War Thunder Hottakes

this is the same with all western era


I don’t think anyone has ever suggested it would.
Would be much nicer only having to fight vehicles .7 higher than you, rather than 1.0 higher.

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I have one. The Ush-405 isn’t op just annoying to fight

Hot takes? Oh my god, so many come to mind…

CAS is actually fun to have ingame as ground battles only player.

There is no nation bias.

German players aren’t worse than others.

BR spread in battle creates interesting and fun scenarios and increases vehicle variety in battles.

Its good that matchmaker is not nation restricting, so there is greater vehicle variety in battles.

Its good that matchmaker is not skill based. It would make the game far more stressful if it would be.

Premium vehicles are not attractive at all.

High rank vehicles shouldn’t take longer to research, but the long grind is fun.

Big maps are often not fun to play.

Different weather conditions are elegant nerf to CAS. Fog in some battles create interesting battle conditions and small maps make more sense with fog.


This thread I wrote.

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War Thunder’s BR system makes the game’s realism far more fun than historical reenactments.


Pricing of premium packs are actually pretty well calculated once you weigh up how much RP/SL/time it would take to research and spade them regularly, ignoring the SL and RP bonuses you get with the vehicle.

I have a couple more “hot takes” if you could call it that

Sweden getting access to APDS at every tier is very reasonable considering how mid our tanks are, and people complaining about it are just players that got caught at 800m unable to effectively hit the small L/60 or Strv m/39 or Strv m/40 light tanks.

historical accuracy should be implemented sweden player are now useless. Seriously we used the Strv m/40 from 1940 to the 50s, then we had the Strv m/42 from 1942 to the 60s and we have to face: king tigers and IS-2s etc. in those. The list goes on for most of the low tier swedish vehicles. Altough our Anti-air would be fine… Thats it though.


The A6 is NOT op in Air RB at 10.3.

If you don’t have flares, avoid A6s. I would wager most planes can outrun the A6.
If your plane is slower than the A6 and doesn’t have flares, it shouldn’t be at 9.3.

I will die on this hill

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if you’re dying to the A’6 … somethings wrong with you. ( not saying its you, but people who complain about the A6 )

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This is really simple to say but is it not hard for you with a straight face to say a jet is fine and isn’t overperforming if some other jets aren’t even allowed to be near it in fear of dying?


They basically insulted most of Sweden’s aircraft, but hey I’m on in it to grind the Gripen so i can mess around in test flight because actually playing top tier is a nightmare right now in Sweden. for me at least.

This would be amazing.

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From what I’ve heard (take with a grain of salt, never actually used them) the 57-2s are akin to the Dusters

Better used as a light TD/scout than AA, but if you learn the guns they can slap planes around in a pinch

(Except for the Chinese one, the HE-VT means it’s godly)

There is a version with a radar equipped. :D

It is the ZSU-57-2M

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My hot take is this:

After not playing for a few years and just coming back to it, I can see now why I quit to begin with. It’s simply ridiculous.

Just now, in my German Churchill I was toe to toe with an M4. He sat side on to me while I put round after round into him. It showed the shrapnel tearing his crew apart. 7 times I put rounds into him.

He just does a “slowy I turn” with his turret and one shots me right through the turret.

The game looks beautiful now. It really does. And I REALLY want to like it, but that is simply ridiculous. So is 14 loses in a row since yesterday.

Hot take: Game is awful, unbalanced and there is ZERO hope for any old player to stay for long upon return, let alone any new players.

EDIT TO ADD: Sorry. I won one game about 5 games ago, so it’s 7 in a row loss, then 1 win, then another 6 loses in a row.

  • One Death leaving is an issue in the Game and ruins a lot of Matches

  • Maps are horrible and so is the Map Rotation

  • CAS isn’t bad at all even through it can be annoying at times but it usually only means one Side neglected doing Anti Air or lost and now the Enemy is reaping the rewards.

  • Spawn Camping is always going to be a thing and also usually just means one Side neglected taking care of the flanks / commonly used paths by people which then managed to get to a strong position uncontested.

  • Max Up/Downtier should be +/-0.7 and i don’t think it would increase queue times at all.

  • Repair Cost & Ammo Refill Cost shouldn’t just have been reduced but removed entirely.

  • RP Bonus when you reached higher Ranks with one Nation should be in the Game already instead of being dragged out since a year , who knows if it actually comes out with the second major Update before Summer when before they said its coming last year November and delayed it - are they going to delay it again?

  • Prototypes of a Vehicle should always be foldered (like the WZ1001(E) LCT and the 99A)

  • No Vehicles should be FOMO / locked forever and return periodically similar to the Maus.

  • It shouldn’t be possible to get Cold War / Modern Maps when playing WW2 BRs (for example Sun City while playing 5.7)

  • Non-Radar AA/SPAA should have a lead-indicator in GRB related to its Crews Rangefinding Skill

  • No Ammo should have some artificial whacky / nerfed RNG added to it like APDS being a dice-throw whether it does something post-pen or not.

  • Daily Login Rewards and the Battle Pass should be way better, could take a note from Warframe which regularly hands you out up to 75% Discounts on their in-Game Premium Currency as a daily Login Reward.

  • convertible RP should be useable with Silver Lions or have its GE cost reduced, Modifications also cost way to much GE to unlock.

  • City Maps good.

  • Ground Arcade should have higher Rewards.

  • Some Maps could need a third Spawnpoint

  • Talismans should also increase the SL gain of a Vehicle

  • Game needs more Gamemodes / Stuff to do inside a Match instead of always only the same 1-3 Objectives Deathmatch.

  • Add an option to specifically hide Anime decals (like the UU-Girl and pillows)

  • The lack of communication options such as Voicechat makes any Teamplay in a Team vs Team impossible and it seems like Gaijin just doesn’t trust their own Community with it when it works in every other more popular MP or they are to lazy to moderate it in case some abuse it and they have to spend time looking into it.

  • I don’t really mind Cold War and WW2 Vehicles being mixed but some are more immersion breaking than others. I like the M109G for example but after spading it i won’t put it in a Line Up together with Tigers and Panthers and won’t use it anymore because it just doesn’t suit into it.


I think that’s a common opinion among most players.

Yes, as these crews would have had training on where to aim, it makes sense, but I feel it would be 2-op in war thunder. Maybe could be added in a “historical” way