War Thunder is pay to win

Bushes can adapt to the surroundings and weather - have you never used them?

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Once again, that’s a “shoot me here” profile.
All these screenshots prove is 1; People don’t even know how to place bushes to be marginally useful, and 2; the bush placement is detrimental to survival.

What do you know about it?
Apparently top players are doing it wrong then.

yea using a bush like that makes you stick out more because its a floating tree with a tank hull. if anything that’s a big "shoot me " sign

if you want to optimise its ok for parts of your tank to be uncovered, just have most of it covered evenly

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Crew skills are 100% free to play with options.

"Don’t worry bro, crew skills are 100% free to play, as long as you don’t mind your non-monitary “option” being having to grind HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of hours for just a SINGLULAR aced crew.

What a complete joke you are acting like any players who aren’t jobless grease trolls that slave away 7+ hours daily on this game could have even remotely enough time to dedicate to earning an aced crew this way.

The amount of RP Gaijin forces you to farm via a single vehicle with the “free option” is intentionally made to be the most insane and unobtainable amount for the average player.

For me to freely ace the crew on my Leclerc S1, I’d have to earn 1,280,000 RP just via the Leclerc S1 ALONE.

That’s the equivilant of me grinding the Leclerc S1 again 3.2 TIMES, and now I have to fill that insane RP pool WITH A SINGLE TANK, NOT A LINEUP.


Your an out of touch shill all the way through I swear


I interviewed a camo engineer and read camouflage documentation.

It’s used to obscure vision.
That bush profile doesn’t obscure, it does the opposite of obscure.
I’ve done a few tanks that obscured, and even then the effect was marginal at best where I just removed them in favor of cool decoration instead.

Tanks are too large, and bushes too artificial and small for them to be even as-effective as the camo-net tanks in WT currently.


It sticks out more, but it also completetly makes your tank unrecognizable when hull-down.
It also makes it so that they may shoot through the bushes and hit nothing instead of something.

you are wasteful and unoptimal this is how to do it

Camo in real life helps differently to War Thunder. They are not the same.
One is to actually make them blend into the surroundings, the other is trying to make it so that you can’t identify the tank nor hit it correctly.

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I can recognise that that is a Centurion. Now I know where to shoot you. See the problem?

P2W be damned, I want them to deal with the cheating and the ULQ abuse. I am so sick of being shot through 10 bushes and tons of tall grass, where barely the top of my turret is sticking up.


No it doesn’t.
I can clearly see that’s a round turret tank with a NATO gun, I’d deduce Chieftain/Sabra almost instantly because of the barrel.
And my pattern recognition isn’t even good.

ULQ makes the game harder to play. Ultra settings make it easiest to spot enemies.

it was a mk10 so you need to be a bit more careful. from 1km away and standing still around other bushes not a chance of identifying it

This is the perfect example of what I mean!
This is actually a Sabra Mk.I.

Exactly as I suspected.
Same turret weakspots at the end of the day too.

But you get the point. There’s more value in getting them to miss weak spots / misidentifying than it is to hope that they don’t see you with it on.

Alvis, can you please stop trying to lie to my face?
You edited your post.


And this is only one vehicle. Imagine misidentifying a different vehicle, with different weak spots?


this is AlvisWisla, hes notorious for htis


I made a mistake and corrected it.
If you’re going to accuse everyone on the planet of lying for making mistakes, maybe you should get off the Internet.

This is what my screen looks like right now BTW.

Yes, I am known for my honest sincerity and correcting my typing mistakes.
Glad you accept it.

Of course you thought it was the Sabra after I conveniently told you afterwards.
My bad.