or capture points, the issue goes both ways. It’s either dumb teams or dumb enemies.
Tbh if the game just had system where at the end of a round we could choose a new map to play with the same players, the game would be way more fun.
Hate to say this but I do this ALOT. Trying to grind Germany with Pzbl 123. When I die, I leave. I don’t have any more backups and if I did I won’t waste them if I don’t like the map, or if I did bad first go around. And I don’t have any other vehicles (premium or non premium) at that BR. I don’t really have a choice. Staying there and spectating is the same thing.
I think the only way to fix this would sell premium vehicles in packs like MBT and IFV but not all national have a same BR Premium lineup so may be best to give the premium vehicle and 1 vehicle at the same BR from the tech tree in a pack like I would buy the premium leopard Pzbl 123 and an MBT from the tech tree like the leopard 2K as a pack 🤷♂️🤷♂️
Please point out where I’m being dishonest here.
You had games where one guy killed many and still lost and I had where one capped a lot and still lost.
I rather have a guy who kills many than the one who goes for caps and does nothing more as if there are no enemy to cap, You will win the game. But if one can only cap and not kill enemies, then his input won’t make a change.