You don’t need to be Einstein, just reading the in-game chat tells you that… ,-)
Imho this question is purely academic.
Therefore a purely academic answer:
The game will die.
It doesn’t matter if you offer a video game as full price with half price updates or as f2p game with in-game purchases:
If nobody is willing to pay for your product, there is no economic reason to keep it alive.
A really interesting question would be:
What happens when income decreases - either by less spending per paying players or shrinking player numbers?
And this has to be seen from a strategic perspective and from multiple angles simultaneously and is even more speculative than your question.
No reloading? Are you mad? It’s probably the most direct benefit of all of the skills.
Also leadership is not a top 3 skill.
Like I said, this thread will be people claiming “it’s not pay to win because pay to win is this very narrow definition that I just made up to pretend it’s not pay to win”
Claiming it’s not p2w because you won’t win every time if you pay, such epic level of cope.
I don’t know why people feel the need to lie to themselves this much.
I have the tam2ip, sea vixen, 2s38 and t-55am. I’m fully aware of what p2w is.
Even if premium vehicles didn’t exist, being able to pay for crew skills would meet all but the most dishonest fanboy p2w definitions.
The “ethnical” revenue streams for the game are premium time and to a certain extent the battle pass.
Many of the premium vehicles and the ability to buy skills (which likely only exist so you can buy them) are “unethical”, since they’re p2w.
Without the p2w streams there would still be the more ethical “pay to skip” monetisation strategies.
It’s still a little bit of a problem that these strategies encourage developers to introduce annoyances into the game that we pay to remove (hence the INSANE grind earlier in the game’s lifespan before all of the premium vehicles)
Oh its just how I personally do my points its not some kind of meta, you can do however.
You don’t want faster reload? It’s a significant improvement too!
The number of time’s i’ve won an engagement because i reloaded before the other guy…!
But in the sense that pay to win is used by some debaters here, there will be no clear differentiation between p2w and pay to skip. Skipping implies it isn’t exclusive to buyers but gives an advantage.
Now assume that the same vehicle is available as premium and as free (we do have that). That vehicle would still be pay 2 win, because if you pay, you have an advantage over the guy who just dragged his vehicle from the junkyard.
So if one definition of p2w applies to the game in any and all cases, that definition is too broad to differentiate.
I suggested p2w as “gives an exclusive advantage to buyers”. But this isn’t agreed on here.
Why are you people so upset if someone buys a premium vehiecle and starts palying top tire and sucks and get killed non stop??? Like I dont get it how is that affecting you? agian if you not streamer/pro player NOBODY cares about your stats they are irrelevant. Nobody cares precentage of wins for nation you Main…like you guys being upset on people who buy top rank plane is mind blowing to me…
Just play the game if you care about stats this is not Single player game, get on with friends or squad and you have no worries…LIke this whole topic is just mind blowing.
Pay to win what??? RP or SL or what??? Redicilous
I suspect that we talk about self respect here. Many kids have little else they can derive self respect from. And some adults also define themselves through their ingame achivements.
This is not limited to to top tier, basically all BRs are dominated with guys which have zero clue how to play - and the game results are reduced to purely random effects as the number of such noobs and and how they are split between teams became the main decisive factor.
There is nothing wrong with spending money and playing a video game without any clue - it is a free world. But as soon as those guys make up 90% of the players in average lobbies they artificially alter the outcome of matches.
Quite simple:
Less skilled players in large numbers create steam roll effects (which happen also when experienced players play, but the way to get there takes longer and is way more demanding) which makes actual skill way less decisive.
Why? If you play either 8 vs 2 or 2 vs 8 after a few minutes in both cases skill skill has no longer any impact, either you hunt or you are hunted.
The total number of rookies playing certain nations or using certain premium vehicles has also a severe effect on the BR setting policy of gaijin. So the more rookies buy and play with them, the lower their BR becomes. This creates severe imbalances within the game when experienced players use those undertiered vehicles.
In other words: The fun you might have with a “Live.Die.Repeat” approach impedes the fun experienced players have.
The only guys which really benefit from the current state of the game are gaijin and stat optimizer squads like ENSO or DONE. Highly skilled pilots farming those rookies.
Whilst this might be true for some this is for sure not relevant for all. I could also say that some adults are not capable of playing the game with any kind of remarkable achievements or results despite they played more than 30k battles.
here is the solution for this
“These features do not belong in War Thunder” , so what you are saying is that you want them to run a free game without making money from said game, all while paying employees and running servers (almost) 24/7 and while having to pay company taxes. if there was no in-game purchases then this game would have died long ago not due to players but because they would have gone bankrupt long long ago, sure in game purchases are annoying to see in a game but its a free to download game, how else do you expect them to make money they are a company after all and have expenses they need to pay
It looks like your reading comprehension is on par with your pilot skills.
Your conclusion for the fact that noobs are polluting the game and are ruining subsequently the game play for more experienced players is that anybody who wants to have fun whilst playing an online game (if fun is determined by having fun and a challenge and not playing like headless chicken) is to play single player.
Lowering standards because the majority or certain minority groups can’t meet them is one of the reasons why societies will collapse. If you think you argument through your next surgery can be performed by a car mechanic because he has fun doing surgeries - and his dad was able to pay the fee to get him the job. Have fun.
Instead of producing one nonsense post after another (which is your right) you might consider to invest your energy in learning how to play and some additional time in grammar.
In-game purchases are fine. “DLCs/Expansion packs” are fine. In Warthunder, DLC/Expansion packs manifest in form of premium vehicles and cosmetics. Warthunder also has a very okay and justifiable premium system for faster unlock of base-game vehicles.
Making it so if you take the exact same vehicle, with the exact same modifications, at the exact same altitude, at the exact same initial speed, with variations in control input within tolerance for un-scripted inputs…
Why does aircraft A (expert, max G/stamina) sustain 5.5G for over 35 seconds (potentially more if we didn’t run out of ground), yet the same aircraft in a different crew slow that is lvl 2 G/stamina and no expert pass out after 21 seconds of 5.5G turn?
This is NOT okay. In a respectable PvP game, Unit A should always behave as Unit A regardless of who is using it provided they input the same inputs in the same initial condition.
Imagine if in League of Legends, you could influence your heroes’ ability cooldown and damage and regen with features you need to grind for ~60 hours per hero archetype or pay a bunch of money.
Oh wait, League had such a mechanic (Rune Pages). It was blasted as pay to win and been a point of ridicule and superiority for Dota2. Riot finally realized the problems with such and removed rune pages. Now, you get all runes at game start, and paying only gives you more slots to design pre-sets for convenience (rather than faffing about each match to get your perfect rune setup). F2P gets some free slots at level 10.
Why 5.5G? It was the sustained G I could most consistently replicate in the F4U-4 on the Denmark test flight map using a descending spiral.
It’s even more NOT okay that render distance is tied to this absurd system. In my F4U-4 in sim, I can somehow see much further and have better preripherial vision than in my Spitfire MkIX/Bf10F4/I185. How?
In air sim, the skill expression manifests partly in the hunting for enemies and spotting and tracking them and also evading detection by knowing contrail altitudes, terrain and abusing clouds and the sun (using the sun versus bf109s is evil, their frontal glasspane pretty much becomes washed out at the right angle. )
And while arguably, this is just like unlocking vehicles (pay to progress), the Time-to-Progress and the expected level of progression throws a wrench into the works.
Using ASB’s useful actions because it’s consistent and capped - you can get ~2200 RP per 15 minutes in a typical BR 4.0 vehicle, or 4400 with premium. To get level 5 G/Stamina, you need 2x2571=5142 skill points. You get 1 skill point per 100 RP, so 5142 requires 514 200 RP. This requires, from scratch, 514K/2.2Kx15/60 (/2 if premium)= 58/29 hours depending on premium (it’s more than my previous rounded to 5K calculations, yes). Realistically, you’ll get ~900 crew XP by the time of a BR 4.0 plane so that comes out roughly at lvl 2 G/Stamina, you only got ~4.1k to obtain, you’ve barely made 1/4 of the progress to 5/5.
And you need a level 10 crew to expert it, meaning you need to max out G/stamina or spread your skills around and delay maxing out G/stamina. Expert alone gives you +0.5 G sustained, maxing gives you 0.9, and stamina works less plainly than G-tolerance (I’m yet to find a test that precisely replicates the stat card values. I imagine the complication is in when it starts counting down and how quickly it counts down.)
So, even with premium time it’s absurdly long. With premium, it’s 29 hours from scratch for each nation and crew slot you fly assuming you always get at least 600-800 score each UA cycle, RTB to land and never get killed.
m1a1 HC and the click bait are the same tank the hc gets a dozer the clickbait doesnt
DLC/Expansion pack having a similar vehicle as base game but with different abilities is not an issue.
Western Lords DLC for AOE2:DE has nations that can employ the generic units with different potentials to say, base game japan. This is fine.
What is not fine is the fact that I can grab my F4U-4, put it in crew slot 1 or 2, slap expert on it and camp 5.5G indefinitely, then I put the F4U-4 on crew slot 5 to imitate being a new-ish player (or someone starting america and just unlocked F4U-4) and pass out after 21 seconds of descending spiral at 5.5G (this slot is lvl 2 G/stamina).
In AOE2:DE, if you pick japan you expect japan to have the same strengths/weaknesses whether you own Western Lords or not.
Its free to play game, anyone can play it however they want it no matter the expiriance, there is no rule broken if noob buys top tire premium and sucks in it… I gave you advice on how to solve your problem if you dont want to play with random noobs and you somehow got insulted.
Standard of the gameplay in free to play online multiplayer videogame?
You comparing this to playing free to play online video game LMAO…
Puh, a lot to unpack - my last answer to you:
Any serious conversation requires the willingness to understand the other side. This requires also the necessity to read what others wrote - just in order to come to the right conclusion.
Discussions are not there to “win” an exchange of words, the main goal is to reflect own positions by trying to understand underlying motivations of others with deviating opinions.
Often the most important things are not expressed in words, so the key to understand others is also to think about what was not said.
So listening (or in this case reading) of deviating opinions shows not only respect, it is also the minimum requirement for any exchange.
Any fruitful discussion produces a mutual benefit by seeing topics from different perspectives. This reflection might result in a change of opinions - or not, it actually doesn’t matter.
So to make this clear:
- If i would like to have an advise - i would have asked.
- If i would have a problem with the game - i would not play it.
- If i see completely irrational posts in a public forum and i am somehow affected - i reply to them.
I mean, no offense, but with replies to others on this level you show simply that you are either not willing or not capable to acknowledge deviating positions.
This is actually irrelevant for this forum, but you will face serious issues irl if you don’t understand that listening to others and trying to investigate their real motivations is the key to get along with others, no matter in business or private issues.
There is zero benefit of posting something like that:
…when the person you are replying to has stated this 2 posts earlier:
And something like that:
…shows that you have severe issues to understand the basic principle of examples; sometimes you have to use exaggerated examples to point out logical flaws.
Plz just read it and think about it.
Have a good one!