War Thunder is Going to die in 2-4 Years

How judgemental and disscriminatory…

As well as ignorant.

Your moronic takes are listed as follows… Your ‘jabs’ and making out that you’re edgy is just that, cheap jabs and showing you’re able to say things.

And to point this out to you…

A 2012 PC would be a ULQ machine, even further, it could even be as late as 2020, and need onboard graphics.

The fact you want to paint it out as poverty rather than ability to access is you making out everyone is just poor, which doesn’t make the argument you’re wanting.

Villainizing people, to barricade your stance, is ignorant and just straight up wrong.




That’s specifically why I want to move West (but no further west than New-york, unless we skip over to new Zealand but that’d be unaffordable so I stick to within EU)

I belong to a demographic whose monthly medicine is highly politicized and needs to be ordered from abroad with private practitioners. Currently, it costs me, out of pocket ~80K with lab tests, private practicioner and the meds every 3 months.

Same for crime. I belong to a demographic that is the target of violence. There’s been a girl assaulted on the tram I commute with simply because she looked like she belonged to my demographic. She wasn’t, but that’s politics. I’ve been threatened as well during my commutes, but fortunately nothing came of it.

As it stands right now, the country wants me gone one way or another (some less pleasant from my pespective), and I’m happy to oblige once I can afford it.

Beyond those more pressing “I am concerned about my continued access to medicine and continued lack of violence,” there’s matters of academia. Even though my field is a very, very detached subject from anything polarizing (physical chemistry), academia in this country is in a very unfavorable position in terms of who gets funding and who does not purely based on which booth you visit every 4 years.

For console vs PC:

You can work on a PC (programming, running computer models/simulations to see if they are feasible before wasting time on the communal lab cluster, rendering posters for conferences etc). This for me makes consoles a very unattractive option.

For me at least, my WT graphics are “acceptable.” There’s stuttering, but I can boot it up and have fun. However, I do recognize I’m on the more fortunate end of the financial spectrum and think it’s justified to have lower graphic settings to allow people to play (and ironically, using Hungary as a yardstick is for once relevant given Gaijin is HQ’d in Budapest.)

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Please guys refrain from insulting and disrespecting each other. Even though you might disagree on something there’s no need to do so.

Oof, I feel you. Hope things go well for you, though moving over here [To be frank] isnt the best option right now.

Rather sad that you feel not safe - happy to read that you have a plan and could find a way to arrange with certain limitations in wt.

Well, it’s always nice to meet a hysterical ULQ abuser (probably with high end PC) who instantly goes to insults (moronic this, moronic that) when he feels his only way to get an advantage gets threatened. People like you are what makes this community unbearable and may be one of the main factors that one day cause WT to cease to be.
Meanwhile there’s rather small amount of people who really need ULQ, and it’s not a good enough reason to FORCE people into either playing ULQ themselves or play at a constant disadvantage.

You can buy a graphics card that’s 12 years old and working for the lunch money god damn it, so this whole take of “but MUH OLD PC DOESN’T HAVE A GRAPHICS CARD” is…

well, you said it yourself, ace.

People poor enough to not be able to get a computer able to handle WT on low are also poor enough to NOT be able to afford electricity and time/energy needed to play WT regularly. Simple as this. So basically, this group of players barely even exists.

Being extremely egoistical, shot-sighted, narrow minded and stubborn is not “being villanized”, it’s the reality of forum users like you, who can’t see past their personal profit of ULQ abuse. Users, who form very large part of this glorious community and are protected by forum rules. So:

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The only ‘hysterical’ one here, is you…

Cool judgement, but I feel you are misplacing that because you merely got opposed.

Again, it’s often nothing to do with poverty, I myself used to game on office machines…

Your striving to define a group to villainize is the problem I feel the forum has.

You calling me egotistcal and all this stupid label crap is indicative of the true issue here.

I’m absolutely not protected by forum rules, so if you’ve ended up acted upon because of your interactions with me in the past, and you’re holding that as a grudge, then you absolutely done that to yourself…


I merely opposed you and made it clear your fixation on a certain group was misguided, and you got all cut up and offensive like you were the epic edgelord…



So you don’t need ULQ to give a big advantage, you need ULQ to just make the game playable. But you’ll defend status quo.

I’m not villanizing anyone. Being non existent is not getting villanized. Being a typical, loud, obnoxious, ULQ abusing kid is not getting villanized. It’s just being a typical WT player in 2025.

Probably because you only care about your ULQ abuse, while being unable to see how it negatively affects most of the playerbase.

Of course you are.
There are 2 types of people.
Those, who are extremely egoistical, narrow minded, and refusing to think logically, and normal people.
Normal people get annoyed, while people from the 1st group are just happy to write their misinformed statements over and over again, removing any chance of constructive discussion.
People from the 1st group are perfectly protected by the forum rules.
If group 2 calls them out - they get banned.
Repeat it enough times and group 1 is the majority of the community. That’s why every big social platform becomes an echo chamber, one either adapts to the way majority operates or gets booted.

And this one day will kill WT.

Also it seems my PC is a bit newer than I remembered. My CPU is from 2014, and my GPU is from 2016, which I find quite damn surprising, as I remember owning this PC in 2015, so maybe I even have bought it myself, ha.


Please look up the definition of that word, in terms of the context it’s being used…

I can assure you I am not, but I do abide by those rules, and seemingly some of the moderators don’t understand the concept of what’s being put out, and moderate based on word usage compared to actually reading it…

Thing is, you, on the other hand, make direct attacks and personal based assumption to form a stance.

This is absolutely hilarious that ‘you’ even make use of this definition… ‘normal’ being people that agree with you, or tolerate your anger and drive to attack? lol… So lmao…

Normal who don’t use insults and are logical, not hysterical and unhinged. It’s not that hardm cheers

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To be honest, you’re talking about yourself…

It really is that obvious… From your attacks on me from the airfield campers nonsense, and everything else in between… You’ve been labelistic and obtuse, making clear attacks on people for merely disagreeing with you…

Again, if you got acted on, and you hold that as a grudge, then your problem is with your actual actions… No-one else, just you.


So it’s pretty clear you exploit every unfair gameplay mechanic we have. Of course if everyone behaved like you do, you’d just stop playing WT and be absolutely amazed WHY ARE THESE PEOPLE SO BAD.


Hysterical reaction from ULQ and AF AAA exploiter. Just as expected. Just add some more “moronics” for a good effect.

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Again, you are that miusguided in your want to paint me a villain, that your anger leads you to throwout these moronic takes to cope with the fact you are merely being countered.

Spoken like the true aggrieved ‘It’s the game, not me!’ player… Seriously, get over it. You got opposed and challenged, and all you can do is make labels and be genuinely abusive.

It’s moronic, because it’s nother step from idiotic. There is nothing wrong with the word, just your inability to apply it to the context.

As I also said, you are the one who is genuinely hysterical.

(Edit - Nope…)

Your arguments are founded in little logic, and your core point MAYBE has some truth to it, we can never know however. Life is weird like that.

Most issues with this game come from the fact that Gaijin has kept the same gamemodes for 10 years with little to no change. Gamemodes which were designed for WW2 vehicles, and clearly do not work that well with modern vehicles.

The vehicles evolved, but the rest of the game did not.

Yes, this is a simplification; so don’t come at me with “oh they added new mechanics and maps!” The core gameplay loop of War Thunder has remained the same, despite the potential that clearly is here. We stand in the same circles just with different vehicles.

  1. The matchmaker remains mostly the same as well. No modern matchmaker where we can actually choose what maps we queue for. (Because it would force Gaijin to admit that people just absolutely despise some maps.)
  2. No “long” matches because it would mean that players would actually get meaningful progress into research.
  3. Helicopter grind being the most tedious and boring thing imaginable.
  4. Naval being broken and imbalanced where simply the biggest ship wins because of how maps are made and shaped.
  5. CAS being overpowered (it is, don’t try to tell me that it isn’t, currently the engagement hugely favors planes)
  6. As said before, we are stuck with the same gamemode of sitting in circles for ground. The maps are just not good. (Yes, the new map Attica is a step in the right direction, so maybe they’re finally getting their stuff together; it’s still too small however.)
  7. Air being the mess it is, largely being based on how little effort Gaijin makes with teaching the player in the game. If you think it isn’t Gaijin’s responsibility to educate the player, I kindly point you to the post where I address this in another thread I made: The ground battle CAS issue, and how people not knowing how to play SPAA adds onto it, by a lot! - #5 by Busheedoh

I’m sure there are many more things I could pick on, but largely; there is no point because Gaijin will ignore it, despite the potential for additional revenue is if they actually sat down and made their game decent. (Yes, saying this is stupid, but refer to above before you latch onto this part of my reply.)

Is that too much to ask in 2025? Clearly yes. Does it help that people can’t actually articulate their arguments in a coherent way? It doesn’t. Why do you think Gaijin at time, does what I could only describe as taking us for fools. It’s because this community is filled with people arguing with themselves, pointing the blame at each other, rather than the entity responsible for the pile of crap we sit in to begin with.

Not to mention this is only the English speaking community, the Russian one is largely separate from us; which lot of the people here forget and they equally forget and alienate us, much like some people here do to them.

The one time this community actually sat down and “unified” in some loose sense, we forced the hand of the snail. You know the saying: “divided we fall, united we stand.”

As long as we bicker between ourselves, and point fingers at our selves instead of what really is causing the problem; nothing will change.

So think on that, please.


also some fixes are easy to implement yet gaijin is scared of change. With naval they didn’t even dare to do anything other than the tank gamemode and teambased king of the hill (open occean slaughter fest where only the biggest ships win)

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They did a convoy mission, and even the EC mission style for the ships is decent.

ah yes, the convoy missions where the convoys are so annoying to deal with that everyone just shoots each other instead

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and where the convoy ends up just running into a mountain half the time

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Damn you’re honestly toxic… You have to label me as you have no actual reason to be attacking me…

That’s you through and through.

I however like playing the game and don’t hold resentment against others for being got, unlike you.