War Thunder is pay to win

Prove that camo is fictional, I’ll wait.

You can max your crew without GE.

That’s a really well made topic, congratulations :)

About Aces, I got one for “free” : F1C-200 (lol)

The true problem to get aces is that the the usuals BR update are just screwing presets and we have to purchase crew/expert on other slots than before to accomodate new BR lineup (except Air RB)… Added to the fact that we have to purchase expert first to start collecting XP for ACE (and so all others battles without Expert are lost) and to the fact that XP (and Expert) isn’t shared to each slots Make it almost impossible to get free ACES…
Exemple : if you use CAS in your ground line up on another slot that your air line up, first you have to buy Expert twice, second if it need 1.000.000XP to get Ace and you have 600k in CAS and 600k in air battles you’re screwed even if you reached the XP needed…
Same if they tweak the BR, maybe you were at 900k/1M but you have to change the slot to do not screw the line up; all progress (and Expert/SL) are lost…

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I generally agree with all of these points, though there are some that I dont particularly mind.

Backups imo are fairly fine as-is, as its not hard to get them free. I only find them semi-powerful in AAB, and only to a point. Crew slots though? 100% should be changed. I dont mind the last 1-2 being GE, but slots 5, 6, and 7 should be SL or vehicle rank unlocks. (Similar to presets.)

→ Note: To a point, crew slots in AAB can be counter-intuitive, as most nations do not have a 10 plane lineup at one BR. Sweden, for example, only fills out a six plane lineup at 5.3.

Aced crews/Bushes, though, I fully agree on. Imo, aced crew should simply be removed and the stats given to expert, or its RP requirements should be massively decreased. Bushes should just be able to be turned off.

If your opponent is not experienced it gives you a clear advantage over him, I think that’s a fact.

I’ve not seen many bushes in high tiers for evident reasons but in lower ones they’re usually spotted.

I wouldn’t say they’re fictional, but there’s a way they could be “fixed”. You see, countless players put bushes all over their vehicles including optics and periscopes, which in most cases allows you to only see their barrel for example. They could add a field of view for each optic (including the gunner’s) that wouldn’t be able to be blocked by a bush or any kind of decoration. IMO this would be a useful and realistic nerf.


Back then, an entire pack of bushes was around 500 GE (from what I remember). Now it’s 500 GE per bush. Of course people would be less enticed to pay for them, but it’s still an advantage nonetheless.

And bushes still help even at top tier. It may not help you with not being seen, but it definitely helps you with making your tank ambiguous, make them look bigger than it actually is, and to cover weakspots.
Just look at these, for an example, and tell me what tank these are:


Funny to read all the P2W/P2P shilling comments.

Regardless of how u wanna twist wording, etc. Paying does give you ton of advantages over most other players who are not paying. Especially bad is the gaijin cartel market.

Its just ludicrous how many people are affected by Stockholm syndrome here (forum in general) and defending blatantly bad corporate practices.


Oh look, bushes make the tanks easier to spot and frag.

Here’s evidence that bushes are the opposite of pay to win:

Thanks for proving there’s no pay to win, and I’m glad others agree that bushes aren’t pay to win by liking your post.

That’s assuming you are actually able to find the weakspot and kill the tank. No one is saying that they make it hard to spot. Everyone is saying that they make it harder to identify and kill easily.

They’re doing the opposite? How is it fair that someone can obscure their tank’s shape??

Please stop twisting other’s words to fit your narritive.


Do people really not use ranging shots or spray with a machine gun to look at the damage card?

You can do that, but you’re also exposing where you are, and you may not have time to do so, nor be close enough to do it effectively.
Machine gunning is also somewhat unreliable when it comes to triggerring the X-RAY view.

if youre close to the point that its not viable just shoot the barrel, if you’re far away in the time it will take for them to spot you there’s been time to get a follow up shot in where a weakspot is once you’ve seen the card

That’s the point though, you are recommending to ‘just shoot the barrel’ instead of the weakspot of the tank (that you’d normally see and recognise without bushes). How is this fair?

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I do the same in close quarters bushes or not because I cant rely on APDS to not have a random bs moment

That’s just an APDS issue, not that bushes are fair.

still a good practice to barrel them either way that’s not bush dependant

Maybe, but usually it’s better to outright kill them in one shot instead of having to always rely on getting the barrel first.

yea thats fair but even when im using a shell that has good damage output like the 28pdr or L7 I like to be secure

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You just shoot center of the bushes that don’t match any of the maps and destroy the tank.
Again, proving that it’s not pay to win.
Screenshots disprove his own narrative.