War Thunder is Going to die in 2-4 Years

I haven’t posed an argument, I’ve merely rebutted your stupid proposition…

The cost they spend on thier machine has no bearing on how many hours they spend in game, or what worth their time is, it’s absolutely a moronic take because there is no link.

And there you are with the tried time old failure of assuming that I do what I am defending, just because I defend it… You’re terrible.

You show you have a jaded perception, which means anyone who disagrees with you is turned into an enemy for whatever reason you think they disagree with you for.

(Edit - Nope)

Here is a short essay, I definitely wrote myself regarding the subject of why war thunder will die in 100 years.


In an era characterized by disruptive technological paradigms and ubiquitous digital transformation, the sustainability quotient of “War Thunder” is precariously tethered to an intricate lattice of multi-layered stakeholder engagement and dynamic value proposition recalibration. As we navigate the confluence of emergent market synergies and cognitive dissonance within evolving gamer demographics, the necessity for agile strategic realignment becomes an operative imperative. The current operational framework exhibits a discernible misalignment of core competencies, potentially precipitating a dissonant feedback loop that undermines user retention metrics and exacerbates attrition trajectories.

Moreover, the inability to leverage disruptive innovation vectors and harness big data ecosystems for real-time predictive analytics could catalyze a paradigm shift toward experiential gaming modalities that resonate with the next-gen consumer ethos. The ongoing content saturation and narrative fatigue may engender a pronounced decline in engagement KPIs, thereby necessitating a robust re-engineering of the value chain to foster cross-platform interoperability and immersive engagement frameworks.

Failure to enact a holistic stakeholder-centric approach through cross-functional synergies and strategic foresight will inexorably lead to the obsolescence of “War Thunder,” positioning it as a quaint relic of antiquated gaming paradigms. Thus, without the implementation of a comprehensive transformational roadmap, the brand’s trajectory is destined to succumb to the inexorable forces of market attrition, ultimately resulting in its systemic dissolution within the next century.


Oh yeah can’t forget! Cut back on your usage of gaseous CFCs and protect that Ozone layer. Sure it’ll probably only withstand a few years of the excess UV radiation but that’s a few years where it’s slightly safer to go outside.

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Here’s some numbers.

Minimum wage in my country is 1672 HUF. With taxes (33%), that’s 1120 - 2.71 euro. With legal 160 hours, it comes out at 179 000 HUF per month after taxes.
Monthly income working for a pharmaceutical company as an MSc holding research chemist is 552 000 HUF/month (369K per month after taxes), assuming 160 legal working hours we get 3450 per hour, with taxes 2311 - 5.59 euro.

My current gaming rig, upgraded piecemeal every few years, would come out at…
(Ryzen 5 5500 - 37K,
Nvidia 1050 Ti 4GB - 68K,
MSI MPG B550 “Gaming Plus” 53K,
16Gb Kingston 3200 DDR4 - 15K,
500GB CT500BX500SSD1 SSD - 12K,
WDC WD10EZEX-22BN5A0 HDD - Cannot find, random WD 1tb HDD gives 22K)

So, total… 207 000 HUF. We havn’t considered the monitor, which should be about 50Kish as well, but we can ignore it assuming you already got one.

A minimum wage worker makes 1120 per hour.
A MSc university-taught chemist working for big pharma as a research chemist makes 2311 per hour.

My rig takes 200 hours for a min wage worker and 100 hours for someone with my qualifications (even if I’m academia with even worse pay).

And my rig plays Warthunder on low/ medium-low settings and gets regular FPS drops and buildings pop in all jarring in ASB when flying low (super fun when diving on a guy).

And this is assuming we’re not spending our money on anything but gaming! (ignoring desires to put aside money to save up the 10K euro needed to escape towards a more civilized country west of wien and north of tarifa.)

Rent… if you live within 30 km commute of the only place with reasonable jobs you get… on average 250 000 HUF/month. Notice it’s higher than min wage? Notice it’s half a MSc Chemist’s income? If we’re accepting crappy public transport that takes 1+ hours to get to where you want and shady neighbours, we can find rent for 180K per month for a 1 bedroom somewhere like the 18th district.

If you live 60+km commute (thank god for work for home for me…), you’re looking at a “more reasonable” 80-150K rent per month. Still bulk of your money is gone on rent, food, travel and sustenance even with a good paying job in big pharma (and even more so as a grad student/candidate or min wage worker.)

You feel severely out of touch.


Dude, I literally have a 2013 PC that’s not worth more than a pair of shoes nowadays, and I’m using low/medium settings in Full HD.
Of course I have many resource heavy options disabled. My PC is absolute trash.
I’m fairly sure you’re either using horribly outdated drivers or you have something enabled which basically forces you into the performance hellhole you’re in.
Anyway, I’m having stable fairly high FPS and I can still go way lower with settings without visiting the poophole called ULQ.
If I had time to buy a better PC, I would send you my current one, I bet you’d be able to bring it to 5FPS at low settings in no time.

My ancient video card literally costs six times a cheaper shoe and double an expensive, where do you find such incredibly expensive shoes?




And sure, flying straight I have no issues maintaining 60 FPS.

I fly into a furball though with explosions all around and buildings and trees? It gets choppy at times.

Settings for the record:


Why medium water quality? I found planes disappear less when flying over water with this than at low.
Why medium cloud? Because clouds get really blurry and off-putting edges that also make planes disappear.

War thunder is gonna die soon trust me bro there’s totally going to be actual competition for War Thunder outta nowhere tomorrow trust me

nobody makes you play this game other than yourself, instead of ranting on the forum just go play something else seriously

I play Air RB, Ground RB may be more resource intensive. Lets talk via priv, I’m super interested in seeing your settings, and probably vice versa. And byying old video card new from store is not exactly the good idea I bought my PC used (hence I have no idea how old it is really) back in 2014 or 2015 and it was already well discounted. No way I’d be able to sell it for decent money in 2025, and yet, it will still run WT way above ULQ settings, giving one the perfect experience of getting roflstomped by high end PC ULQ abusers (hence I avoid Ground RB like fire).

I don’t use ULQ either, I mostly fly ASB (see above - I linked my settings). The cockpit probably acts as a fairly big resource hog, especially the mirrors.

However, in my book if my PC cost this much money and it still struggles for performance, I can easily see other people living in eastern europe making eastern european income having way worse rigs than mine despite working full time and working decent jobs requiring not-insignificant training.

I mean, mirrors are fairly compressed and I haven’t noticed there’s much problem with performance in Air RB. Send me your settings, I’ll try them myself, I think there’s some weird stuff going on.
I’m from Poland myself, so I’m pretty familiar with the poor eastern european vibe. I bought my PC when I was earning whooping 500 euro a month. Minus taxes :D
If I had to play WT on ULQ, I’d probably start delivering food in the night, just to buy something better, haha. Finding good, used PCs is not that hard in here, really.
Also, again, I’m not asking for removal of ULQ. Just balance it. Once high end PC ULQ users start disappearing, it means there no longer is enough advantage worth getting your eyes melted by this abomination

As said, i linked it earlier.

Normally I sit at 60 FPS (160 without VSync, but having 130 drop to 50 is far more jarring that 60 drop to 50). I fly low with like 6-8 planes shooting each other, exploding and there’s trees and buildings and I notice it drops.

It tends to be the worst on “Winter Stalingrad” and “Stalingrad” maps due to all the buildings that pop in and pop out of LOD. Its recent popularity drove me to push “tree range” down to zero to get some performance back.

Before I VSync'd to force 60 FPS Largest variance I could find in a short timeframe (it IS recording of a replay, so not perfectly representative. But it does show how random stuff can cause FPS drops:

94 FPS:


127 FPS:


Obviously it’s not that bad as to affect my performance, it’s just jarring and unpleasant.

VSync has been helpful fixing this issue, but I need fairly low settings to maintain 60 FPS on some maps. The way this usually shows up for me is that my cockpit starts to “stutter” when performance is dropping and it feel very jarring.

This is a reasonable take - equialize what you see, how you can see and whatnot using perhaps jarring 2D sprites as very low LOD replacements rather than outright removing ground clutter (fences outright disappearing is kind of dumb).

In fact, WT seriously needs to overhaul its LoD handling because going from “doesn’t exist” to “pops in” should not be the way. It also has very jarring instantaneous switches that are unpleasant in general.

Example of a very fun LoD switch:

Now you see it

Now you don't.

What I take issue with is the idea that anyone can go and buy a powerful computer without issues, given how even my (in my books pretty meh other than CPU) computer struggles to give me consistent experience. I can easily see most people using older and weaker hardware than mine, working full time and not having much of an opportunity to upgrade.


You uh.
You literally are.

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Without taking sides on your exchanges (and hidden as imho off-topic):


I had the pleasure to live and work and later just work in various European countries and had co-workers from all over the world. One of my oldest friends with a similar career worked 2 times (= 6 years) as expat in Hungary and is considering to enjoy his retirement there. The only drawback he describes is your rather complicated language which is quite unique as it is not related to other (major) languages.

I am not sure if you see Hungary from the right perspective, the downsides of low average wages are obvious - but “more civilized” is not related to minimum wages. You have exceptionally low cost for public healthcare and non-monetary benefits like extremely low crime rates - topics mostly irrelevant for young folks, but rather important if you just want to enjoy life after work.

By the way: If you really consider to work in Spain: They have a very high pressure within the job market there, and i recommend you to analyze the data especially for younger people. You can hire guys a with Master degrees for less than 35k € in Madrid, and the cost of living there is proportionally seen even higher.

Gaming with PC:

I faced the issues you describe with ULQ decades ago - so my only advice for you would be to reconsider your approach whilst playing wt. Because this race (need to upgrade your hardware almost yearly in order to “feel” competitive) will never end.

So even if you have reached a point when you are somehow happy - the next update / patch / whatever throws you back, not even talking about other, newer games which require even better hardware.

In case you are willing to make compromises at the right place:

Consider a console. In direct comparison with a gamer notebook of ~ 1.400 € (my son plays wt too) the performance is not as bad as many think, even if some hard care guys won’t even consider this as you got max 60 fps like on my xbox.

In general consoles have way less options to fiddle with graphic settings but they are rather stable and offer 2 advantages some people have not on their radar:

  1. Consoles are (almost) “unhackable” as any kind of downloads are limited to apps. If you use just a few like APrime,YT and WT the data within your home network are safe.
  2. Playing on console in your living room / open kitchen area allows you to play wt and to participate in your family life at the same time. A rather important factor if you care about others.

Have a good one!

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How judgemental and disscriminatory…

As well as ignorant.

Your moronic takes are listed as follows… Your ‘jabs’ and making out that you’re edgy is just that, cheap jabs and showing you’re able to say things.

And to point this out to you…

A 2012 PC would be a ULQ machine, even further, it could even be as late as 2020, and need onboard graphics.

The fact you want to paint it out as poverty rather than ability to access is you making out everyone is just poor, which doesn’t make the argument you’re wanting.

Villainizing people, to barricade your stance, is ignorant and just straight up wrong.




That’s specifically why I want to move West (but no further west than New-york, unless we skip over to new Zealand but that’d be unaffordable so I stick to within EU)

I belong to a demographic whose monthly medicine is highly politicized and needs to be ordered from abroad with private practitioners. Currently, it costs me, out of pocket ~80K with lab tests, private practicioner and the meds every 3 months.

Same for crime. I belong to a demographic that is the target of violence. There’s been a girl assaulted on the tram I commute with simply because she looked like she belonged to my demographic. She wasn’t, but that’s politics. I’ve been threatened as well during my commutes, but fortunately nothing came of it.

As it stands right now, the country wants me gone one way or another (some less pleasant from my pespective), and I’m happy to oblige once I can afford it.

Beyond those more pressing “I am concerned about my continued access to medicine and continued lack of violence,” there’s matters of academia. Even though my field is a very, very detached subject from anything polarizing (physical chemistry), academia in this country is in a very unfavorable position in terms of who gets funding and who does not purely based on which booth you visit every 4 years.

For console vs PC:

You can work on a PC (programming, running computer models/simulations to see if they are feasible before wasting time on the communal lab cluster, rendering posters for conferences etc). This for me makes consoles a very unattractive option.

For me at least, my WT graphics are “acceptable.” There’s stuttering, but I can boot it up and have fun. However, I do recognize I’m on the more fortunate end of the financial spectrum and think it’s justified to have lower graphic settings to allow people to play (and ironically, using Hungary as a yardstick is for once relevant given Gaijin is HQ’d in Budapest.)

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Please guys refrain from insulting and disrespecting each other. Even though you might disagree on something there’s no need to do so.

Oof, I feel you. Hope things go well for you, though moving over here [To be frank] isnt the best option right now.

Rather sad that you feel not safe - happy to read that you have a plan and could find a way to arrange with certain limitations in wt.

Well, it’s always nice to meet a hysterical ULQ abuser (probably with high end PC) who instantly goes to insults (moronic this, moronic that) when he feels his only way to get an advantage gets threatened. People like you are what makes this community unbearable and may be one of the main factors that one day cause WT to cease to be.
Meanwhile there’s rather small amount of people who really need ULQ, and it’s not a good enough reason to FORCE people into either playing ULQ themselves or play at a constant disadvantage.

You can buy a graphics card that’s 12 years old and working for the lunch money god damn it, so this whole take of “but MUH OLD PC DOESN’T HAVE A GRAPHICS CARD” is…

well, you said it yourself, ace.

People poor enough to not be able to get a computer able to handle WT on low are also poor enough to NOT be able to afford electricity and time/energy needed to play WT regularly. Simple as this. So basically, this group of players barely even exists.

Being extremely egoistical, shot-sighted, narrow minded and stubborn is not “being villanized”, it’s the reality of forum users like you, who can’t see past their personal profit of ULQ abuse. Users, who form very large part of this glorious community and are protected by forum rules. So:

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The only ‘hysterical’ one here, is you…

Cool judgement, but I feel you are misplacing that because you merely got opposed.

Again, it’s often nothing to do with poverty, I myself used to game on office machines…

Your striving to define a group to villainize is the problem I feel the forum has.

You calling me egotistcal and all this stupid label crap is indicative of the true issue here.

I’m absolutely not protected by forum rules, so if you’ve ended up acted upon because of your interactions with me in the past, and you’re holding that as a grudge, then you absolutely done that to yourself…


I merely opposed you and made it clear your fixation on a certain group was misguided, and you got all cut up and offensive like you were the epic edgelord…