War Thunder Hottakes

It doesn’t automatically adjust the range, and doesn’t work beyond about 1000m.

How do they, and what changes would you make that change that?

There is actually indicator for your needed leads on SPAA. Just go play arcade with it. Just how i started with it and went to train abit with it, was great. Im happy enough how i do with SPAA now.

It’s still a massive handholding tool. If the crew can eyebal the range then so can you. It should be the players job.

I mean let’s go step by step.
If we take the pen indicator as an equivalent to the lead indicator for aircraft then, there is no assist the planes have that the tanks don’t.

While there are assists only for tanks.
-Like magical repairs in combat. Which is true for all gamemodes(!!) yes even sim has this BS.
-no fuel consumption
-no crash damage. Did you know that in the past you could kill the entire crew by just crashing ino a rock.

And this one is special for sim, which should be the mode with little to no handholding and tanks still get:
-a third person view
-mouse aim (!!! Cannot put enough exclamation marks onto that one)
-magic repairs
-no fuel consumption

In sim(!)

So i am confused why you can even ask such a thing. It is obvious tanks get more handholding.

The changes should be easy:
-No repairs if you are not at your spawn/base. (I mean it might be fine for arcade but after that even in RB it is a bit ridiculous)
-bring back crash damage
-fuel consumption.

And for sim:
-realistic controls.
-interior views.

At least make it fair and bring tanking to the level flying is at.

BR compression is the biggest problem and threat to this game’s longevity.

Not really. It takes a long time, and it requires a decent bit of crew skill investment to work beyond 600m.

I understand the rest of your points, and while I think they would be more realistic, they wouldn’t be good for gameplay. Crash damage should be added back, fuel consumption wouldn’t change much, and interior views would be a nice feature. However, not having repairs would really suck and kill the mode. I’d even go as far to say that RB shouldn’t have the 3rd person view, and instead it should adopt the view sim has.

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There should be a +/-1.0 BR limit for squad members (Top BR vehicle to top BR vehicle). If people want to fight jets in their reserve planes, they should go play custom battles instead. I’m personally bored of people taking P-26s to 10.0+, saying oops, must be a bad uptier, teamkilling their friend that dragged them there then leaving.

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Of course it still is. It’s the game saying:
“You are incapable of doing it on your own, so for no good reason we made a mechanic that does it for you.”

That you have to grind for it doesn’t change that.

For sim it would, it would be the entire point of the gamemode. You know? Bein a simulator.

But besides that, the argument wasn’t what is good for gameplay, but that you get your hand held hard when playing ground.

It would. Hit a gas tank and even if it doesn’t explode the fuel runs out and you immobilized your enemy.

What mode? AB,RB or SB?

It would heal SB from being a shooter. It would also give meaning to mobility kills, which irl were fairly important.

Sim view is third person and it’s a joke, the difference is irrelevant. Normal 3rd person is fine in RB.

Hottake: Nukes shouldnt be so easy to kill

They take a decent amount of work to get, and there is really no counter play when you’re in a B-29 and some fighter comes out of no where, rips off your wing in one hit, and you crash and burn 2km from the battlefield


To be honest. I dont think that is a nuke problem but a bomber problem. And all bombers need an overhauled damage model


It is a nuke problem. They picked very bad planes to drop these. None have flares and all or almost all are slow

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Specifically for the B-29. Attacked by a fighter and you loose a wing in one hit. Thats just a general bomber problem that should be fixed with a damage model overhaul.

But yes, it is kinda stupid that the nuke planes seem to be 1 BR lower than the aircraft they’ll face. I escorted a Nuke Jag to the target in a Tornado. It should have been a Tornado dropping nukes. And yes no reason for them to not have the CMs they would have had IRL (maybe even AAMs)


Quite literally necessary for the game to even be fun. Imagine playing without parts (Old without parts too, so no half-repair either.)

It would be horrible.

There is a reason why the community pushed for free parts, and you want to remove repair capability!?!?.

[quote=“DerGrafVonZahl, post:232, topic:49476”]
-bring back crash damage

Ehhh… not really, especially not in AB. We still have limited crash damage atm, which is fine. Maybe for sim, depends.

No, at least not for RB/AB. Being completely unable to move or do anything is again, horrible, and why people pushed for free parts/FPE.

Honestly, go ahead with this. Sim is the place where this belongs. (-repairs, they are still a crutial part of the game and cannot be removed.)


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Unavoidable due to modern viecles being modern viecles, though bigger maps could help.

Not really, people just have gotten used to the repairs. Steel beasts, ArmA and so forth all work without antank repair mechanicnand noone complaints.

AB and RB can have their BS. For all i care. In sim it is a joke. But it would always remain that tank players need more handholding than plane players…as a fact.

But for sim the idea is ridiculous.

Also the Community complaint because of the horrible grind it created compared to people with repair kits. Without such fiel repairs noone would have complaint because it would be fair. Again we are talking sim enthusiasts not the AB/RB shooter players.

Also base repairs would still exist even in sim. If you can still drive and repair at their base. A tank that cannot drive but still shoot is now still useful as a turret. A tank that can neither drive nor shoot is inoperable and willl be abandoned like in real life.

Seems like a good fit for a simulation.

Hell even the air ab player have to look where they are flying. Is that really too much to ask for ground players to do the same? I liked crash damage a lot back in thr day.

As said before it’s a mobility kill, those happen irl as well. Well then the RB crowd at least needs to stop pretending to care about realism. They don’t.

Not true. In ground battles planes get the same markers as tanks. So whenever they step into the same arena, GAB GRB or GSB, tanks always get their hands held muuuuch more.

I was talking about ARB for one, and CAS is already powerful enough in ground battles.

There is a big difference between a plane crashing and a tank running into a wall, you know. Especially with AB boosts, LTs would be more screwed then they already are.

Irl =/= WT, sorry to burst your bubble. Irl crews would abandon their tank after it got penetrated even once, but do they do it in WT? No, they dont. Balance should always come before realism, and Gaijin realizes that.


All heavy tank users found to have died of a heart attack, Maus moved to BR 1.0.

All of which are very, very different games to WT. WT is a simcade at best, not a full simulator.


I can somewhat agree with you on this, to be honest. I play AB myself, and I dont much like the RB elitism around being ‘more realistic.’

They do care about realism, at least in terms of tanks and how they work- if not some gameplay mechanics, which is fully excusable. I will say, y’all who play sim are crazy bastards and have my respect.

Edit: Also, GRB is nothing like GAB. GAB is very, very different.

In aecade everyone gets markers. Actually planes get less, since fighter don’t get ground markers.

The other statement needs qualifiers and is useless in it’s current form. Are you still talking about AB?
Because you have to be special to think CAS is generally overpowered in SB.

Is it? Why?

Driving at 30-50kph into a wall or large tree that stops your tank to zero without a seatbelt… That causes a lot of damage.
Players need to learn then. But isn’t this textbook handholding? Shielding players from their own incompetence?

Not in sim. It also doesn’t mean it isn’t handholding.
First you asked me what the handholding for tanks is. Then you ask me how to fix it. Now you say handholding is a good thing and doesn’t need a fix? Why the hell did you ask for a fix then?

Agumentum ad absurdum. You are talking BS.

Lol. ArmA is less of a sim than WT. WT in SB air fully qualifies as a flight sim. Fidelity wise it isn’t dar of il-2 1946 and exceeds stuff like aces high.

It’s only tanks that are a joke.

You don’t have ti respect the tankers in SB though… it’s just RB with a zoomed in view (which is kinda the problem. If you expect a tanks sim in simulator battles you will be severly disappointed)

But ninthey don’t care. They just use this to make them feel better and look down on AB players.

Breaking News! E-100 player died after impacting a wall.

It was toned down because it was unfun and stupid, and made any sort of lag spikes a large issue. Tanks are also actually on the ground instead of… 1000m in the air? No one wants to have to be f***ing paranoid about running into a wall and dying.


literally infantry

Nope. Heavy tanks would be obsolete in an instant, given they tend to get damaged in tracks/barrels/breeches etc. very often.

Dude… are you right in the head? of course noone is talking about 10kph crashes. But driving 50kph into a rock… yeah that should cause damage.

Every tank would… so what? Just make the BR reflect it.

Except mouse aim is already less accurate than real-life fire control systems.
Realism > direct control that would kill game modes.

I want it as an option in all modes, same as it is for planes.

It should be required for Ground SB (again, same as planes), but regardless the option is needed.