War Thunder is pay to win

I love how you guys are trying to educate me with basic things :)

I will be convinced only with one research: play a couple of months the same vehicle but with aces and experts. Then compare statistics.

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So, you don’t think in a 1vs1 dogfight, as is pretty common in ASB, being able to sit on someone’s tail indefinitely as they’re pulling up to 5.9/6.1 trying to escape you until you are able to get a shot off makes no difference to if you suddenly lose control 21 seconds in and plummet from 1.7 kilometer high to 1.1 kilometers until you regain control?

Nor do you think it impactful that one player can BnZ at 680 km/h, hard pull and retain control to open fire while the other passes out and misses the shot opportunity?

Nor do you think it impactful to have someone on your tail, you’re pulling a last-ditch maneuver to survive. If you ddi this in Crew A, you’d be fine. But because you’re in crew B, now you’re flying straight for a good 2-3 seconds making a very easy shot?

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But sometimes you lose fight its normal… Like Im trying to understand you but I just cant…I get it aced crew makes diffrence still if you dont know how to position yourslef or manoeuvres its irrelevant.

Let me tell you this joke.


Aliens captured chemist, physicist and mathematician. Put them separately in rooms, gave a lot of instruments, notebook and locked chest with food. In a couple of weeks they checked them.

Chemist first. He is full, satisfied. Chest is open. Checked the notebook. One page is filled with chemical reactions. So, he used chemicals to open the chest.

Physicist second. He is also full and satisfied. Chest is open. Checked the noteook. One page is filled with formulas of material strength and calculation of impact spot. He used tools to open the chest.

Mathematician at the last. Starving, angry, agressive. Chest is closed. Checked the notebook. Every page is filled with text and formulas! And every page starts with the same phrase “Let’s assume the chest is open…”

Enough theory. If you claim WT is p2w, then prove it with real experiment.

Oke do you guys think playing on PC with higher framerate is advantage towards people on console?

This might be the reason for the resistance of some of the folks here, they can’t follow rather easy to understand topics as the don’t have similar passion levels regarding air combat.

Dude - you tried to educate others that a maxed crew and an aced plane plays no role. If you can’t follow basic thing regarding ACM this is a “you” problem.

There is no need to convince you - every halfmost decent pilot is fully aware of this topic.

I do not see this whole debate as a p2w issue - if you don’t want to go in a fight you are unable to win as you can’t perform the necessary maneuvers due to low crew skills, you have 2 options:

  1. Play long enough to get a max crew and ace for free and avoid unwinnable fights until then, or…
  2. Invest the few bucks to upgrade crew and your plane right now.

The criticism i see it that these few bucks increase the higher you go, sum up if you have line-ups and play different nations and the RP requirements to get this for “free” are reaching astronomical amounts.

That’s why we have discussions with >700 posts which confirm the importance of crew skills:

So instead of trying to look smarter than you actually are, relax and do not expect that anybody will take you seriously if you have doubts about the impacts of a maxed crew and an aced plane.


Personal equipment cannot be included as part of the game design process, so irrelevant question.

Crew skills are an intentional game design decision gaijin made, and thus can be criticized.

Have 2 “Real game examples” of G-LOC that in my previous experiments would NOT have occured (maxed G/Stamin+expert being able to sustain indefinite up to 5.9G, and being able to slam a P-51 into the ground at 680 km/h and pull out last second into a flat circle versus Bf109F4 doing vertical scissors at 600 km/h passing out on the “low” end of the exchange).

Bf109F4 vertical scissors with XP-50

Did I play this perfectly? No. I should have cut throttle when on top of the scissor and diving down to tighten my turn and maybe get guns of the XP-50 earlier.

P-51D-5 descending spiral with a Bf109K4


Did I play this perfectly? No, I made a very “I should have died” mistake earlier in our duel during the first merge where I bled too much speed. And maybe I could’ve had better aim and hit the few shots of opportunity I had. My only defence - server replays don’t show the gyro sight working properly, I pulled the trigger when the enemy fuselage was within my gyro sight trusting my vertical targetting.

Did I enjoy this duel? Incredibly, it was fun to have a fight start at 4.5K and slowly bleed energy until we were mowing grass almost. It just bothers me how if I used my crew slots 1/2 rather than crew slot 5, it would have been an easier win.

And this is the big one. I never ran into crew skill issues flying just my american planes since they were already maxed. Deciding to diversify and fly every WW-2 relevant nation/manufacturer made it very painful.

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Then you got the price wrong.

Maybe but just maybe USA planes are better?

Again I dont think this whole game is just crew skill… Only when its aced then you have advantage only and ONLY if you know what you doing, otherwise not that relevant

You can have 0 seconds reload, if you dont know how to position yourslef with tank you are RIP, like it means nothing.

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Oh no! My favorite free game that has a massive dev team and possibly the largest F2P game in the gaming industry has to make money to pay their workers and server fees!

I will admit there are a few things they can work on, like the crew system, namely the SL-ace crews, like decreasing the price the more perk blocks you have completed or invested crew points into. That and the overall crewing system is just bad. I shouldn’t have to pay 1 million SL to ace a crew for a vehicle I like when the crew slot is already maxed out.



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F2P games can thrive even when not monetizing mechanics that affect gameplay.
WT really missed out on crates/skins that nowadays any major game is highly focused at.

Monetizing through cosmetics is the way to go.


Wasn’t Gaijin among the top 10 most earning companies? I may be wrong, but I think it’s just they’re greedy as heck. We all get they need money but the current situation is excessive.

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Imagine if League of Legends allowed you to purchase an advantage out-of-game that made your heroes regen faster, have faster cooldowns or deal more damage.

Imagine the outrage.

Don’t need to. This happened. Rune pages were a thing.

They were a point of significant contempt.

Riot finally wizened up and removed Rune pages and introduced a new system where everyone gets every rune unlocked at level 1, and the only thing you can buy or unlock thru grinding is… pre-sets for faster choosing of what runes you use. Useful, but not mandatory.

Now the only thing they sell is skins and early-access to new heroes. They seem to do well financially.

Nobody knows this.

Gaijin Kft in Hungary has allegedly revenues of ~120 mln Euro (2022 or 2023) - but this says nothing about Gaijin Entertainment as a group. if you look at the footer of gaijin’s support page, you see just another company.

As their shares are private owned, you have way less insight and transparency as with stock listed companies as there is (depending on applicable accounting standards) often no need to publish consolidated figures.

The sole purpose of various companies in a group is often to transfer actual income to the location with the lowest corporate taxes. In order achieved this they charge management fees or license fees within the group companies until the money is in the “right” company.

Having a location in Cyprus looks not like a coincidence…

Edit: Earnings (aka as revenues) says nothing about actual profits.

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The “Convertible RP” system is also archaic and extremely predatory for players. I’ve accrued ~51m of those and Gaijin is gatekeeping me out of it’s use unless I pay 1 GE for 45 CRP.
So, in order to spend all those 51m, I’d have to pay over one million (yes, million) GE, which is just ludicrous to say the least.

At the rate of 25k GE = 165 EUR, getting a million GE is exactly 6600 EUR, which is a comical sum to spend on a game.


Sure now WT has to be like Leauge of Legends… To me personaly all of this looks like you guys are used to kiling people and now people can kill you and you dont like it and then you trying to find every way to make things go back to old…Sorry Im gonna on purpose buy 200 euors of GE and just ace evertyhing and laugh.
Like common talk about how radar missiles that are LOCKED on enemy hit your teammate, talk how thers bug not crew skill with invisible tanks, talk about how clumsy Top tire is regarding BRs, how 75% or games are uptires, how thers bugs from 3 years ago… who cares about some crew skill and you guys not being able to farm kills and then brag about stats… Like laughable.

Same as 17 million uniqe players LOL… all that data is most of the time uped to bring more people to the game, fair and I have nothing against it.

And no, USA planes are not better.

It makes sense the F4U-4 can pull more Gs because of G-suits.
It does NOT make sense than the early-version of the P-51 using the old Allison engine without any special cockpit design or anything can pull more Gs for longer than the bf109F4 or Spitfire MkIX.


That’s not even relevant.

I can grab the F4U-4 or P-51.
I put it in this crew slot:

Crew Slot 1

6.5G max sustain.

Crew Slot 5

5.4G max sustain

Let's play the same game with P-51 (no G-suit)

I can maxed out crew on MiG-21 Bison in less then 300 games. And I use MiG-21 Bison like this literally :

  • 14 min of fuel
  • fuel tan + 2 R-73E + 2 napalm bombs
  • fly left or right (depends were I spawn or if tornados are also going for base)
  • fly low and constantly be in red with speed but not to break wings
  • bomb one base , try to get a kill

Average time played is like ho much time you need to base + maybe 2-3 min max.
In Air realistic… so yeah its not that hard, everyone can have max crew really quick…

And for ace, its 3.6k GE or 1,35 mill RP. After 650k its 1800 GE, after 1,012,500 is 900 and at last FREE…

So looking at this last ofc you gonna have advantage, like what did you expect?
If you wanna advantage buy it or grind it, theres no other way. Its soo simple… you can pay it but also you can grind it… same as Premiums… I can pay to grind faster with top tire or I can grind to it…